- 国际移民法英汉双解词典
- 齐桂红 张保平
- 68063字
- 2025-03-01 06:13:47
A-1 visaA-1签证(美)
A visa for foreign government officials,ambass-adors,public ministers,career diplomats,consular officers or other high level government officials.美国签证的一种,签发对象为外国政府官员、大使、职业外交官、领事馆官员或其他高级政府官员。
A-2 visaA-2 签证(美)
A visa for other officials or employees of foreign governments in lesser ranks.美国签证的一种,签发对象为外国政府级别较低的官员或雇员。
A-3 visaA-3签证(美)
A visa for attendants,servants or other personal employees of foreign government officials.美国签证的一种,签发对象为外国政府的随从人员、服务人员或其他私人雇员。
“A” NumberA号码(美)
The unique file number assigned by the Department of Homeland Security to every alien who is admitted to the United States or who otherwise comes into contact with the agency.This number begins with the letter “A”, followed by eight digits.由(美)国土安全部签发给每一位被允许入境美国的或与该机构联络的外国人的唯一文档号码。该号码以字母A开始,后面有八位数。
A ratingA 等级(英)
This term is applied to a sponsor under the points-based system for coming to the United Kingdom to work,train or study.It is the rating awarded by UK government when a sponsor joins the register of sponsors.该术语适用于根据计分制来英国工作、培训或学习的赞助人。在赞助人注册时由英国政府赋予的等级。
A#/alien registration receipt card外国人注册登记卡(美)
The official name used in immigration law for a green card.移民法中绿卡(green card)的正式名称。
AAPD(Asylum and Appeals Policy Directorate)庇护与上诉政策委员会
A board that is responsible to deal with the appeals against those filed by refugees.负责处理由难民提出的上诉的委员会。
abandonment of appeal放弃上诉;撤销上诉
Withdrawal of appeals.撤销上诉。相关词语abandonment of proceeding(撤诉)
abandonment of permanent resident status放弃永久居民身份
An action by an immigrant who claims to give up the permanent resident status of another country.移民放弃别国永久居民身份的行为。
abandonment of proceeding放弃诉讼;撤诉
Withdrawl of lawsuits.撤回法律诉讼。
The act of leading someone away by force or fraudulent persuasion.通过暴力或虚假劝说将某人带走的行为。相关词语 kidnapping(绑架),trafficking(贩运)
No person shall organize the coming into Canada of one or more persons by means of abduction,fraud,deception or use or threat of force or coercion.任何人不得通过诱拐、欺诈、欺骗、使用或威胁使用暴力或胁迫手段组织一人或多人进入加拿大。(加拿大2001年移民与难民法第118(1)条)
Trafficking in persons shall mean the recruitment,transportation,transfer,harbouring or receipt of persons,by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion,of abduction,of fraud,of deception,of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person,for the purpose of exploitation.人口贩运指为剥削目的而通过暴力威胁或使用暴力手段或通过其他形式的胁迫,通过诱拐、欺诈、欺骗、滥用权力或滥用脆弱境况,或通过授受酬金或利益取得对另一人有控制权的某人的同意等手段招募、运送、转移、窝藏或接收人员。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书附件二第3(a)条)
To aid,encourage or assist(somebody),especially in the commission of a crime.帮助、怂恿或协助(某人)做违法之事。
A person shall not disembark a person or group of persons at sea for the purpose of inducing,aiding or abetting them to come into Canada in contravention of this Act.任何人不得在海上使一人或多人下船,劝诱、协助或教唆其违反本法入境加拿大。(加拿大2001年移民与难民法第119条)
Each State Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences,when committed intentionally:organizing,directing,aiding,abetting,facilitating or counselling the commission of serious crime involving an organized criminal group.各缔约国均应采取必要的立法与措施,将下列故意行为定为刑事犯罪:组织、指挥、协助、教唆、提供便利或参谋实施涉及有组织犯罪集团的严重犯罪。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第5(1)(b)条)
ability to become economically established经济独立的能力
It refers to the ability of a person who can earn and control his or her own income. Business immigrants become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in the host country. 指自主获得并支配经济收入的能力。经济类移民只有在接受国具有经济独立的能力才能成为该国的永久居民。
A foreign national may be selected as a member of the economic class on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada.外国人在加拿大有独立经济能力的基础上,可以选拔其作为经济类移民的成员。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第12(2)条)
able seafarer一等水手
Able seafarer means any seafarer who is deemed competent to perform any duty which may be required of a rating serving in the deck department,other than the duties of a supervisory or specialist rating,or who is defined as such by national laws,regulations or practice,or by collective agreement.一等水手一词系指任何被认为能够胜任除管理或专业级别的职责以外的,可能要求在甲板部工作的一名普通船员从事的任何职责的海员,或根据国家法律、条例或惯例或集体协议被定义为一等水手的任何海员。(海事劳工公约导则B2.2工资)
1.A dwelling place.2.A home.1.指居住之地。2.家。
All those who are in this Act expressed to have the right of abode in the United Kingdom shall be free to live in and to come and go into and from,the United Kingdom without let or hindrance.本法中表述的在英国有居住权的所有人应在英国自由居住、来往、进出英国,而不受妨碍。(英国1971年移民法第1.1条)
A foreign national who was born in the realm,and who subsequently has continuously had a fixed abode here,may not be expelled.在挪威王国出生并有固定住处的外国人不应受到驱逐。(挪威2008年移民法第69条)
abolition of checks on persons at internal borders在内部边界取消对人员的检查(欧盟)
The Schengen Convention abolished controls at the internal borders between the signatories,harmonised controls at the external frontiers of the “Schengen area” and introduced a common policy on short-stay visas for third-country nationals and other accompanying measures like police and judicial cooperation.The Schengen signatories agreed that each country could reintroduce controls at their shared borders only temporarily and in specific,clearly defined circumstances.The Schengen provisions were not intended to regulate the right to long-term residence and work,neither for EU citizens nor for third-country nationals.申根协议取消了签约国间内部边境的控制,统一了申根地区外部边境的控制,并制定了有关第三国国民短期签证的共同政策,以及其他如警察、司法合作等方面的辅助措施。申根签约国同意在具体、明确界定的情况下,各国在共同边境进行临时检查。申根条款并不是要控制欧盟公民或第三国国民长期居留与工作的权利。
To depart secretly or suddenly esp. to avoid arrest, prosecution or service of process.指为逃避拘捕、诉讼或传票送达而秘密或突然离开。
A person commits an offence if he—(a)absconds from detention under section 40(7)(c).依据第40(7)(c)条受到羁押的人员逃匿,则为犯罪。(英国2006年移民、庇护与国籍法第41(6)a条)
Without prejudice to any other provision of this Ordinance—
(a)where any member of the Immigration Service of or above the rank of chief immigra-tion officer or any police officer of or above the rank of superintendent is satisfied-(Amended 31 of 1984 s.11)
(i)that inquiry for the purposes of this Ordinance,other than the provisions relating to deportation,is necessary in the case of any person;and
(ii)that such person may abscond if he is not detained,
such person may be detained for not more than 48 hours;and
(b)where any member of the Immigration Service of or above the rank of principal immigration officer or any police officer of or above the rank of assistant commissioner of police is so satisfied,such person may be detained for not more than a further 5 days.
The state of being away from one's usual place of residence;failure to be present;vacant.指离开常住地的状态;未能出现;空缺。
In the event of the absence or incapacity of the Chairperson,or if the office of Chairperson is vacant,the Minister may authorize one of the Deputy Chairpersons or any other member of the Board to act as Chairperson.如果主席缺席或丧失工作能力,或如果主席职位出现空缺,部长可授权一副主席或其他委员会成员担任主席。(加拿大2001年移民与难民法第160条)
In the absence none of these conditions shall be communicated to the diplomatic or consular representative of his country,appropriate purposes.以上所提及状况都不存在时,可以与本国的外交代表或领事代表取得联络,以实现其目的。(西班牙2009年移民法第64(3)条)
Without conditions or restrictions,complete,as in “absolute discretion”.无条件或限制,完全的,如“绝对裁量权”。
absolute discretion绝对酌情决定权;绝对自由裁量权
The final and total power to decide what should be done in a particular situation.在某特殊情形时作决定的最终及所有权力。
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in any subsidiary legislation made under this Act,the Director General may—(b)in his absolute discretion cancel any Pass at any time by writing under his hand.尽管在本法案中或依据本法案制定的附属法律中有此内容,移民局长仍然可以:(b)在其绝对酌情权内,任何时候都可以亲笔签名取消通行证。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年修订第9(1)(b)条)
absolute liability绝对责任
Liability that does not depend on actual negligence or intent to harm,but that is based on the breach of an absolute duty to make something safe.不取决于实际的过失或故意伤害,而是基于违反绝对确保安全义务的责任。
An offence against subsection(1)is an offence of absolute liability.违反第(1)款的违法行为为绝对责任犯罪。(澳大利亚1958年移民法229(3)条)
absorbed person visa引入人员签证(澳)
Absorbed person visa is a visa only for permanent stay.The holder of an absorbed person visa must apply for a resident return visa,should they wish to travel overseas.引入人员签证只是永久居留情况下的签证。该签证的持有人必须申请居留返回签证才能到国外旅行。
A type of Australian visa.The absorbed person visa is a visa to remain in,but not to reenter Australia.If an absorbed person wishes to depart Australia after Sep.1994,he or she will have the same entitlement to a resident return visa as any other permanent visa holder.澳大利亚签证的一种。引入人员签证是可以在澳大利亚停留但不能再次入境的签证。若在1994年9月后想离开澳洲的人员,则应该拥有与其他永久签证持有者相同的居留身份。
(1)There is a class of permanent visas to remain in,but not reenter,Australia,to be known as absorbed person visas.
(2)A non-citizen in the migration zone who:
(a)on 2 April 1984 was in Australia;and
(b)before that date,had ceased to be an immigrant;and
(c)on or after that date,has not left Australia,where left Australia has the meaning it had in this Act before 1 September 1994;and
(d)immediately before 1 September 1994,was not a person to whom section 20 of this Act as in force then applied;
is taken to have been granted an absorbed person visa on 1 September 1994.
(3)Subdivisions AA,AB,AC(other than section 68),AE and AH do not apply in relation to absorbed person visas.
Improper,harmful or unlawful use of something.Abuse can be physical,sexual and/or emotional.Misuse.虐待指不当使用、有害或非法使用某物。虐待可为身体、性及/或情感方面的。不当使用。
abuse of discretion滥用裁量权
An abuse of discretion is a failure to take into proper consideration the facts and law relating to a particular matter;an arbitrary or unreasonable departure from precedent and settled judicial custom.滥用裁量权指未能慎重考虑有关特别事项的事实与法律;对先前及确定的司法习惯随意或无理的背离。
abuse of process滥用诉讼
The improper and tortuous use of a legitimately issued court process to obtain a result that is either unlawful or beyond the process's scope.不正当地、恶意地使用合法的法庭诉讼权利以达到不合法或超出诉讼范围以外的目的。
A Division may refuse to allow an applicant to withdraw from a proceeding if it is of the opinion that the withdrawal would be an abuse of process under its rules.任何法庭(难民上诉、难民保护法庭、移民法庭)不许申请人撤销诉讼,如果该法庭认为根据法规,撤销诉讼是对诉讼程序的滥用。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第168(2)条)
abused immigrant受虐待的移民
See battered or subjected to extreme cruelty.见受虐待的或遭受极端虐待。
Being scholastic,educational or curricular.学术上、教育上或课程上的。
Each State Party shall consider analysing,in consultation with the scientific and academic communities,trends in organized crime in its territory,the circumstances in which organized crime operates,as well as the professional groups and technologies involved.各缔约国均应考虑在同科技和学术界协商的情况下,分析其领域内的有组织犯罪的趋势、活动环境以及所涉及的专业团体和技术。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约第28(1)条)
Outstanding professors and researchers.An alien is described in this subparagraph if the alien is recognized internationally as outstan-ding in a specific academic area.成就卓越的教授与研究人员。如果外国人在某特别学术领域中得到国际上的认可,则其为符合本条规定的人员。(美国移民与国籍法2010年修订第203b(1)(B)(i)条)
academic training学术培训(美)
This type of training is for students on a J-1 visa.是指为持有J-1签证的学生进行的培训。
accelerated(simplified)readmission procedure加速(简化的)再入境程序
Readmission procedure applied when the person who breached the entry rules of the Requesting State is apprehended at the border or within the border region,usually within 48 hours.The procedure is without formalities and the delays are shorter than those in the normal readmission procedure.指当违反要求国入境法律时,对违反人员在边境或边境地区内,予以逮捕不超过48小时所适用的再入境程序。该程序无正式手续,延迟期限比正常再入境程序短。
acceptable documentation establishing identity可接受确定身份的文件
The Refugee Protection Division must take into account,with respect to the credibility of a claimant,whether the claimant possesses accep-table documentation establishing identity,and if not,whether they have provided a reasonable explanation for the lack of documenta-tion or have taken reasonable steps to obtain the documentation.有关申请人的可信度,难民保护法庭必须考虑该申请人是否持有可接受的证明文件确认其身份,如果没有,那么必须考虑他们是否已为缺少证明文件作出合理的解释或者已采取适当措施以获得证明文件。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第106条)
acceptance and approval接受并批准
The instruments of “acceptance” or “approval” of a treaty have the same legal effect as ratification and consequently express the consent of a state to be bound by a treaty.In the practice of certain states acceptance and approval have been used instead of ratification when,at a national level,constitutional law does not require the treaty to be ratified by the head of state.“接受”或“批准”条约的文书与正式批准具有相同法律效力,表示某国自愿同意受到条约限制。在国家层面,宪法法律不要求由国家首脑批准该条约时,在实践中,某些国家用接受和批准来替代正式批准。(1969年维也纳条约法公约第2(1)(b),14(2)条)
This Convention shall be subject to ratifica-tion,acceptance or approval.此公约将被认可、接受或批准。(2000年申根协议第139(1)条)
This Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the deposit of the final instrument of ratification,acceptance or approval.The provisions concer-ning the setting up,activities and powers of the Executive Committee shall apply as from the entry into force of this Convention.The other provisions shall apply as from the first day of the third month following the entry into force of this Convention.本协议应在批准、接受或同意的最后文本存档后的第2个月的第1天生效。关于执行委员会的建立、活动和权力的条款都要在本条约产生效力后适用。其余条款则在本条约生效后第三个月的第一天适用。(2000年申根协议第139.2条)
accepting officer办理人员
In migration context,it refers to those who charge with the entry into or departure from another country.移徙背景下,该词指负责处理入境或离境的人员。
The act of approaching or entering;the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something(as services or membership).靠近或进入的行为;获得或利用某事物(进行服务或取得身份)的权利。
The objectives of this Act with respect to immigration are to promote international justice and security by fostering respect for human rights and by denying access to Canadian territory to persons who are criminals or security risks.本法有关移民的宗旨是通过加强对人权的尊重并拒绝那些犯罪分子或存在安全风险的人员进入加拿大,以加强国际司法与安全。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第3.1条)
Each State Party shall establish appropriate procedures to provide access to compensation and restitution for victims of offences covered by this Convention.各缔约国均应制定适当的程序,使本公约所涵盖的犯罪受害人有机会获得赔偿和补偿。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第25(2)条)
Access to Information Act《获取信息法》(加拿大)
It refers to Information Act,which is a Canadian act providing the right of access to information under the control of a government institution.It declares that government infor-mation should be available to the public,but with necessary exceptions to the right of access should be limited and specific,and that decisions on the disclosure of any government information should always be reviewed independently of government.指加拿大的《信息法》,该法规定在政府机构控制内获得信息的权利。该法规定政府信息应提供给公众,但是明确规定了必要的例外,并且公开政府信息的决定应独立于政府的审查。
access to quality education接受优质教育
The access to quality education should be maintained during all phases of the migration cycle.Unaccompanied children should attend local school;where educational training is not locally available,facilities provided to unac-companied children should also be available to other children.The education should also include vocational training for both girls and boys.Access to quality education should also be ensured for children with special needs,in particular children with disabilities.应支持(儿童)在移徙循环的各阶段获得优质教育的机会。无人陪伴儿童应到当地学校上学;在当地无教育培训的情况下,为无人陪伴儿童提供的设施也应向其他儿童开放。教育应包括对男童、女童的职业培训。应确保特殊需要的儿童,特别是残疾儿童接受优质教育的机会。
access to resettlement移居收容国的机会;移居外地的机会
It means that those who apply for migration to another country have chances to settle.指申请移徙到他国的人员有定居的机会。
access to work工作的权利(欧盟)
A Commission proposal of 2001 aims to improve access to work for people who are not nationals of an EU Member State but who live in the EU,by making procedures more transparent and uniform and by guaranteeing certain rights.2001年委员会建议,通过制定更为透明的统一程序以及保证某些权利,旨在改善那些不是欧盟成员国国民的,但在欧盟居住的人获得工作。相关词语 immigration(移民)
Accession is the act whereby a state accepts the offer or the opportunity to become a party to a treaty already negotiated and signed by other states.It has the same legal effect as ratification.Accession usually occurs after the treaty has entered into force.The Secretary-General of the United Nations,in his function as depositary,has also accepted accessions to some conventions before their entry into force.The conditions under which accession may occur and the procedure involved depend on the provisions of the treaty.A treaty might provide for the accession of all other states or for a limited and defined number of states.In the absence of such a provision,accession can only occur where the negotiating states were agreed or subsequently agree on it in the case of the state in question.加入指一国接受邀约或有机会成为已由其他国家达成协议并签署的条约缔结方。其具有与正式批准相同的法律效力,通常是发生在条约生效后。在这些公约生效前,联合国秘书长的职责是对其进行保管。加入发生的条件及相关程序取决于条约的条款。有些条约所有国家都可以加入,而有的局限于规定的国家。如无此类条款规定,只有谈判国达成一致或继而达成一致的情况下,才可批准该国加入。(1969年维也纳条约法公约第2(1)(b)、(15)条)相关词语 ratification(批准),reservation to a treaty(保留条约),treaty(条约)
Such amendments shall enter into force for all States Parties 12 months after the deposit of instruments of ratification or accession by three fourths of the States Parties.此种修正案应于四分之三缔约国交存批准书或加入书后十二个月对所有缔约国生效。(联合国海洋法公约第155(4)条)
States Parties that make extradition conditional on the existence of a treaty shall:(a)At the time of deposit of their instrument of ratification,acceptance,approval of or accession to this Convention,inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations whether they will take this Convention as the legal basis for cooperation on extradition with other States Parties to this Convention.以订有条约为引渡条件的缔约国应:(a)在交存本公约批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书时通知联合国秘书长,说明其是否将把本公约作为与本公约其他缔约国进行引渡合作的法律依据。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第16.5(a)条)
Short for “Accession 2”:Bulgaria and Romania,who joined the European Union(EU)on 1 January 2006.指在2006年1月1日成为欧盟成员国的保加利亚、罗马尼亚。
Short for “Accession 8”:the Czech Republic,Estonia,Hungary,Latvia,Lithuania,Poland,Slovakia and Slovenia.The eight of the ten countries joining the European Union(EU)on 1 May 2004 whose nationals' rights to work in the UK have been limited.Limitations on working in the UK can continue until 2011,but may be lifted before then.No limitations were imposed on the rights of citizens of Cyprus and Malta.八国的简称:即捷克、爱沙尼亚、匈牙利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、波兰、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚。于2004年5月1日加入欧盟的10个国家中,该8个国家国民在英国工作的权利受到限制。在英国工作的这种限制一直持续到2011年,但是在此之前可能会取消限制。没有制定对于塞浦路斯和马耳他公民权的限制。
accession criteria加入标准;入盟要求(欧盟)
The accession criteria,or Copenhagen criteria,are the essential conditions all candidate coun-tries must satisfy to become a Member State.They were set at the Copenhagen European Council in 1993 and at the Madrid European Council in 1995 and comprise:1.political criteria:stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy,the rule of law and respect for human rights,including the rights of minorities;2.economic criteria:a functioning market economy and the capacity to cope with competi-tion and market forces;3.the capacity to take on the obligations of membership,including adherence to political,economic and monetary objectives;4.creation of the conditions for integration through the adjustment of admin-istrative and institutional structures guaranteeing effective implementation of the acquis.加入标准,或称哥本哈根标准,为所有希望成为(欧盟)成员国的申请国必须达到的必要条件。该标准制定于1993年哥本哈根欧洲议会及1995年的马德里欧洲议会。包括以下内容:1.政治标准:确保民主原则的稳定性,法律规定以及尊重人权,包括少数民族的权利;2.经济标准:运作市场经济及应对竞争、市场影响的能力;3.承担成员国责任的能力,包括坚持政治、经济以及货币目标;4.通过调整确保有效执行欧盟一揽子法规,创造(欧洲)一体化条件。相关词语Copenhagen criteria(哥本哈根标准),enlargement(扩大)
accession negotiations入(欧)盟谈判
Negotiations between the EU and countries preparing to join the EU,in which justice and home affairs form a key part.欧盟与准备加入欧盟国家间的谈判,司法和内政事务为谈判的重要组成部分。相关词语 enlargement(扩大)
accession partnership加入伙伴关系(欧盟)
Agreements between the EU and each country applying to join the EU,which set a framework for the countries to adopt or move closer to EU policies and work alongside the EU to achieve this objective.欧盟和每一个申请加入欧盟的国家达成的协议,其中规定了这些国家应采取或向欧盟政策靠拢并且与欧盟一道为达成该目标而努力的框架。相关词语 enlargement(扩大)
accession process入(欧)盟程序
Negotiations between the EU and countries applying to join the EU,and the convergence of applicants' laws with EU law;in justice and home affairs the main areas are free movement of people,immigration,visas,asylum,and police,customs and judicial cooperation.欧盟和申请加入欧盟国家之间的谈判,内容包括申请国法律与欧盟法律的共通性,在司法和内政事务中的主要领域为人员的自由流动、移民、签证、庇护和警察,海关与司法合作等。相关词语enlargement(扩大)
To supply or provide especially with lodging or board and lodging.供应或提供住宿或食宿。
The space which is required to accommodate a person in need of accommodation in state-subsidised welfare housing shall constitute sufficient living space.Living space which does not comply with the statutory provisions for Germans with regard to condition and occupancy is not adequate for foreigners,either.Children up to the age of two are not included in calculation of the sufficient living space for the accommodation of families.应要求向有住宿需求的人员提供住宿的国家资助的福利院的空间应达到居住空间的要求。居住条件方面,对于德国人来说不符合法律条款规定的居住空间,也不符合外国人的居住要求。两周岁以下的儿童居住面积不计算在内。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第2.4条)
Persons in the Maldives dealing with foreign nationals shall not do any of the following:(1)Engage a foreign national who does not have an entry permit or work visa in any form of employment.(2)Accommodate anywhere a foreign national who does not have an entry permit.在马尔代夫境内与外国国民往来的人员不得有以下行为:(1)以任何方式雇用没有入境许可证或工作签证的外国国民。(2)为没有入境许可证的外国国民提供住所。(马尔代夫2007年移民法第30(2)条)
Accommodations means a structure,facility,apartment,condominium or cooperative unit,cabin,lodge,hotel or motel room,or any other private or commercial structure which is situated on real property and designed for occupancy by one or more individuals.住处指建筑、设施、公寓、私人寓所或合作单位、棚屋、旅舍、旅馆或汽车旅馆,或其他房产以及一人或多人居住的私人或商业建筑。
The availability of accommodation that allows for the segregation of the minor children from adult detainees who are not the parent of or the adult legally responsible for the detained minor children.应提供住宿以将被羁押的未成年人与不是其父母或对其依法负责的被羁押的成年人分开。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第249(e)条)
Notwithstanding anything in this Act or in any other law contained,but subject to any provisions made under Part III of this Act,the Minister may also prohibit the entry into Malta of any person who,in the opinion of the Minister,is not provided with suitable accommodation in the island.虽然本法或其他法律有规定,但是根据本法第三部分制订的条款规定,部长可以禁止在其看来在本国没有合适居所的人员入境马耳他。(马耳他1970年移民法2007年修订第35(1)条)
accommodation centre膳宿中心;接待中心
Accommodation centre means any place used for the collective housing of asylum applicants.指为庇护申请人提供的集体居住的地点。相关词语 reception centre(接待中心),holding center(拘留中心)
Accommodation centre—any area used to for the collective accommodation of asylum-seekers.膳宿中心——指用于接待庇护寻求者集体食宿的区域。(罗马尼亚2006年庇护法第2(o)条)
Center for temporary accommodation—places of possible temporary accommodation on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan oralmans,refugees and forced migrants.临时膳宿中心指——给归国人员、难民以及被迫移民在哈萨克斯坦领土上的临时住宿之地。(哈萨克斯坦1997年移徙法第2条)
accommodation providers住宿提供者
The competent authority of a State which is in charge of refugees has contracts with a number of accomodation providers that manage landlords in different dispersal region.The authority requires that the providers offer accomodation for those refugees.For example,in the UK,the current accommodation provider for the East of England region is Clearsprings Management Ltd.一国负责难民事务的主管机构,通过与分散在不同地区的管理业主签订合同提供住宿。主管当局要求提供者为难民提供住宿服务。如在英国,目前英格兰东区的食宿提供者为柯灵斯管理有限公司。
For the purpose of this Act,an accommodation provider is considered to be anyone that provides accommodation in return for compensation.本法规定,住宿提供者指提供住宿换取报酬的人员。(捷克1999年外国人居留法2006年修订第99(1)条)
accommodation provision住宿条款;住宿规定
Accommodation provision refers to those articles of immigration or asylum acts concern-ing lodging.住宿条款指移民或庇护法中有关住宿的条款。
Accommodation provisions means—
(a)in relation to England and Wales,Part II of the Housing Act 1985;
(b)in relation to Scotland,Part I of the Housing(Scotland)Act 1987;
(c)in relation to Northern Ireland,Part II of the Housing(Northern Ireland)Order 1981.
To go along with(another).(与他人)一起。
A foreign national,other than a protected person,is inadmissible on grounds of an inad-missible family member if they are an accom-panying family member of an inadmissible person.受保护人员以外的外国人,如果为不予入境人员的偕行家属,由于其为不予入境家庭成员的原因,不得入境。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第42(b)条)
Guardian required to accompany helpless alien.Any alien—(i)who is accompanying another alien who is inadmissible and who is certified to be helpless from sickness,mental or physical disability,or infancy pursuant to section 232(c).要求监护人与无行为能力的外国人随行。外国人指——(i)不准入境的、经证明由于疾病、智力障碍或身体残疾的,或依据232(c)款未成年的人员。(美国移民与国籍法2010修订第212(10)(B)条)
Traveling or going somewhere with somebody.与某人旅行或去某处。
A foreign national,other than a protected person,is inadmissible on grounds of an inadmissible family member if(a)their accompanying family member or,in prescribed circumstances,their non-accompanying family member is inadmissible.不是受保护人的外国人,如果其偕行家庭成员为不准入境人员,或在规定的情况下,其非偕行家庭成员为不准入境人员,则基于此,该人员不得入境。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第42(a)条)
The export and import licence or authorization and accompanying documentation together shall contain information that,at a minimum,shall include the place and the date of issuance,the date of expiration,the country of export,the country of import,the final recipient,a description and the quantity of the firearms,their parts and components and ammunition and,whenever there is transit,the countries of transit.进出口执照或许可证和附单中所载资料至少应包括签发地点和日期、到期日、出口国、进口国、最终收货人、枪支及其零部件和弹药的说明和数量,以及在过境情况下所涉及的过境国。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书附件第10(3)条)
accompanying child同行子女;偕行子女;偕行儿童
See accompanying relative.见偕行亲属。
accompanying dependant of an immigrant移民的偕行眷属
See accompanying relative.见偕行亲属。
The person,at the time they made an applica-tion for landing under the former Regulations,was an accompanying dependant of an immig-rant,within the meaning of subsection 2(1)of the former Regulations,19 years of age or older and not a spouse of the principal applicant.根据前法,提出登陆申请时,该人员为第2(1)条中规定的移民偕行受抚养人19岁或19岁以上,且非主要申请人的配偶。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第357(b)条)
accompanying family member偕行家庭成员
See accompanying relative.见偕行亲属。
Subject to subsection(5),if a foreign national makes an application as a member of the investor class,the entrepreneur class or the self-employed persons class for a permanent resident visa,an officer shall issue the visa to the foreign national and their accompanying family members.根据第(5)条的规定,如果外国人申请投资移民类、企业家类或自谋职业类永久居民签证,官员应给该外国人及其偕行家庭成员签发签证。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第108(1)条)
The diplomatic visa shall be issued to:(f)accompanying spouse and family members of above persons.外交签证应签发给:(f)以上人员的偕行配偶及家庭其他成员。(不丹2007年移民法第77(f)条)
accompanying relative偕行亲属
Accompanying relatives may include spouse, children and parents who will be traveling with the foreign national. 偕行亲属指与该外国人一同旅行的配偶、子女、父母。该相关词语derivative beneficiary(衍生受益人)
accompanying visa偕行签证;随行签证
Accompanying visa refers to a type of visa issued when family members travel with the principal applicant.In case of immigrant visa cases,accompanying visa is issued within six months of issuance of an immigrant visa to the principal applicant.偕行签证是指家庭成员与主要申请人一起旅行时所签发的一种签证。就移民情况而言,偕行签证是在移民签证签发给主要申请人6个月内签发的。
accord1 协议
In a general sense,a meeting of the minds.In public international law,it is a term used synonymously with treaty or convention.广义而言,指合意。国际公法背景下,该术语与条约(treaty)或公约(convention)为同义词。相关词语agreement(协定),convention(公约),covenant(协议),instrument(文件),treaty(条约)
1.Allow to have.2.To agree,to correspond,to be in harmony.1.允许拥有。2.同意,相一致,相协调。
The Authority shall,pursuant to Part XI and its rules,regulations and procedures,accord the operator the exclusive right to explore and exploit the area covered by the plan of work in respect of a specified category of resources and shall ensure that no other entity operates in the same area for a different category of resources in a manner which might interfere with the operations of the operator.管理局应依据第十一部分和管理局的规则、规章和程序给予经营者在工作计划包括的区域内就特定的一类资源进行勘探和开发的专属权利,并应确保没有任何其他实体在同一区域内,以对该经营者的业务可能有所干扰的方式,就另一类资源进行作业。(联合国海洋法公约附件三第16条)
Each Contracting State shall accord to refugees lawfully in its territory the right to choose their place of residence to move freely within its territory,subject to any regulations applicable to aliens generally in the same circumstances.缔约各国对合法在其领土内的难民应准予选择其居住地和在其领土内自由行动的权利,但应受对一般外国人在同样情况下适用的规章的约束。(难民地位公约第26条)
account management账户管理(英)
This is the system the British authority uses to check that organisations are complying with their sponsorship duties under the points-based system for coming to the United Kingdom to work,train or study.根据计分制,这是一种用于检查组织是否遵守为来英国工作、培训或学习提供资助的系统。
account management and compliance team账户管理与履责团队(英)
The staff of British authority responsible for ensuring that organisations are complying with their obligations as sponsors under the points-based system for coming to the United Kingdom to work,train or study.根据计分制,是指确保作为赞助人的组织为来英国工作、培训或学习履行其资助职责的团队。
account management or compliance actions账户管理或履责行为(英)
Action the staff of British authority will take to ensure that organisations are complying with their sponsorship duties under the points-based system for coming to the United Kingdom to work,train or study.根据计分制,是指工作人员为确保组织遵守其赞助人职责为来英国学习、培训或学习提供资助而采取的行动。
account management visit账户管理检查(英)
A visit by the staff of British authority to check that an organisation is complying with sponsor-ship duties under the points-based system for coming to the United Kingdom to work,train or study.根据计分制,是指工作人员对某组织是否遵守其赞助人的职责为来英国工作、培训或学习提供资助进行的检查。
accredited State驻在国
State which receives a diplomatic agent.接受外交代表的国家。相关词语accrediting State(派驻国)
accrediting State派驻国
State which sends a diplomatic agent.派遣外交代表的国家。相关词语 accredited State(驻在国)
Acculturation means take over of elements of a foreign culture(ideas,words,values,norms,behaviour,institutions,techniques,products)by persons,groups or classes of a given culture.Examples may be the influence of the Greek culture in ancient Rome or the “Americanisation” of western industrialized countries.The partial or total adaptation is caused by contacts and interactions between different cultures like migrations,trade relations and conquests.特定文化中的个体、群体或阶层吸收外国文化的元素(观点、词汇、价值观、规范、行为、风俗、技术及产品等)。例如希腊文化对古罗马的影响或西方工业化国家的美国化。由于不同文化的接触及相互间的影响,如移徙、贸易关系、征服,导致部分或全部适应。
achievement-based acquisition of nationality基于业绩的国籍获得
Any mode of acquisition of nationality after birth based on special achievements(in sports,science,the arts,etc.)for the country under consideration in the past or expected achievements in the future.出生后,国家考虑到在过去或未来预期的成绩,基于取得的特别成绩(在体育、科学、艺术等方面)获得国籍的任何方式。
acquired citizenship获得公民身份(美)
Citizenship conferred at birth on children born abroad to a U.S.citizen parent(s).父/母为美国公民的儿童在国外出生时就被赋予的公民身份。
acquis/acquis communautaire(欧盟)系列法规/(欧盟)共同法律
The entire body of legislation of the European Communities and Union,of which a significant body relates to justice and home affairs.Applicant countries must accept the acquis before they can join the EU.欧洲共同体和欧盟的全部法规,涉及司法和内政事务的重要法律,申请国在加入欧盟前必须接受该系列法规。相关词语 enlargement(扩大)
acquisition of citizenship取得公民身份
Acquisition of citizenship refers to the mechanism by which certain foreign nationals acquire citizenship of the host country.A child may acquire citizenship automatically by virtue of being born to parents who are the citizen of the host country.指外国国民获得移民国家公民身份的机制。儿童因父母为移民国家公民而自动获得公民身份。
The term “special immigrant” means(A)an immigrant,lawfully admitted for permanent residence,who is returning from a temporary visit abroad;(B)an immigrant who was a citizen of the United States and may,under section 324(a)or 327 of title III,apply for re-acquisition of citizenship.“特殊移民”指:(A)在外国短暂访问后回到美国的合法入境居留的移民;(B)为美国公民,并依据法典III第324(a)or 327条,可以申请重新获得公民身份的移民。(美国移民与国籍法2010年修订第101a(15)(P)(27)条)
In section 6 of the British Nationality Act 1981(c.61)(acquisition of British citizenship by naturalisation),in subsection(2),for “is married to a British citizen or is the civil partner of a British citizen” substitute “has a relevant family association”.在《1981年英国国籍法》第6条(通过入籍获得公民身份)中,在第(2)款里用“与英国公民结婚或为英国公民的配偶”代替“与家庭成员有某种关系”。(英国2009年边境、公民及移民法第40(1)条)
acquisition of nationality取得国籍
Any mode of becoming a national,i.e.by birth or at any time after birth,automatic or non-automatic,based on attribution,declaration,option or application.成为某国民的任何方式,即通过出生,或出生后任何时间自动或非自动地、基于归属、声明、选择或申请等方式取得国籍。
相关词语 denationalization(剥夺国籍),loss of nationality(丧失国籍),nationality(国籍)
Acquisition of the Kyrgyz nationality by a refugee shall be implemented in conformity with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.难民获得吉尔吉斯斯坦的国籍应按照吉尔吉斯斯坦的法律执行。(吉尔吉斯斯坦难民法第15条)
acquisition of nationality at birth出生获得国籍
Any mode of acquisition of nationality that:either occurs automatically(ex lege)and immediately at birth;or can occur immediately after birth by declaration,registration,making use of an option or similar action because all the conditions for acquisition had already been met at the time of birth.以下获得国籍的任何方式:出生时自动(法律规定的)并即刻发生;出生时已满足获得国籍的所有条件,出生后通过声明、注册、选择或类似行动而获得。
acquisition of nationality after birth出生后获得国籍
Any mode of acquisition of nationality that does not take place:automatically and immediately at birth;or soon after birth by declaration,registration,making use of an option or similar action,on the basis of conditions for the acquisition that were met already at the time of birth.在无下列情形时,出生后可以任何方式获得国籍:出生时自动并立即获得国籍;或在出生时虽已满足获得国籍的条件基础,但出生后不久通过声明、注册、作出选择或类似行动获得。相关词语acquisition at birth(出生时获得国籍)
acquisition of nationality by adoption通过领养获得国籍
Automatic acquisition of nationality as a result of the adoption of the target person by a reference person who is a national of the country under consideration.被某国国民领养后的人员,自动获得该国国籍。
acquisition of nationality by declaration通过声明获得国籍
Acquisition of nationality by declaration is generally characterised by:1.a facilitated procedure and(substantially)facilitated conditions;2.voluntary(in contrast to automatic)acquisition;and/or the need for an oral or written declaration(by the target person or by a legal agent)addressed to the relevant public authorities;3.and,in some countries,a unilateral act by the person making the declaration(unlike acquisition based on a decision by the authorities).通过声明获得国籍主要有以下特点:1.便捷手续及(非常的)便利条件;2.自愿(与自动相对)获得;及/或需要向相关公共机构作出口头或书面声明(由目的人或其合法代理人提出);3.及在某些国家,只是由该人员作出声明(与由公共机构裁决获取国籍不同)的单方行为。
acquisition of property财产继得
The act of procuring the property by a person.某人获得财产的行为。
If(a)this Act would result in an acquisition of property,the Commonwealth must pay that person a reasonable amount of compensation agreed on between the person and the Commonwealth.如果(a)本法会导致财产继得,则英联邦应支付给该人员其与英联邦达成协议的一定数量的赔偿款。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第3B(1))
Each State Party shall adopt,in accordance with fundamental principles of its domestic law,such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences,when committed intentionally:(b)Subject to the basic concepts of its legal system:(i)The acquisition,possession or use of property,knowing,at the time of receipt,that such property is the proceeds of crime.各缔约国均应依照其本国法律基本原则采取必要的立法及其他措施,将下列故意行为规定为刑事犯罪:(b)在得到财产时,(i)明知其为犯罪所得而仍获取、占有或使用。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书附件一第6(1)(b)条)
Discharge from prosecution following verdict of not guilty or successful plea in bar.There is generally no appeal against acquittal unless under the appropriate statutory authority.无罪判决或法庭申诉后免于起诉。通常不对这种情况进行上诉,除非根据适当的法律机构要求提出上诉。
A sponsorship application may not be refused on the basis of a conviction in Canada in respect of which a pardon has been granted and has not ceased to have effect or been revoked under the Criminal Records Act,or in respect of which there has been a final determination of an acquittal.根据《犯罪记录法》,由于在加拿大被判有罪但已得到赦免并不再有效或定罪被撤销,或出现了最后无罪情况,则不应拒绝赞助申请。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第133(2)(a)条)
act of formal confirmation正式确认行为
Act of formal confirmation is used as an equivalent for the term “ratification” when an international organization expresses its consent to be bound to a treaty.在国际组织表达其同意受到条约的约束时,“正式确认”与“批准”意义相同。
act of terrorism恐怖行为
See terrorism.见恐怖主义。
In this Act,unless the context otherwise requires,—“Act of terrorism” means—
(a)Any act that involves the taking of human life,or threatening to take human life,or the wilful or reckless endangering of human life,carried out for the purpose of furthering an ideological aim;or
(b)Any act involving any explosive or incendiary device causing or likely to cause the destruction of,or serious damage to,any premises,building,installation,vehicle,or property of a kind referred to in any of sections 298 to 304,except subsection(3)of section 298,of the Crimes Act 1961,carried out for the purpose of furthering an ideological aim;or
(c)Any act that constitutes,or that would,if committed in New Zealand,constitute,a crime against section 79 of the Crimes Act 1961,carried out for the purpose of furthering an ideological aim;or
(d)Any act that constitutes,or that would,if committed in New Zealand,constitute,an offence against any of the provisions of the Aviation Crimes Act 1972 or the Crimes(Internationally Protected Persons and Hostages)Act 1980;—and includes the planning of any such act.
Calls upon all States to recognize the links between transnational organized criminal activities and acts of terrorism,taking into account the relevant General Assembly resolutions,and to apply the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime in combating all forms of criminal activity,as provided therein.呼吁所有国家认清跨国有组织犯罪活动与恐怖主义行为之间的联系,同时考虑到大会的各项有关决议,并呼吁各国运用《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》打击其中所列各种形式的犯罪活动。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第6条)
act of violence暴力行为
See violence.见暴力。
A permanent resident or a foreign national is inadmissible on security grounds for engaging in acts of violence that would or might endanger the lives or safety of persons in Canada.基于安全理由,由于进行暴力活动可能给加拿大人员的生命或安全带来危险的永久居民或外国人不得入境。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第34(1)(e)条)
action plan行动计划
Concerted measures between two or more countries to achieve a certain set of previously accepted objectives.An example is the EU-Russia action plan on combating organised crime.在两国或多国间采取一致措施以达到预定目标。例如,欧盟与俄罗斯制定了有关打击有组织犯罪的行动计划。相关词语 external(外部),Russia(俄罗斯),Ukraine(乌克兰)
active citizenship积极公民权
In an educational context,citizenship learning through participation in school-or community-based activities.教育背景下,该术语指通过参与学校或社区的活动而了解公民权。相关词语citizen(公民),citizenship(公民身份)
Acts Interpretation Act 1901《1901年法案释义法》(澳)
The Acts of Interpretation Act 1901 is an Australian statute of the Common-wealth Parliament which provides rules for the interpretation of acts and other legislation.It was the first substantive Common-wealth act to be enacted.《1901年法案释义法》是澳大利亚联邦议会法令,该法对法律及其他立法的解释做出规定。这是联邦制定的第一部实质性的法律。
The ability to change(or be changed)to fit changed circumstances.For example in Canada,a maximum of 24 points can be awarded for Adaptability under the Skilled Worker selection criteria.Points in this category are awarded based on an applicant's ability to adapt to life in Canada,and includes factors such as:spouse's education or work history;work or educational experience in Canada;arranged employment in Canada;family relations in Canada.为适应环境的变化做出改变(或被改变)的能力。如在加拿大,根据技术工人的选择标准,适应性最高分为24分。根据申请人适应加拿大生活的能力,可在以下几个方面赋分:配偶的教育或工作经历;在加拿大的工作或教育经历;在加拿大安排的就业;在加拿大的家庭关系。
Process of modifying some or all of one's beliefs and/or attitudes so as to suit new conditions of life.某人改变一些或全部信念以及/或态度以适应新生活环境的过程。
Throughout the duration of the asylum procedure,the alien who is seeking a form of protection has the following rights:i.the right to participate in cultural adaptation activities.在庇护程序进行的期间内,寻求某种保护的外国人员有以下权利:i.参加有关文化适应的活动。(罗马尼亚庇护法第17(1)(i)条)
In making this assessment,particular attention shall be paid to the alien's state of health,his or her adaptation to Sweden and his or her situation in the country of origin.在进行评定时,应该尤其关注外国人的健康状况、在瑞典的适应情况以及在其国籍国时的状况。(瑞典2005年外国人法第6(i)条)
Further or added.其他的或附加的。
The Contracting Parties may,on a bilateral basis,extend the scope of paragraph 1 and adopt additional provisions in implementation of this Article.缔约国在双边基础上可以扩展第1条的范围,并在实施本条时采用附加条款。(2000年申根协议第41.10条)
Before a decision is made on the application,the applicant shall be notified that they may make additional submissions in support of their application.在对申请作出裁决之前,应通知申请人其可提供补充材料说明申请。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第346(2)条)
The place where mail or other communication is sent.邮件或其他信息的送达地。
Each State Party shall inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the name and address of the authority or authorities that can assist other States Parties in developing measures to prevent transnational organized crime.各缔约国均应将可协助其他缔约国制订预防跨国有组织犯罪的措施的一个或多个当局的名称和地址通知联合国秘书长。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书附录一第31(6)条)
The request for stay permission,where will be established precisely the purpose of the visit and the address of the place where he will stay in the Republic of Albania.提出逗留申请时,需要准确的访问目的以及在阿尔巴尼亚逗留时的准确居住地址。(阿尔巴尼亚2000年外国人入境、逗留及待遇法第10(a)条)
A deportation order in the form set out as Form 19A or 19B shall be made in triplicate and one copy shall be served upon the person ordered deported by delivering such copy to him personally whenever practicable,and in other instances by sending it by registered mail to his last known address.以19A或19B规定形式的驱逐令应一式三份,一份应送达至被驱逐的人员本人,其他情况应通过挂号信邮寄至其最新住址。(特立尼达和多巴哥移民法第39(1)条)
address of residence居住地址
It refers to the address where one lives.指人们的居住地址。
An alien will be guilty of committing an offence if he/she:r)does not fulfil his/her obligation to report his/her residence address in the Territory or any changes in this address.外国人员的下列行为被认定为犯罪:r)不履行报告其在捷克领土内的地址或地址变动的义务。(捷克1999年外国人居留法2006年修订第157(1r)条)
One to whom something is addressed.某物寄达的人员。
Where there is reason to believe that the addressee does not understand the language in which the document is written,the document—or at least the important passages thereof—must be translated into(one of)the language(s)of the Contracting Party in whose territory the addressee is staying.当有理由认为收件人无法理解所收文件的语言,或至少无法理解其重要内容所用语言时,必须将该文件翻译成收件人所在缔约国的(一种)语言。(2000年申根协议第52(2)条)
adequate knowledge足够的知识;应有的知识
In migration context,the citizenship test will evaluate one's knowledge of the migration country.During the written exam and the interview,one will be asked questions about:the right to vote and right to run for elected office elections procedures;the rights and responsibilities of a citizen;social and cultural history and symbols of that country;political history(including the political system and institutions)and physical and political geography of that country.移徙背景下,公民身份测试是测试人们对移徙国知识了解掌握的情况。在笔试、面试中,会问及以下方面的知识:投票权与竞选公职选举程序权;公民的权利与责任;该国的社会、文化历史与象征;该国的政治历史(包括政治制度与机构)及自然与政治地理。
ad hoc特别的;专门的
For special purpose.特别的。
Recalling also its resolution 54/126 of 17 December 1999,in which it requested the Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of a Convention against Transnational Organized Crime to continue its work,in accordance with resolutions 53/111 and 53/114 of 9 December 1998,and to intensify that work in order to complete it in 2000.回顾大会1999年12月17日第54/126号决议,大会在该决议中提出请求:打击跨国有组织犯罪公约特别委员会继续依照1998年12月9日第53/111号和第53/114号决议进行工作,为拟订一项公约而加紧努力,争取2000年完成此项工作。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第55/255号决议)
The Seabed Disputes Chamber shall form an ad hoc chamber,composed of three of its members,for dealing with a particular dispute submitted to it in accordance with article 188,paragraph 1(b).海底争端分庭为处理按照第188(b)条向其提出的特定争端,应成立专案分庭,由其法官三人组成。这种分庭的组成,应由海底争端分庭在得到当事各方同意后决定。(联合国海洋法公约附件六第36条)
Having a common boundary.拥有共同的边界。
Adjacent area means an adjacent area in respect of a State,of the Northern Territory,of the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands,of the Territory of Cocos(Keeling)Islands or of the Territory of Christmas Island,as determined in accordance with section 5 of the Sea Installations Act.相邻地区指涉及澳大利亚的州、北部地区,亚什摩及卡蒂尔群岛地区、科克斯(基林)群岛地区或圣诞岛地区的毗邻区,同《海洋装置法》中第5条定义。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
Where the same stock or stocks of associated species occur both within the exclusive econo-mic zone and in an area beyond and adjacent to the zone,the coastal State and the States fishing for such stocks in the adjacent area shall seek,either directly or through appropriate sub-regional or regional organizations,to agree upon the measures necessary for the conse-rvation of these stocks in the adjacent area.如果同一种群或有关联的鱼种的几个种群出现在两个或两个以上沿海国的专属经济区及毗连区,这些国家应直接或通过适当地分区域或区域组织,设法就必要措施达成协议,以便在不妨害本部分其他规定的情况下,协调并确保毗连区内这些种群的养护和发展。(联合国海洋法公约第63(2)条)
The term “adjacent islands” includes Saint Pierre,Miquelon,Cuba,the Dominican Republic,Haiti,Bermuda,the Bahamas,Barbados,Jamaica,the Windward and Leeward Islands,Trinidad,Martinique,and other British,French,and Netherlands territory or possessions in or bordering on the Caribbean Sea.相邻岛屿包括圣皮埃尔岛、密克隆岛、古巴、多米尼哥共和国、海地、百慕大、巴哈马群岛、巴巴多斯岛、牙买加、向风群岛和背风群岛、特立尼达岛、马提尼克岛和其他的英国、法国和荷兰在加勒比海内或周边地区拥有的领土。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.50b 5条)
To postpone the session of a court or any other similar tribunal to another date.将法院或其他类似法庭的开庭期推迟。
The act of postponing to another time or place.推迟到其他时间或地点的行为。
In particular,rules under subsection(1)may make provision about the adjournment of an appeal by an adjudicator which may include provision prohibiting an adjudicator from adjourning except in specified circumstance.特别是,依据第(1)款制定的法规可以对裁审官作出的上诉延期作出规定,包括禁止裁审官延期的规定,特别情形除外。(英国2006国籍、移民与庇护法第106(2)(g)条)
If the magistrates' court adjourns the hearing under subsection(7)it may order that the Part 1A closure notice continues in effect until the end of the period of the adjournment.如果地方行政法院根据第(7)条推迟听证会,则该法院可以下令1A部分的终止通知继续有效,直到休会期结束为止。(英国刑事司法与移民法2008年第11B(8)条)
In migration context,a decision as to whether an applicant is qualified for the visa,refugee status,or other immigration status she/he seeks.在移徙背景下,对申请者是否可获得签证、难民身份,或其寻求的其他移民身份的决定。
Accused migrant workers and members of their families shall,save in exceptional circums-tances,be separated from convicted persons and shall be subject to separate treatment appropriate to their status as un-convicted persons.Accused juvenile persons shall be separated from adults and brought as speedily as possible for adjudication.被控告的移徙工人及其家庭成员,除特殊情况外,应与已经定罪的人隔离,并应给予合乎其未定罪者身份的分别待遇。被控告的未成年人应与成年人隔开,并应尽快予以审判。(保护所有移徙工人及家庭成员国际公约第17.2条)
Legally judge a document or case.通过法律判决诉讼或案件。
In migration context,an individual who is authorized by law to make decisions as to whether an applicant is qualified for the visa,refugee status,or other immigration status he or she seeks.移徙背景下,指法律授权作出申请人是否有资格获得签证、难民身份或其寻求其他身份决定的人员。相关词语 interview(面试)
Adjudicator means the chief adjudicator,deputy chief adjudicator and any other adjudi-cator appointed under section 53F.裁审官指根据第53F条任命的总裁审官、副总裁审官以及其他裁审官。(香港特别行政区移民法2009年修订第2(1)条)
adjustment(change)of status身份调整(变更)
Procedure whereby a non-national present in a State may seek a different immigration status.For example,provision may be made by law by which a non-national holding a student visa,on completion of studies,is able to seek a change of status so that his or her student visa is replaced by a work visa.指在一国居住的非国民请求其他移民身份的程序。例如法律规定持有学生签证的非国民在完成学业后,可以请求身份变更,以使其学生签证变为工作签证。相关词语adjustment of status(身份变更),change of status(身份变换),adjustment(变更)
Any alien who benefits from this subparagraph may adjust status in accordance with subsections(a)and(c)of section 1255 of this title as an alien having an approved petition for classification under subparagraph(A)(iii),(A)(iv),(B)(ii),or(B)(iii).在外国人依据第(A)(iii),(A)(iv),(B)(ii)或(B)(iii)条属于获准申请类别的人员时,受益于本款的该外国人可以根据本法第1255(a)和(c)条进行身份变更。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年修订第1154a(1)(D)条)
The alien must apply for such adjustment during the 18-month period beginning on the first day of the seventh month that begins after the date of enactment of this section.外国人必须在本条实施起第7个月的第1天后18个月的期间内申请此类(身份)变更。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第210(a)(1)(A)条)
The provisions of paragraphs(4),(5),and(7)(A)of section 212(a)shall not be applicable to any alien seeking adjustment of status under this section,and the Attorney General may waive any other provision of such section(other than paragraph(2)(C)or subparagraph(A),(B),(C),or(E)of paragraph(3))with respect to such an alien for humanitarian purposes,to assure family unity,or when it is otherwise in the public interest.212(a)条第(4)、第(5)和第(7)(A)款将不适用于依据本条款申请身份变更的外侨,且司法部长可以出于人道主义目的放弃对此类外侨依照本条中其他的规定(除了(2)(C)款或(3)款中(A)、(B)、(C)或(E)副款规定)的要求,以保证家庭的团聚或符合公共利益。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第209(c)条)
administer oaths监誓
To supervise or conduct oaths.监督或安排誓约。
Any person authorized under regulations issued by the Attorney General to register aliens under this title shall be authorized to administer oaths for such purpose.依据此款规定,根据由司法部长签署的法律法规要求外国人登记而被授权的人员应依法获权为此进行监誓。(美国移民与国籍法2010年修订第264(c)条)
Every officer has the authority to administer oaths and to take and receive evidence under oath on any matter arising out of this Act.就本法涉及的任何事项,每位官员都有监誓并依据宣誓获取并接收证据的权力。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第141条)
Administrative Appeals Office(AAO)行政上诉局
Petitioners and applicants for certain categories of immigration benefits may appeal a negative decision to the AAO.The AAO will conduct administrative review of those appeals to ensure consistency and accuracy in the interpretation of immigration law and policy.A non-precedent decision will be issued,which apply existing law and policy to the facts given.某些类别的移民受益申诉人及申请人可以就不利裁决向行政上诉局提出上诉。行政上诉局会对上诉进行复议以确保移民法与政策说明的一致性和准确性。作出的决定会将现有法律与政策用于给定的事实。
Administrative Appeals Tribunal行政上诉法庭
Courts that conduct administrative review of those appeals produced by immigrants.处理由移民提出上诉的法庭。
administrative arrangement行政安排(加拿大)
Administrative arrangements with other departments or agencies of the Government of Canada.指与加拿大政府的其他部门或机构之间的行政安排。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第26(d)条)
administrative authorities行政管理机构
It refers to the authority which handles the issues that are laid down by its national law and constitution,which exercises the power of national administration.行政管理机构指处理国家法律及宪法规定的事务,行使国家行政权力的机构。
In the event of a collision or any other incident of navigation concerning a ship on the high seas,involving the penal or disciplinary responsibility of the master or of any other person in the service of the ship,no penal or disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against such person except before the judicial or administrative authorities either of the flag State or of the State of which such person is a national.遇有船舶在公海上碰撞或任何其他航行事故涉及船长或任何其他为船舶服务人员的刑事或纪律责任时,对此类人员的任何刑事诉讼或纪律程序,仅可向船旗国或此种人员所属国的司法或行政管理机构提出。(联合国海洋法公约第97(1)条)
The provisions of this Article shall also apply when the mutual assistance requested concerns acts punishable only by a fine by virtue of being infringements of the rules of law in proceedings brought by the administrative authorities,where the request for assistance was made by a judicial authority.由于违反了法律法规,对于由行政管理机构提出的诉讼,只可以罚金的形式进行惩罚,在司法机构对该种行为请求互助协作时,本法规的条款也应适用。(2000年申根协议第50.5条)
administrative court行政法院
Administrative court is a court specializing in administrative law,particularly disputes concer-ning the exercise of public power.Their role is to ascertain that official acts are consistent with the law.Such courts are found in some European countries with civil law and are considered separate from general courts.行政法院是专门处理行政法的法院,尤其是处理与行使公共权力有关的争端。其作用是确定公务行为是否符合法律。在欧洲一些普通法国家有此类法院,并独立于普通法院。
An application for temporary relief pursuant to the Code of Administrative Courts Procedure shall be filed within seven days of announc-ement of the deportation order.依据《行政法院程序法规》,临时救济申请需要在驱逐令通知公布七天内提起。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第58(4)条)
The existence of deportation bans shall not preclude issuance of the notice of intention to deport.The state to which the foreigner must not be deported shall be specified in the notice of intention to deport.If the administrative court establishes the existence of a deportation ban,the validity of the notice of intention to deport shall remain otherwise unaffected.驱逐禁制令的存在不应妨碍签发驱逐意向公告。不接受被驱逐的外国人的国家应在驱逐意向公告中详细说明。如果行政法院认为有驱逐禁制令的事实,那么驱逐意向公告不受影响。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第59(3)条)
administrative detention行政拘留
A measure to deprive a person of his or her liberty taken by the competent administrative authority of a State.A large number of countries,both democratic and undemocratic,resort to administrative detention as a means to combat terrorism,control illegal immigration,or to protect the ruling regime.Unlike criminal incarceration imposed upon on conviction following a trial,administrative detention is a forward-looking mechanism.While criminal proceedings have a retrospective focus—they seek to determine whether a defendant committed an offense in the past—the reasoning behind administrative detention often is based upon contentions that the suspect is likely to pose a threat in the future.It is meant to be preventive in nature rather than punitive.The practice has been criticized by human rights organizations as a breach of civil and political rights.由一国行政当局采取的剥夺某人自由的措施。多数国家,无论是民主国家还是非民主国家,都将行政拘留作为打击恐怖主义、控制非法移民或保护其政权的一种手段。与审判后执行判决的监禁不同,行政拘留是一种前瞻性的机制。刑事诉讼具有追溯重点——寻求确定被告在过去是否犯罪——行政拘留的理由通常是基于嫌疑人可能在将来构成威胁这一论点。这意味着本质上行政拘留是预防性的而不是惩罚性的。这种实践受到人权组织的批评,认为违反了公民及政治权利。相关词语detention(拘留),migrant in an irregular situation(非正规形式移民)
administrative infringements行政侵权(欧盟)
Failure to comply with the administrative requirements of a State:under the EU Conven-tion on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters,national authorities can cooperate to secure prosecutions for an administrative infringement in any EU Member State.不能遵守某国行政要求:根据欧盟有关刑事互助公约,国家主管部门可以合作以确保任何欧盟会员国行政侵权行为得到检控。相关词语 judicial cooperation in criminal matters(刑事司法合作),mutual assistance in criminal matters(刑事事务互助)
administrative law judge(ALJ)行政法法官
In general,ALJs are judges employed by agencies of the executive(rather than the judicial)branch of government.They hear cases involving civil(as opposed to criminal)laws and regulations that an administrative agency is charged with implementing or enforcing.通常而言,行政法法官是由政府(而不是司法)机构聘用的法官。对于行政机构负责实施或执行的民事(与刑事相对)法规进行听证。
Any hearing so requested shall be conducted before an administrative law judge.任何请求召开的听证会均由行政法法官执行。(美国外国人与国籍法2010第1324 a(e)(3)(B)条)
administrative processing行政审查
In migration context,some visa applications require further administrative processing,which takes additional time after the visa applicant's interview by a Consular Officer.Applicants are advised of this requirement when they apply.移徙背景下,一些签证申请还需要行政审查,在由领事官员对签证申请人面试后进行。在申请人申请时会被告知这一要求。
The residence permit for family reunification are holders of the spouse and children reunited when they reach working age,able to work without any other administrative processing.在子女达到工作年龄,无须其他行政审查就能够工作的情况下,家庭团聚的居留许可证的持有人为配偶及团聚的子女。(西班牙2009年移民法第19.1条)
administrative provisions行政规定
An officially promulgated agency regulation that has the force of law.指具有法律效力的官方机构颁布的规定。
The Contracting Parties undertake to adapt their national laws,regulations and administr-ative provisions relating to the acquisition,possession,trade in and handing over of firearms and ammunition to the provisions of this chapter.各缔约国需保证使本国的法律、法规及行政规定适应本章条款中有关枪支及弹药的获得、拥有、交易及移交的内容。(2000年申根协议第77(1)条)
administrative removal /expulsion行政驱逐
Administrative removal is the process of removing a person who does not qualify for admission to a particular country or territory.In certain circumstances it can also refer to expelling an individual who has,for example,entered a country illegally;overstayed their permission to stay or who is working without permission.行政驱逐为对不符合入境某一特别国或领土人员的驱逐程序。某种情况下,也可指对非法入境某国、逾期停留人员的驱逐,或者未经许可而工作的人员的驱逐。
Administrative expulsion is forced and controlled displacement of foreign citizens,stateless persons across the State Border of Turkmen-istan outside its territory in cases provided by the legislation of Turkmenistan.行政驱逐为根据土库曼斯坦法律规定的情形,用强迫与控制性手段经过土库曼斯坦国家边境,将外国公民、无国籍人员迁移出其领土。(土库曼斯坦移徙法第1条)
Administrative Tribunal行政法庭
Hybrid adjudicating authorities which render judicial decisions.提供司法裁决的混合型审判机关。
Any violation of responsibilities by a staff member shall be submitted to the appropriate administrative tribunal as provided in the rules,regulations and procedures of the Authority.工作人员如有任何违反职责的行为,应提交到依据管理局的规则、规章和程序所规定的适当的行政法庭。(联合国海洋法公约第168(1)条)
A person who manages or heads a business,public office or agency.管理或负责公司、公职或机构的人员。
Administrator means the official designated by the Secretary of State.行政官员指由国务卿指定的官员。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.1条)
admissibility hearing入境听证(加拿大)
An admissibility hearing can be held to decide if one is allowed to come into or stay in Canada,if the person is a permanent resident or foreign national.It is held by the Immigration Division(ID)of the Immigration and Refugee Board(IRB).若为永久居民或外国人,若获准入境或在加拿大居留,应举行入境听证进行裁决。入境听证由移民与难民委员会的移民部负责举行。
An officer may authorize a person to enter Canada for the purpose of further examination or an admissibility hearing under this Part.为进一步审查或听证,根据本部分规定,官员可授权某人入境加拿大。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第23条)
Worthy of gaining entry or being admitted.有权进入的或被允许入境的。相关词语 border officials(边境官员),checkpoint(检查站),entry(进入),admission(入境)
An alien is not ineligible for adjustment of status under this section due to being inadmissible under section 212(a)(4)if the alien demonstrates a history of employment in the United States evidencing self-support without receipt of public cash assistance.身为第212(a)(4)条规定不准入境的外国人,如果能够证明其在美国自立而不需要政府补贴,根据本条规定,则该人员符合身份变更的要求。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第245A(d)(2)(B)(iii)条)
The granting of entry into a State.An alien has been “admitted” if he or she passed through a checkpoint(air,land or sea)and is permitted to enter by border officials.An alien who has entered clandestinely is not considered to have been admitted.准许入境某一国家。如果某外国人通过检查站(航空、陆地或海上)并被边境官员准许入境,则视为“入境”。秘密入境的外国人不应视为已“入境”。相关词语 border officials(边境官员),checkpoint(检查站),entry(进入),admissible(可入境的)
Admission and “admitted” mean,with respect to an alien,the lawful entry of the alien into the United States after inspection and authorization by an immigration officer.就外国人而言,入境及允许入境指外国人通过移民官员的检查和批准后合法入境美国。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.13A条)
In this Act,unless the context indicates otherwise—admission means entering the Republic at a port of entry on the basis of the authority to do so validly granted by this Act or by an immigration officer in terms of this Act,and the verb “to admit” has a corresponding meaning.本法中,除非有其他情况,否则——入境指得到当局允许、由本法有效赋予的或由移民官员按照本法的规定准予在入境口岸进入共和国,动词“入境”具有相应的意义。(南非2002年移民法第2(1)条)
admission capacity入境接受能力
Admission capacity refers to the capacity of a State which can accept the number of admission.指一国可以接受入境人数的能力。
When the Land whose authority has initiated allocation has not fulfilled its admission quota,the Land's reception centre located nearest to this authority with available admission capacity shall be obliged to admit the foreigners concerned.在有权启动入境配额工作的州没有完成配额任务时,与该机构最近州的有接纳能力的接待中心应接纳相关外国人。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第15a(3)条)
admission number入境号码(美)
The particular number is found on one's I-94 card,which will change every time he/she enters the Unites States.指入境美国时在I-94(入境卡)卡上的特定号码,每次入境美国时该号码都要改变。相关词语“A” number(A号码)
See adoption.见领养。
Amendments to this Annex,other than amendments to section 4,may be adopted only in accordance with article 313 or by consensus at a conference convened in accordance with this Convention.对本附件的修正案,除对其第4节的修正案外,只可按照第313条或在按照本公约召开的一次会议上,以协商一致的方式通过。(联合国海洋法公约附件六第41(1)条)
Adopted in relation to a child,means adopted under the law of any place relating to the adoption of children.与儿童有关的领养指根据任一地区有关儿童领养的法律规定进行的领养。(瓦努阿图2010年移民法第1条)
Legally adopted means adopted in pursuance of an order made by any court in the United Kingdom and Islands or by any adoption specified as an overseas adoption by order of the Secretary of State under section 4 of the Adoption Act 1968.指由英国及各岛任何法庭作出判决的合法收养,或根据《1968年收养法》第4条由国务大臣下达命令规定的海外收养。(英国1971年移民法第33条)
adopted child领养子女
Adopted child refers to the child adopted by other people other than his or her own parents. Rights and obligations arise from adoption between foster parents and child. Rights and obligations between the child and their biological parents are eliminated due to adoption. 领养子女指被他人收养的子女。养父母与领养子女之间的权利、义务因收养而产生,被领养子女与其生父母之间的权利、义务也因收养而消除。
Subsection(a)shall apply to a child adopted by a United States citizen parent if the child satisfies the requirements applicable to adopted children under section.(a)款适用于美国公民所领养的子女,条件是该子女满足此款关于收养子女的若干条件。(美国移民与国籍法2010年修订第320(3)(b)条)
Dependant in relation to another person means—(a)the child or step-child of such person,if the child or the step-child is under the age of twenty-one years;(b)an adopted child under the age of twenty-one years,having been adopted by such person in a manner recognised by law.与他人相关的受抚养是指:(a)该人年龄不满21岁的子女或继子女;(b)该人收养行为得到法律认可的年龄不满21岁的领养子女。(马耳他1970年移民法2007年修订版第1(2)条)
A person who adopts a child of other parents as his or her own child.收养其他父母亲所生子女作为自己孩子(进行抚养)的人员。
A residence permit under section 9(1)(iii)of the Aliens Act for under-age aliens with a possibility of permanent residence with others than the person having custody thereof is issued with a possibility of:(i)adoption where the applicant for adoption is approved as an adopter,where the child is comprised by the approval and where the applicant for adoption has consented to accept the child.依据《丹麦外国人法》第9(1)(iii)条的规定,关于未成年外国人与非监护人在一起有可能取得永久居住证的情况,居住许可证在下列情况下可以签发:(i)领养申请人作为领养人得到准许、被收养儿童同意收养、领养申请人同意接受该儿童的领养行为。(外国人入境丹麦法第27(1)(i)条)
The statutory process of terminating a child's legal rights and duties between the child and the natural parents,and substituting similar rights and duties toward adoptive parents(family law).终止亲生父母对小孩的合法权利和义务,并赋予领养父母(家庭法)类似权利和义务的法定程序。相关词语orphan(孤儿)
A person is under this Act to have the right of abode,in the United Kingdom if—(a)he is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies who to has that citizenship by his birth,adoption,naturalisation or(except as men-tioned below)registration in registration,the United Kingdom or in any of the Islands.根据本法,以下情况的人员在英国有居留权——(a)在出生时、受领养时、入籍归化或(除在下列提及情况外)在英国或其任何岛屿注册时拥有英国或其殖民地的公民身份。(英国1971年移民法第2(a)条)
Section 1 of the British Nationality Act 1981(acquisition of British citizenship by birth or adoption)is amended as follows.《1981年英国国籍法》第1条(根据出生地或通过收养取得英国公民资格)作出如下修订。(英国2009年边境、公民与移民法第42(1)条)
In international law,the term is used to denote the agreement of the parties as to what the text of a proposed treaty shall be.在国际法中,此术语用来指各方就条约的文本内容达成一致意见。
Adoption is the formal act by which the form and content of a proposed treaty text are established.As a general rule,the adoption of the text of a treaty takes place through the expression of the consent of the states partici-pating in the treaty-making process.Treaties that are negotiated within an international organization will usually be adopted by a resolution of a representative organ of the organization.A treaty can also be adopted by an international conference which has specifically been convened for setting up the treaty,by a vote of two thirds of the states present and voting,unless,by the same majority,they have decided to apply a different rule.通过是一种以正式法令确定拟议的条约文本的形式与内容。通常,条约之文本的通过是由参与条约制定程序的国家的认同表述而进行的。在国际组织内部商榷的条约会由该组织机构代表决议通过。条约可以专门为此条约设立的国际会议形式通过,还可由出席和投票国家的2/3的投票通过,但此等国家以同样多数决定适用另一规则者不在此限。(1969年维也纳条约法公约第9条)
If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted and no agreement has been reached,the amendment shall,as a last resort,require for its adoption a two-thirds majority vote of the States Parties to this Protocol present and voting at the meeting of the Conference of the Parties.如果已为达成协商一致作出一切努力而仍未达成一致意见,作为最后手段,该修正案须有出席缔约方会议并参加表决的本议定书缔约国的三分之二多数票方可通过。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第19条)
adoption certificate领养证明书
A certificate which shows the adoption is lawful.指领养为合法的证明书。
adoption registration certificate领养登记证明书
A certificate which shows the adoption has been registered in the relevant agency and the adoption is lawful.指能够说明领养已在相关机构注册登记及领养合法的证明书。
Adulthood can be defined in terms of biology,psychological adult development,law,personal character,or social status,i.e.every human being aged eighteen years or more unless,under the law applicable to the adult,majority is attained later.成年期指从生理、心理成熟发展、法律、个人性格或社会地位方面来定义的,即指年龄在18岁或18岁以上的、达到法定年龄的成年人。相关词语 minor(未成年人),child(儿童)
If the offender is aged 16 or under,the explanation and warning mentioned in subsec-tion(4)must be given in the presence of an appropriate adult.如果犯罪人员年仅16岁或不足16岁,则第(4)款中提到的解释和警告需要在合适的成年人在场时才能进行。(英国2008年刑事司法与移民法第66(B)条)
The provisions of subsection(6)do not apply to an alien specified in clause(1)after he or she has become an adult.第6条的内容不适用于第(1)条规定的已经成年的外国人员。(爱沙尼亚1993年外国人法1999年修订外国人法第12(3(10))条)
adult detainee成年被拘留者
It refers to the detainee who is an adult.指被拘留者为成年人。
advance parole回美证(美)
Advance parole is a document that allows certain aliens to re-enter the United States without an immigrant visa or non-immigrant visa after traveling abroad.Such aliens must be granted Advance Parole before leaving the United States.If they have not obtained Advance Parole prior to traveling abroad,they may not be permitted to re-enter the United States upon their return without obtaining some kind of visa.回美证是允许特定的外籍人士在离开美国一段时间以后可以不需要移民签证或者非移民签证重新进入美国的一种证件。外籍人士在离开美国之前必须申请并获得回美证。如果在离开美国之前没有获得回美证,那么再次回到美国的时候,没有相关签证不允许其再次入境美国。相关词语parole(临时入境许可)
Advance Passenger Information(API)旅客先期信息(API)
A system where certain information(usually that contained in the machine-readable zone of travel documents)about passengers is collected and transmitted to border control agencies before a flight arrives and is made available on the primary line at the port of entry.Advance Passenger Information is a requirement of several countries around the world to tighten-up who travels to their country.Passengers are required to provide a variety of information if flying to:1.UK-from/to USA,UAE,Thailand,South Africa,Pakistan,Jamaica,Kenya,Iran,Syria,Morocco;2.Spain;3.Antigua,Barbados,Greneda,St.Lucia,Trinidad and Tobago;4.USA;5.Canada;6.Mexico;7.China;8.Japan.The exact information required will vary depending on the country,but it will generally include:full name(given names as on passport)including last name;gender;date of birth;nationality;passport number and expiry date;where passport issues;country of residence.采集到的有关乘客的某些信息(通常为旅行证件中可机读区域的信息),并在飞行器抵达之前将这些信息传送给边境管控机构,在入境口岸初检线获取信息的一种系统。旅客先期信息是一些国家为了控制到达其国家旅行人员而作出的一种要求。如果旅客飞往以下各国,应该提供相关信息:1.从阿联酋、泰国、南非、巴基斯坦、牙买加、肯尼亚、伊朗、叙利亚、摩洛哥到美国/英国;2.西班牙;3.安提瓜、巴巴多斯、格林纳达、牙买加、圣卢西亚、特立尼达和多巴哥;4.美国;5.加拿大;6.中国;7.墨西哥;8.日本。需要提供的具体信息因国而异,但通常会包括以下信息:全名(护照上的名字)包括姓、性别、出生日期、国籍、护照号及失效日期、护照签发地、居住国。(国际民航组织第9303号文件)
advisory opinion咨询意见
An opinion regarding a point of law from the Office of Visa Services in the competent authority of a country.This opinion would be in answer to a question from an embassy or consulate about interpretation of immigration law or in response to a request of review of the legal correctness of a visa refusal of an applicant or his/her representative.一国主管当局的签证机构有关法律要点的意见,此意见可视为大使馆或领事馆对有关移民法阐释问题的回应,或者对申请人或其代表拒签的法律正确性复议要求的回应。
Upon a written request addressed to the President and sponsored by at least one fourth of the members of the Authority for an advisory opinion on the conformity with this Convention of a proposal before the Assembly on any matter,the Assembly shall request the Seabed Disputes Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to give an advisory opinion thereon and shall defer voting on that proposal pending receipt of the advisory opinion by the Chamber.对于大会审议中关于任何事项的提案是否符合本公约的问题,在管理局至少四分之一成员以书面要求主席征求咨询意见时,大会应请国际海洋法法庭海底争端分庭就该提案提出咨询意见,并应在收到分庭的咨询意见前,推迟对该提案的表决。(联合国海洋法公约第159(10)条)
advisory opinion(“J” visa), waiver of foreign residence requirement咨询意见(J签证),宽宥外国人居留要求(美)
A J-1 visa /DS 2019 or IAP 66 form will have a statement in the bottom left hand corner of the form,as follows:Bearer is or is not subject to section 212(e).This is a preliminary endorsement of the Consular Officer or Immigration Officer regarding Section 212(e)of the INA.AJ-1签证/DS 2019或者IAP 66 签证底部左角写着“持有人受到/不受212(e)条的限制。”此为领事馆官员或移民官员根据《移民与归化法》212(e)条款初次签注。相关词语 eligibility and application procedures(符合条件人员及申请程序)
AEDPA(the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996)《1996年反恐与有效死刑法》(美)
The Anti-terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 is an act of US Congress signed into law on April 24,1996.该法是美国国会于1996年4月24日通过的一部法律。
An airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo.配有指挥塔、机库,为旅客提供住宿、为货物提供场所的飞机场。
Every person who arrives in Zambia by air—
(a)at any prescribed airport and intends to leave the precincts of such airport,shall forthwith appear before an immigration officer;or
(b)at any place other than a prescribed airport,shall forthwith proceed to and appear before the nearest immigration officer.
In the cases established by the Government of the Republic,an alien shall be in possession of a visa in order to enter and stay in a transit zone at an Estonian airport.在由政府官方规定的情况下,外国人应持有在爱沙尼亚机场过境区入境及停留的签证。(爱沙尼亚1993年外国人法1999年修订第四章第9(1)条)
Aeronautics Act航空法(加拿大)
The Act consists of a lengthy interpretation section which defines many key terms.Part I deals with Aeronautics in general,Part III deals with staff responsibilities.One of the main effects of the Act is to enable the Canadian Aviation Regulations.该法包括对许多术语进行定义的释义部分。第一部分关于航空的一般性,第三部分涉及工作人员的职责。该法的主要作用之一是确保《加拿大航空条例》的实施。
A written statement signed on oath and witnessed by a qualified solicitor or notary.In migration context,an affidavit is normally signed by a sponsor,guaranteeing full cost of maintenance of a migrant to enable entry to be granted into the country,frequently required for elderly migrants and those who are ill and unable to fend for themselves.担保签署的书面宣誓书,且由获得资格的律师或公证人见证。移徙背景下,担保书通常由担保移民所有费用的赞助人签署,以使移民获得批准入境该国。通常,年长者且身患疾病不能自理的移民需要此类手续。相关词语guarantee(担保),sponsorship(赞助)
The Minister may require that any represent-ations made be verified by affidavit.部长可以要求任何陈述内容都需要用担保书进行证明。(特立尼达和多巴哥1969年移民法2005年修订第30(5)b条)
For the purposes of sections 18 and 20 of this Schedule,the Appeal Board may —(b)receive and consider any material by way of oral evidence(on oath or otherwise)or written statements or documents(by affidavit or otherwise)本法第18条和20条中所指的上诉委员会可以:(b)接受并考虑口头证据资料(宣誓或其他)或书面陈述、文献资料(通过担保书或其他方式)。(香港移民法2009年修订第1A(21)(b)条)
affidavit of support经济担保书
A certified legal document,containing written testimony given under oath before a competent authority.In the migration context,an affidavit is normally signed by a sponsor,guaranteeing full cost of maintenance of a migrant to enable entry to be granted into the country,frequently required for elderly migrants and those who are ill and unable to fend for themselves.核实的法律文件,包括由主管机构监督按照宣誓提供的书面证词。移徙背景下,担保书通常由资助人来签名,确保移民的所有费用,以便能够获得授权入境该国,要求的对象常为年迈的移民以及患病且不能照料自己的人员。相关词语immigrant visas(移民签证), nonimmigrant visas(非移民签证)
Kinship by marriage or adoption;not a blood relationship.通过结婚或收养而产生的亲属关系;非血缘关系。
If the alien shall fail to furnish evidence by means of harmless documents for the affinity relationship he refers to pursuant to this Federal Act,he shall be allowed,upon request and at his own expense,to carry out a DNA-test.根据《联邦法案》,如果外国人无法通过无害文件为其所称的姻亲关系提供证据,经过请求后,此人可以自费进行DNA检测。(奥地利2006年定居及居留法第29(2)条)
In the practice of the court of appeals,it means that the court of appeals has concluded that the lower court decision is correct and will stand as rendered by the lower court.上诉法院的做法,该词是指上诉法院认为下级法院的裁决是正确的,且会支持下级法院。
The contracting parties,considering that the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights approved on 10 December 1948 by the General Assembly have affirmed the principle that human beings shall enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms without discrimination.鉴于《联合国宪章》和1948年12月10日获得联合国大会批准的《世界人权宣言》,各缔约国确认的原则是:人类应不受歧视地享有基本权利和自由。(难民地位公约前言)
A solemn and formal declaration of the truth of a statement.庄严、正式声明陈述的真实性。
For the purposes of this section,a reference to—(a)a “deposition” includes any written statement made upon oath;and(b)an “oath” includes an affirmation or declaration in the case of persons allowed by law to affirm or declare instead of swear.本条款规定:(a)“证词”包含任何有关宣誓所做的书面陈述;(b)“宣誓”包含法律允许的当事人的事实陈述或口供,并用事实陈述或口供代替发誓。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年修订第40(3)条)
Charges shall be in writing under oath or affirmation and shall contain such information as the Attorney General requires.所需费用需要依据宣誓和事实陈述落实到书面上,并且应包含司法部长规定的信息。(美国外国人与国籍法1324b(b)(1))
For the purposes of sections 18 and 20 of this Schedule, the Appeal Board may—
(a)administer oaths and affirmations;(b)receive and consider any material by way of oral evidence(on oath or otherwise)or written statements or documents(by affidavit or otherwise). 为施行本附表第18及20条,上诉委员会可——
affirmation of allegiance宣誓效忠
An official declaration by those taking another country's citizenship,promising to faithfully support this country.获得他国公民身份,保证忠诚该国的人员作出的正式声明。
Being the one previously mentioned or spoken of.之前提及过或谈到过的。
Prima facie evidence of any such order,notice,direction or certificate as aforesaid may,in any legal proceedings or proceedings under Part II of this Act,be given by the production of a document bearing a certificate purporting to be signed by or on behalf of the Secretary of State and stating that the document is a true copy of the order,notice,direction or certificate.上述的任何命令、通知、指示或证明的证据,根据本法第II部分规定,在任何法律诉讼或诉讼中,应提供附有国务大臣签名或代表其签名的文件,并表明该文件为该命令、通知、指示或证明的副本。(英国1971 移民法第32(3)条)
If the coastal States intend to adopt additional laws and regulations for the same area for the prevention,reduction and control of pollution from vessels,they shall,when submitting the aforesaid communication,at the same time notify the organization thereof.如果沿海国有意为同一区域制定其他法律和规章,以防止、减少和控制来自船只的污染,它们应于提出上述通知时,同时将这一意向通知该组织。(联合国海洋法公约第211(6)(c)条)
Adverse to.不利于。
A permanent resident or a protected person may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision at an examination or admissibility hearing to make a removal order against them.永久居民或受保护的人员可以向移民上诉法庭就审核或受理听证而下达对其的驱逐令提出上诉。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第63.3条)
The powers of enforcement against foreign vessels under this Part may only be exercised by officials or by warships,military aircraft,or other ships or aircraft clearly marked and identifiable as being on government service and authorized to that effect.本部分规定的就外国船只的执行权利,只有官员或军舰、军用飞机或其他有清楚标志可以识别为政府服务并经授权的船舶或飞机才能行使。(联合国海洋法公约第224条)
A person is over or under a particular age if he has,or as the case may be has not,attained that age:is between two particular ages:is he has attained the first but not the second.处于或在某一特定年龄之上或以下的人员,或视情形而定,若该人员尚未达到此年龄,而是处于两个特殊年龄之间:达到第一个年龄而尚未达到第二个年龄。相关词语 EU citizenship(欧盟公民身份),fundamental rights(基本权利),child(儿童),minor(未成年人)
In some countries,for example,in Canada,a maximum of 10 points can be awarded for Age under the Skilled Worker selection criteria.The maximum ten points will be awarded for those between 21- 49 years of age,with a decrease of 2 points for each year of age under 21 or over 49.有些国家如加拿大,根据技术移民选择标准,最高可赋予10分。年龄在21~49岁之间的人员,最高分可以给10分,在21岁以下或49岁以上,年龄每减少一岁或增加一岁相应减少2分。
Each State Party shall take into account,in applying the provisions of this article,the age,gender and special needs of victims of trafficking in persons,in particular the special needs of children,including appropriate housing,education and care.各缔约国在执行本条规定时,均应考虑到人口贩运活动被害人的年龄、性别和特殊需要,特别是儿童的特殊需要,其中包括适当的住房、教育和照料。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书附件二第6(4)条)
In all cases in which either spouse is aged 24 years or younger,an investigation shall be made as to whether the circumstances are of the type referred to in the first and second sentences of this paragraph.在配偶已满或不满24岁的所有情况下,都需要调查其是否为本条款第一和第二句所指情况。(冰岛2002年外国人法第13条)
age-disputed child年龄有争议的儿童(英)
An age-disputed child is an asylum applicant whose claimed date of birth is not accepted by the UK Border Agency(UKBA)and/or by the local authority who have been approached to provide support.年龄有争议的儿童是指提供的出生日期不被英国边境局并/或提供援助的地方当局接受的庇护申请者。
aging out年龄问题;超龄问题;超出(规定)年龄(美)
If a person filing for permanent residency is 21 or less and unmarried,he or she will be able to file as a child.However,if the child's parents are legal permanent residents,there is the danger of “aging out”.Even after the papers are filed for permanent residency,it can take many months to officially register the adjust-ment of status.In the meantime,the person could turn 21,and no longer qualify as a child,thus “aging out”. Now he or she must start all over again to file as an adult.亲属移民申请的受益人如果21岁,或小于21岁并且未结婚,可以作为申请人的子女进行移民申请。但是,若申请人,即孩子的父母是合法永久居民,就存在超龄的危险。即使在孩子的父母为孩子提出移民申请后,正式调整身份需要数个月。期间,该人员有可能满21岁,并且不再有资格作为申请人的子女获取亲属移民的利益,因而就超龄了。此时,此人就得从头再来,作为一个成年人为自己申办移民。
agenda for protection保护行动计划/蓝图
It refers to the programme of action to improve the protection of refugees and asylum-seekers around the world.It was launched by UNHCR.保护行动计划指为促进保护难民及庇护寻求者而实施的计划。由联合国难民署发起。
1.In immigrant visa processing,the applicant selects a person who receives all correspond-ence regarding the case and pays the immigrant visa application processing fee.2.The agent can be the applicant,the petitioner or another person selected by the applicant.Any agent or representative of a federal agency or bureau.3.A representative who acts on behalf of other persons or organizations.1.办理移民签证时,申请人选择接受与案件有关的所有函件,并支付移民签证申请手续费的人。2.代理人,申诉人或由申请人选定的另一人,或联邦机构或处的代表。3.代表其他人员或组织的代表。
In respect of a fund,the Minister acting as an agent on behalf of a fund that has been approved by a province.就基金而言,部长作为由省批准的代表基金的代理人。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第88(1)条)
Agent includes for the purposes of section 148 of the Act,any person in Canada who provides services as a representative of a vehicle owner,a vehicle operator or a charterer;and for the purposes of paragraph 148(1)(d)of the Act,in addition to the person referred to in paragraph(a),a travel agent,a charterer,and an operator or owner of a reservation system.根据本法第148条,代理人包括任何在加拿大作为车辆拥有人、驾驶员或租赁者代表的能够提供服务的人;及根据本法第148(1)规定,除(a)款中规定的人员外,旅行代理人、租赁者及驾驶员或预定系统的拥有者都包括在内。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第2条)
No member of the Tribunal may act as agent,counsel or advocate in any case.任何法庭成员不得在任何案件中充任代理人、律师或辩护人。(联合国海洋法公约附件六第7(2)条)
Actions may be brought against the Enterprise only in a court of competent jurisdiction in the territory of a State Party in which the Enterprise:(i)has an office or facility;(ii)has appointed an agent for the purpose of accepting service or notice of process.只有在下列情形下,才可在缔约国内有管辖权的法院中对企业部提起诉讼,即企业部在该国领土内:(i)设有办事处或设施;(ii)为接受传票或诉讼通知派有代理人。(联合国海洋法公约附件四第13(3)(a)条)
No member of the Tribunal may participate in the decision of any case in which he has previously taken part as agent,counsel or advocate for one of the parties,or as a member of a national or international court or tribunal,or in any other capacity.任何过去曾作为某一案件当事人一方的代理人、律师或辩护人,或曾作为国内或国际法院或法庭的法官,或以任何其他资格参加该案件的法庭法官,不得参与该案件的裁判。(联合国海洋法公约附件六第8(1)条)
aggravated felony重罪
A serious crime usually punishable by imprison-ment for more than one year or by death.一种通常可判处一年以上刑期或死刑的严重犯罪。
For purposes of clause(ii)of subparagraph(A),an alien who has been convicted of an aggravated felony shall be considered to have been convicted of a particularly serious crime.A款第(ii)条规定,犯有重罪的外国人应视为已犯有某特别严重的罪行。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年修订第1158(b)(2)(B)条)
The term “aggravated felony” means:(A)murder,rape,or sexual abuse of a minor;(B)illicit trafficking in controlled substance(as described in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act),including a drug trafficking crime(as defined in section 924(c)of title 18,United States Code).指(A)谋杀、强奸或对未成年人的性虐待;(B)非法贩运受控药(管制药品法102条列出的药物),包括毒品走私罪(美国法典第18部第924(c)规定)等。(其他重罪详见美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.43条款的规定)
A mutual understanding(written or unwritten)between two or more parties intended to have a legally binding character.两方或多方当事人间有法律约束力特性的相互谅解(书面或非书面)。相关词语treaty(条约),convention(国际公约),covenant(公约),instrument(文件)
In the absence of an agreement or arrangement as set forth in paragraph 2 of this article,decisions to use such special investigative techniques at the international level shall be made on a case-by-case basis and may,when necessary,take into consideration financial arrangements and understandings with respect to the exercise of jurisdiction by the States Parties concerned.在无本条第2款所列协定或安排的情况下,关于在国际一级使用这种特殊侦查手段的决定,应在个案基础上作出,必要时还可考虑到有关缔约国就行使管辖权所达成的财务安排或谅解。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书附件一第20(3)条)
A foreigner who possesses a right of residence in accordance with the EEC/Turkey Associa-tion Agreement is obliged to furnish evidence of the existence of said right of residence through the possession of a residence permit.根据EEC/土耳其协约拥有居留权的外国人应该提供上述提及的居留证据。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第4.4(5)条)
The American Immigration Lawyers Association(AILA), founded on October 14, 1946, is a voluntary bar association of over 13,000 attorneys and law professors who practice and teach immigration law. AILA member attorneys represent U.S.families seeking permanent residence for close family members, as well as U.S.businesses seeking talent from the global marketplace. AILA members also represent foreign students, entertainers, athletes, and asylum seekers, often on a pro bono basis. AILA is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organiza-tion. Its national headquarters are in Washington, D.C. 美国移民律师协会(AILA)成立于1946年10月14日,是一个自愿性的律师协会,由13000多名律师和从事移民法实践与教学的教授组成。该协会成员律师代表美国家庭为其近亲属以及美国企业为其招募的全球人才争取在美的永久居留。协会成员无偿为外国学生、演艺人员、运动员以及寻求庇护者提供帮助,是个无党派、非营利组织,总部设在华盛顿特区。
air bridge登机廊桥
It refers to the bridge which serves as a corridor led to the plane.指通向飞机作为走廊的桥。
air transport航空运输
It means using plane to transport people,cargos as well as mails from one place to another.指使用飞机将人员、货物及邮件等从一地运往另一地。
The Minister may declare,in writing,a specified class of flights conducted by a specified air transport enterprise or by another specified person to be pre-cleared flights for the purposes of this Act.部长可以通过书面宣布由指定航空运输企业或其他本法规定的可以提前进行飞行检查的指定人员管理的指定类别的飞行。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第17(2)条)
Aircraft means a vehicle capable of atmosp-heric flight due to interaction with the air.指由于与空气的接触能够进行大气飞行的工具。
Aircraft means a machine or apparatus that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air or from buoyancy,but does not include a hovercraft.航行器指在大气中通过空气或浮力反应获得支持的机器或装置,但不包括气垫船。(瓦努阿图2010年移民法第1条)
Aircraft includes aeroplanes,seaplanes,airships,balloons or any other means of aerial locomo-tion.航行器指飞机、水上飞机、飞艇、气球或其他形式的空中飞行工具。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第245A条)
The commander of a Commonwealth ship or Commonwealth aircraft may use any reasonable means to make a request under this section.依据本条,英联邦船只或飞行器的指挥官可以使用任何合理方式提出要求。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第245B(8)条)
Airline Flight Crew Licences航空机组人员执照
Since the early days of aviation, States have recognized the necessity to check the competency of personnel who perform activities which, unless performed properly, could jeopardize aviation safety. The recognition of this competency was generally made by issuing a licence. This concept has remained valid throughout the years, and the whole of Annex 1 may be considered as an evolution of this basic idea. However, civil aviation is very different today from what it was when the first licences were issued, and the provisions of Annex 1 have been established and then regularly updated to manage the increasing complexity of civil aviation. The personnel licensing system, as implemented in Annex 1, is now built on the following principles:The licence is the authorization which allows the holder to perform specific activities, which otherwise would be prohibited. A licence is issued by a State when the applicant has demonstrated an acceptable degree of competency. The right to issue a licence is reserved to States either directly or through a body with delegated authority. When the term “ICAO licence” is used, it indicates that the licence is issued by a Contracting State in compliance with the provisions in Annex 1. ICAO does not itself issue licences. There are different types of licence. Each one grants specific privileges to the holder. Ratings can be added to the licence to extend the basic privileges. 从航空业的早期开始,各国就认识到有必要对那些从事操作不当就可能危及航空安全的活动的航空人员的胜任能力进行审查。对这种能力的确认一般通过颁发执照来体现。多年来,这个概念一直得到沿用,整个附件1 可以认为就是对这一基本观念发展过程的记述。然而,今天的民用航空业已远远不同于刚开始颁发执照的时期,附件1 各项规定的制定及定期更新,其目的就是为了应对民用航空日益增加的复杂性。附件1 所执行的人员执照颁发体系依据的是下述原则:执照是允许其持有者从事特定活动的授权,没有这种授权将禁止从事这些活动。当申请人已证明具备可接受水平的能力时,由国家颁发执照。颁发执照的权力归国家所有,它可以直接颁发,也可授权一个机构颁发。颁照权由国家统一掌握。当使用“国际民航组织执照”一词时,表明该执照是按照附件1 的规定由缔约国颁发的。“国际民航组织”本身不颁发执照。执照有多种不同的种类,每种执照授予持有人特定的权利。执照上可以增加等级,以扩大其权利。(民用医学航空手册附件1第1.2.3及第1.2.4条)
(a)Student pilot. While it is not formally a license, many Contracting States issue an authorization for a student pilot, allowing such a pilot to fly solo before licensing as long as the applicant is medically fit. In some States, the Medical Assessment itself, when issued as a certificate, functions as the student pilot's license. The medical fitness required is the least restrictive of all pilot licenses(Class 2). Therefore the medical examiner should be prepared to counsel the applicant against further time and expense in pursuance of piloting ambitions if a medical condition is established which might prevent his acquisition of a more senior pilot license, if this is his ambition.(b)Private pilot license—aero plane(PPL—aeroplane). The most commonly held license permitting the holder to fly an aeroplane other than professionally. Private pilots usually fly small aeroplanes in visual meteorological conditions(VMC). It is, however, not unusual to add an instrument rating to a PPL.(c)Private pilot license—helicopter(PPL—helicopter). This is the helicopter license equivalent to the PPL—aeroplane.(d)Glider pilot license permits the holder to act as pilot-in-command of any glider.(e)Free balloon pilot license. The holder of this license is permitted to act as pilot-in-command of any free balloon.(a)飞行学员。虽然许可证不是正式执照,但许多缔约国都会给飞行学员发放这种证件,允许其在获得执照前进行单飞,只要申请人身体合格。在有些国家,发放的体检合格证本身就可以充当飞行学员执照。在所有驾驶员执照中,这种执照对身体合格的要求最低(II级体检合格证)。因此,如果已经确定申请人的身体条件不能进一步获得更高级的驾驶员执照,体检医师就应当劝导其不要再花费时间和金钱去追求飞行的梦想。(b)私用(飞机)驾驶员执照(PPL——飞机)。这是最普通的执照,允许持有人驾驶飞机用于非职业目的。私用驾驶员常在目视气象条件(VMC)下驾驶小型飞机。但是,在私用(飞机)驾驶员执照上增加仪表等级并非罕见。(c)私用(直升机)驾驶员执照(PPL——直升机)。这是一种等同于私用(飞机)驾驶员执照的私用(直升机)驾驶员执照。(d)滑翔机驾驶员执照。这种执照允许持有人担任任何滑翔机的机长。(e)自由气球驾驶员执照。这种执照允许持有人担任任何自由气球的机长。(民用医学航空手册第2章第1.2.6(a)至1.2.6(e)条)
Airport Division(Immigration Department)机场管制科(入境事务处)
It means the authority whose duty is mainly to deal with the entry and departure issues.指主要职责是处理入境及离境事务的机构。
airport fire service机场消防队
The fire service that stations in airport.指驻扎在机场的消防队。
airport lounge候机室
An airport lounge is a facility owned by a particular airline.Many offer private meeting rooms,phone,wireless and internet access.由航空公司拥有的候机设施。许多候机室提供私人会客室、电话、无线及网络连接服务。
airport of entry入境机场
An airport of entry is an airport that provides customs and immigration services for incoming flights.These services allow the airport to serve as an initial port of entry for foreign visitors arriving in a country.入境机场指为航班提供海关与移民服务的机场。这些服务使得机场作为抵达一国的外国游客首次入境的口岸。
airport of departure始发站机场
It refers to the airport from which passengers depart and reach another one.指旅客离开一地能够抵达另一地的机场。
airport transit visa(type “A” visa)(ATV)机场过境签证(A类型签证)(欧盟)
Airport transit visa(type “A” visa)means a visa required with a view to a transit through the international transit areas of the airports of Member States by nationals from certain third countries,as an exception to the principle of free transit laid down in annex 9 to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation.机场过境签证(A类型签证)指来自第三国的国民通过成员国机场的国际过境区应持有的签证,为《芝加哥国际民航协约》附件9中规定的自由过境原则的特殊情况。(2006/0142欧洲议会及理事会“关于设立有关签证的统一法典的规定”的草案第2(5)条)
This visa entitles aliens who are required to have such a visa,to pass through the interna-tional transit area of airports,without actually entering the national territory of the country concerned,during a stop-over or transfer between two sections of an international flight.The requirement to have this visa is an exception to the general right to transit without a visa through the above mentioned interna-tional transit area.该签证使得要求持有此类签证的外国人有权通过机场国际过境区,在国际航班两个区域间停留或过境而无须入境相关国家的领土。无签证而要通过上述国际过境区域的,此类签证的要求为例外。(申根条约缔约国的外交使团及领事职位的共同规定第2.1.1条)
airport security机场安全
Airport security refers to the techniques and methods used in protecting passengers,staff and aircraft which use the airport from accidental/malicious harm,crime and other threats.机场安全指用于保护乘客、工作人员和飞机的技术与方法,能够使机场免于意外/恶意伤害、犯罪及其他威胁。
airport terminal机场候机楼
A terminal that serves air travelers or air freight.为航空旅客或空中货运提供服务的航站楼。
Airside Transit Visa机场过境签证
Airside Transit Visa(ATV)is a document issued prior to arrival by a state that authorizes citizens of certain nationalities to transit through the issuing state's territory en route to an international destination without leaving the direct transit area.机场过境签证是由一国签发的准许某国籍的公民在入境前途中过境签发国领土而无需离开直接过境区抵达国际目的地的证件。
A person who is not a national of a given State.非某个指定国家国民的人。相关词语foreigner(外国人),non-national(非国民),undocumented alien(无证件外国人)
In this Act:“Alien” means any person who is not of Thai nationality under the Nationality Act.在本法中,“外国人”指依据《国籍法》没有泰国国籍的人员。(泰国B.E.2522移民法第4条)
Foreign citizens — persons who have citizen-ship of foreign states and who are not citizens of the Ukraine,as well as stateless persons — persons,who do not have citizenship of any state,shall be recognized as aliens.外国公民指——具有外国公民身份且不是乌克兰公民的人员,并包括无国籍人员,即不拥有任何国家的公民身份的人员,都应视为外国人。(乌克兰外国人合法地位法2002年修订第1条)
The right of permanent residence is uncondi-tional and can only expire if the alien has spent more than two consecutive years outside Sweden.永久居留权没有条件的限制,只有当外国人连续两年不在瑞典境内时,其权利才能被终止。(瑞典2005年外国人法第9条)
alien for whom an alert has been issued for the purposes of refusing entry因预警而被拒入境的外国人
In migration context, it refers to those who have been refused entry into another country due to adverse records. 移徙背景下,指那些因不良记录而被拒绝入境他国的人员。
Alien for whom an alert has been issued for the purposes of refusing entry shall mean an alien for whom an alert has been introduced into the Schengen Information System in accordance with Article 96 with a view to that person being refused entry.指根据第96条有关因被拒绝入境的外国人,接入预警而到申根信息系统显示为预警的外国人。(2000年申根协议第1条)
alien immigrant外国移民
An immigrant who has not yet been naturalized.指尚未入籍的移民。
Any person who does not have Polish citizenship shall be regarded as an alien.无波兰公民身份的外国人均视为外国人。(波兰2003年外国人法第2条)
alien labor certification外国人劳工证
A permit issued to foreigners or foreign workers to work in the entry country.向入境的外国人或外国劳工颁发的一种在入境国工作的许可证。
alien number外国人号码(美)
See A number.见A号码(美)。
alien registration外国人登记
Alien registration is a system used to record information regarding alien residents in another country. It is handled by relevant authority of a country. Foreigners staying in another country for more than the prescribed time are required to register within the prescribed time after entering that country.外国人登记是一种用来记录在他国外国居民信息的一种制度。登证由一国相关机构负责处理。在他国停留超出规定期限的外国人必须要在入境该国后规定的时间内进行注册登记。
Representatives of States Parties attending meetings of the Assembly,the Council or organs of the Assembly or the Council,and the Secretary-General and staff of the Authority,shall enjoy in the territory of each State Party:(b)if they are not nationals of that State Party,the same exemptions from immigration restrictions,alien registration requirements and national service obligations,the same facilities as regards exchange restrictions and the same treatment in respect of travelling facilities as are accorded by that State to the represent-atives,officials and employees of comparable rank of other States Parties.缔约国代表出席大会、理事会、或大会或理事会所属机关的会议时,以及管理局的秘书长和工作人员,在每一缔约国领土内:(b)如果他们不是缔约国国民,应比照该国应给予其他缔约国职级相当的代表、官员和雇员的待遇,享有在移民限制、外侨登记规定和国民服役义务方面的同样免除、外汇管制方面的同样便利和旅行便利方面的同样待遇。(联合国海洋法公约第182条)
Any alien who has not lawfully document for entering the kingdom under section 12(1);or has no Residence Certificate under this Act;and also has no identification in accordance with the Law on Alien Registration,is considered to have entered the Kingdom in violation to this Act.依据第12(1)条通过持有不合法证件进入泰国境内;或依据本法没有居住证;或根据《外国人登记法》没有身份证明的任何外国人被视为违法入境。(泰国B.E 2522移民法第58条)
alien registration card外国人登记卡
Alien registration card is a card that the admitted foreigners have to complete required by the competent authority of a country.Relevant information of the card holder is required,such as date of registration,name, gender, nationality, residential address, duration of stay and etc.外国人登记卡是由一国主管机构要求入境外国人填写的一种卡,需要填写持卡人的相关信息,如登记日期、姓名、性别、国籍、住址、停留期限等。相关词语work permit(工作许可证),residence permit(居留许可证)
alien registration number,alien number外国人注册号码(美)
The alien registration number or “A-number” is an identifying number that USCIS assigns to certain aliens,such as those who apply for adjustment of status.外国人注册号码或A号码是美国公民身份与移民局赋予外国人,例如那些申请身份调整的人的识别号码。相关词语 A-number(A号码),alien number(外国人号码),green card number(绿卡号码)
alien reported as a person not to be permitted entry被告知不允许入境的外国人
It refers to those in a name list of a country who are not permitted to enter that country due to crime or other reasons.指因犯罪或其他原因在一国的名单上不被允许入境该国的人员。
Alien reported as a person not to be permitted entry shall mean any alien listed reported as a person not to be permitted entry in the Schengen Information System in accordance with Article 96.根据第96条规定,指报告单上在申根信息系统中不允许入境的任何外国人。(2000年申根条约第1条)
alien son or daughter外国人子或女
It refers to the children whose parents are lawfully admitted into another country.指被允许合法入境他国的人员的子女。
The term “alien son or daughter” means an alien who obtains the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence(whether on a conditional basis or otherwise)by virtue of being the son or daughter of an individual through a qualifying marriage.指通过合法婚姻作为合法获得永久居留身份外国人(无论是有条件或其他形式)的子或女。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第216 a(g)(2)条)
alien spouse海外配偶
Alien spouse means the spouse of a citizen of a country who has married with another person who is not a citizen of that country.海外配偶指一国公民结婚的配偶不是本国的公民。
The term “alien spouse” means an alien who obtains the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence(whether on a conditional basis or otherwise)—(A)as an immediate relative(described in section 201(b))as the spouse of a citizen of the United States,(B)under section 214(d)as the fiancée or fiance of a citizen of the United States,or(C)under section 203(a)(2)as the spouse of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence,by virtue of a marriage which was entered into less than 24 months before the date the alien obtains such status by virtue of such marriage,but does not include such an alien who only obtains such status as a result of section 203(d).“海外配偶”指合法入境获得永久居留身份的外国人(无论是有条件居留或其他形式)——(A)作为美国公民的配偶的直系亲属,(B)根据第214(d)作为美国公民的未婚妻或未婚夫或(C)根据203(a)(2)作为已获得永久居留签证的外国人配偶的,通过婚姻形式,在该外国人通过此类婚姻获得此种身份日期不少于24个月的,但并不包括203(d)中的此种身份的外国人。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第216a(g)(1)条)
Alien spouses of the aforementioned persons shall be granted a temporary stay permit of equal duration.上述外国人员的海外配偶将被批准获得同等期限的临时停留许可证。(希腊外国人入境、停留以及通过归化获得希腊国籍法及其他法律第76(6)条)
A citizen's or subject's obligation of fidelity and obedience to the government or sovereign in return for the benefits of the protection of the state.公民或臣民对政府或君主的效忠。相关词语actual allegiance(向临时居住地政府表示效忠),natural allegiance(自然效忠)
In the migration context,the word “allocate” or “allocation” means that for the government of the host country,the number of the immigrants or asylum seekers will be allocated to different provinces or States annually.移徙背景下,动词“分配”或名词“分配”指接受国政府而言,移民或庇护寻求者的人数应被分配至不同的省或州。
They are not entitled to be allocated to a specific Land or a specific town or location.他们无权被分配至具体州或具体城镇或地点。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第15a(1)条)
Where no settlement has been reached by recourse to section 1 of this Part,a dispute shall be submitted to conciliation under Annex V,section 2,at the request of any party to the dispute,when it is alleged that:(iii)a coastal State has arbitrarily refused to allocate to any State,under articles 62,69 and 70 and under the terms and conditions established by the coastal State consistent with this Convention,the whole or part of the surplus it has declared to exist.据指控有下列事件时,如已诉诸第1节而仍未得到解决,经争端任何一方请求,应将争端提交附件五第2节所规定的调解程序:(iii)一个沿海国专断地拒绝根据第62、第69和第70条以及该沿海国所制订的符合本公约的条款和条件,将其已宣布存在的剩余量的全部或一部分分配给任何国家。(联合国海洋法公约第297(3b)条)
To give permission.准许。
The foreign citizens removed or expelled by the relevant Albanian authorities are not allowed to enter the Republic of Albania,before the expire of the time frame stipulated in the removal or expulsion order.被阿尔巴尼亚相关部门递解出境或驱逐的外国公民在递解令或驱逐令规定的期限期满之前,不允许入境阿尔巴尼亚。(阿尔巴尼亚1999年外国人法第21条)
If permitted by the basic principles of its domestic legal system,each State Party shall,within its possibilities and under the conditions prescribed by its domestic law,take the necessary measures to allow for the appropriate use of controlled delivery and,where it deems appropriate,for the use of other special inves-tigative techniques,such as electronic or other forms of surveillance and undercover operations,by its competent authorities in its territory for the purpose of effectively combating organized crime.各缔约国均应在其本国法律基本原则许可的情况下,视可能并根据本国法律所规定的条件采取必要措施,允许其主管当局在其境内适当使用控制下交付并在其认为适当的情况下使用其他特殊侦查手段,如电子或其他形式的监视和特工行动,以有效地打击有组织犯罪。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第20(1)条)
allowed inhabitant of the Protected Zone得到允许的保护区居民(澳)
Allowed inhabitant of the Protected Zone means an inhabitant of the Protected Zone,other than an inhabitant to whom a declaration under section 16(presence declared unde-sirable)applies.得到允许的保护区的居民指在保护区居住的人而不是第16条(其居留是不受欢迎的)适用的人。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
The act of revising or altering(involving reconsideration and modification).进行修订或变更(包括重新审议和修正)的行为。
States Parties shall encourage the firearms manufacturing industry to develop measures against the removal or alteration of markings.缔约国应当鼓励枪支制造业发展,防止去除标识或更改标识的措施。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第8(2)条)
It is recommended that it be so printed that any erasure or alteration by chemical or other means can be readily detected,and that the words “Convention of 28 July 1951” be printed in continuous repetition on each page,in the language of the issuing country.建议印刷此文件时能够确保任何用化学或其他方式删除或修改内容的行为都能够迅速发现,并将“1951年7月28日公约”的字样用该国语言连续重复印刷到每一页上。(难民地位公约附录)
alteration of name更改名字
The change of name of a person.即某人将名字进行变更。
alternate airfield备用机场
It means an alternative airport,which is used in emergency situation.即用于紧急情形下的机场。
Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR)替代性争端解决(ADR)
Extra-judicial procedures used for resolving civil or commercial disputes.用来解决民事或商务纠纷的司法程序。
alternatives to immigration detention移民拘留以外的办法
Measures that can and have been applied by States to migrants and asylum-seekers on their territories where some form of control is deemed necessary:these can range from non-custodial community-based and casework-oriented models to more restrictive options such as directed residence in semi-open centres.Alternative measures should be explored before recourse to detention is considered.移民及庇护寻求者进入采取必要形式控制的国家时,所采取的措施:包括由基于社区的非拘留形式、社区工作主导的模式,到约束性较强的办法,如在半开放中心监督居住。选择性措施应在实施拘留之前进行研究。
See amendment.见修订。
Amendment,in the context of treaty law,means the formal alteration of the provisions of a treaty by its parties.Such alterations must be effected with the same formalities that attended the original formation of the treaty.Multilateral treaties typically provide specifically for their amendment.In the absence of such provisions,the adoption and entry into force of amend-ments require the consent of all the parties.在条约法范畴内,修订指缔约国对条约有关条款进行正式修改。这种修改必须经过最初拟定该条约所采用的相同手续。多边条约一般具体规定其修订事项。如果没有这种规定,则修正案的通过和生效要求所有缔约国同意。
The term “amendment” refers to the formal alteration of treaty provisions affecting all the parties to the particular agreement.Such alterations must be effected with the same formalities that attended the original formation of the treaty.Many multilateral treaties lay down specific requirements to be satisfied for amendments to be adopted.In the absence of such provisions,amendments require the consent of all the parties.“修改”指对影响该特别协议各方的条约规定的正式修订。此修订必须与原条约形式一致。许多多边条约规定了具体的修订要求以便能够被批准。如无此规定,须经所有缔约方准许。(1969年维也纳条约法公约第40条)
Nothing in paragraph(2)(a)affects the power to amend or repeal regulations mentioned in that paragraph.第(2)(a)中规定的任何内容不得影响该款提及的修订或撤销规定的权力。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第140W(3)条)
Immigrant visas are granted to Amerasians under Public Law 100-202(Act of 12/22/87).This law grants aliens who are born in Vietnam after January 1,1962,and before January 1,1976 admission to the United States provided he/she was fathered by a U.S.citizen.The alien may be accompanied by spouses,children,and parents or guardians.根据100-202公共法授予亚美混血儿移民签证。该法允许1962年1月1日后以及1976年1月1日前出生的外国人入境美国,前提为其父为美国公民。该人员可偕其配偶、子女及父母或监护人入境。
Amerasian Act《美亚混血儿法》(美)
Public Law 97-359(Act of 10/22/82)that permits certain Amerasian children to immigrate to the United States.An alien must have been born in Cambodia,Korea,Laos,Thailand,or Vietnam after December 31,1950,and before October 22,1982,and have been fathered by a U.S.citizen for him/her to meet the requirements for benefits under this law.公共法97-359该法规定了某些亚美混血儿移民美国的条款。外国人必须在1950年12月31日后及1980年10月22日前在柬埔寨、韩国、老挝、泰国或越南出生,且父亲为美国公民。
American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act(ACWIA)《美国竞争力与劳动力改进法》
The American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act(ACWIA)was an act passed by the government of the United States on October 21, 1998, pertaining to high-skilled immigration to the United States, particularly immigration through the H-1B visa, and helping improving the capabilities of the domestic workforce in the United States to reduce the need for foreign labor. 美国的竞争力和劳动力改进法是美国政府于1998年10月21日通过的一项法案。该法是有关高技术人员移民到美国,特别是通过H-1B签证移民到美国的法律,此法有助于提高美国国内劳动力的能力,以降低对外国劳工的需求。
American Immigration Lawyers Association(AILA)美国移民及律师协会(AILA)
American visa lottery美国签证抽奖
See visa lottery.见签证抽奖。
1.(Firearms,gunnery,ordnance & artillery)Any projectiles,such as bullets,rockets,etc,that can be discharged from a weapon.2.(Firearms,gunnery,ordnance & artillery)Bombs,missiles,chemicals,biological agents,nuclear materials etc,capable of use as weapons.1.(枪支、枪炮、弹药及火炮)的任何子弹头,如从武器中射出的子弹、火箭等。2.(枪支、枪炮、弹药及火炮)可用作武器的炸弹、导弹、化学品、生物制剂、核材料等。
Ammunition shall mean the complete round or its components,including cartridge cases,primers,propellant powder,bullets or projectiles,that are used in a firearm,provided that those components are themselves subject to authorization in the respective State Party.弹药系指枪支所用的整发子弹或其组成部分,包括弹壳、底火、发射药、弹头或枪支发射的抛射物,但这些组成部分本身须由各缔约国批准。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药的补充议定书第3c条)
Adopts the Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms,Their Parts and Components and Ammunition,supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime,annexed to the present resolution,and opens it for signature at United Nations Headquarters in New York.通过本决议附件所载联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药的补充议定书,并将其在纽约联合国总部开放供签署。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书55/255号决议第2条)
A general pardon,“regularization” or “legalization” that is extended to people who can show residence in a country for which the amnesty is granted,despite the fact that such residence was unauthorized.普遍的赦免,“正规化”或“合法化”的对象为那些能够证明实行赦免国家的居留人员,尽管此种居留未获批准。相关词语 legalization(合法化),regularization(正规化)
An amnesty granted by the requested Contracting Party shall not prevent extradition unless the offence falls within the jurisdiction of that Contracting Party.除非违法行为在缔约国司法管辖范围内,否则该缔约国赦免请求得到同意后并不能阻止其引渡。(2000年申根协议第62(2)条)
The exit of foreign citizens shall be prohibited for the following reasons,lid periods of time:1)persons suspected of criminal offences,until a Court has reached a decision;2)persons sentenced to imprisonment,until either completion of the sentence,an amnesty is granted,or transfer to their country of nationality in accordance with international treaties to which Mongolia is a party.外国公民出于以下原因在期限内不允许出境:1)在法院做出最终判决前,刑事犯罪的嫌疑人;2)被判入狱人员,在刑满释放前,未获得赦免,或根据蒙古国为缔约国的国际条约(蒙古国为该国际条约的缔约国之一)被移交给该公民国籍国。(蒙古外国人合法地位法第20(2)条)
amnesty international国际特赦组织
Amnesty International(commonly known as Amnesty or AI)is an international non-governmental organization which defines its mission as “to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity,freedom of conscience and expression,and freedom from discrimination,within the context of its work to promote all human rights.” 国际特赦组织(通常被称作特赦组织或简称AI)是国际非政府组织,该组织将其任务定义为“预防并制止滥用权利对身体与精神的完整造成的伤害、道德与言论自由以及免受歧视的自由,进行调查并采取行动,其工作目标是改善人权”。
amount of visa application charge签证申请费金额
See application fee.见申请费。
A group of man-made drugs that stimulate the central and peripheral nervous systems.After cannabis,ecstasy and amphetamines are the most used illegal drugs.人造毒品,该毒品能够刺激中枢和外周神经系统。仅次于大麻,摇头丸和安非他明是最常用的非法毒品。相关词语 drugs(药物)
Amsterdam Treaty阿姆斯特丹条约
The treaty was signed on October 2, 1997 and entered into force on May 1, 1999. It reorganized cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs, setting as its objective the establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice. Certain sectors formerly in the intergovernmental section of the EU and EC Treaties were brought within the Community framework, giving EU institutions scope for action on a wider range of issues. Four key chapters were affected:citizenship and fundamental right; the establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice, the CFSP and the reform of the institutions. 阿姆斯特丹条约于1997年10月2日签署,1999年5月1日生效。该条约在司法和内政事务领域重新建立合作,以自由、安全和公正为目的。在共同体框架内,欧盟和欧共体条约的政府部门间建立某些机构,使欧盟在更广泛的问题上发挥作用。主要有四个方面的影响:公民身份与基本权利,建立自由、安全和公正的区域,共同外交与安全政策以及机构改革。
ancestry based settlers世系定居者
Foreigners admitted by a country other than their own because of their historical,ethnic or other ties with that country,who,by virtue of those ties,are immediately granted the right of long-term residence in that country or who,having the right to nationality in that country,become nationals within a short period after admission.由于与某国而非其祖国存在历史、种族或其他方面的关联,被允许入境该国的外国人。外国人借助这些纽带,被该国赋予长期居留权,或这些人拥有该国国籍,在被允许入境后不久即成为该国国民。相关词语 alien(外国人),foreigner(外国人),national(国民),nationality(国籍)
ancestry status世系身份(英)
A term used in the immigration rules for the status of Commonwealth citizens aged 17 or over with a grandparent born in the UK,who can make an application on the basis of this relationship to come to the UK for work,and ultimately for settlement.移民法中,该术语指祖父/母在英国出生的17岁或17岁以上的联邦身份的公民,该人员可在此关系基础上提出来英工作、最终定居的申请。
ancestry visa世系签证(英)
Ancestry visa is also called UK ancestry entry clearance.It is a UK entry clearance for Commonwealth citizens with a grandparent born in the UK,Channel Islands or Isle of Man who wish to work in the UK.世系签证也称英国世系入境许可。是为祖辈出生在英国、海峡群岛或马恩岛的、希望在英国工作的英联邦公民的英国入境许可。
Place for vessels to anchor.船只抛锚停泊之地。
In the exercise under this Convention of their powers of enforcement against foreign vessels,States shall not endanger the safety of navigation or otherwise create any hazard to a vessel,or bring it to an unsafe port or anchorage,or expose the marine environment to an unreasonable risk.在根据本公约对外国船只行使行政权利时,各国不应危害航行的安全或造成对船只的任何危险,或将船只带至不安全的港口或停泊地,或使海洋环境面临不合理的危险。(联合国海洋法公约第225条)
No vessel carrying passengers,other than a vessel which plies solely between ports in Malaysia,shall proceed to any place in Malaysia other than a port within which an Immigration Anchorage has been declared under subsection(1).除了停靠在马来西亚港口的单独船只外,任何船只不得行使进入依据第(1)条公布的入境船只停泊处以外马来西亚的任何地方。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年修订第17(2)条)
Approved immigration anchorage means a place designated as an approved immigration anchorage by order under section 60.入境船只认可停泊处指依据本法第60条,作为被批准的入境船只停泊处而指定的某个地方。(香港特别行政区移民法2009年修订第2(1)条)
animal quarantine动物检疫
Animal quarantine is a quarantine system that is implemented worldwide for the purpose of preventing the incursion of animal illnesses and diseases.Many countries conduct both import and export inspections for cattle,pigs,goats,sheep,other cloven-hoofed animals,horses,chickens,pheasant,ostrich,guinea fowl,turkeys,quail,Anseriformes such as ducks,geese,etc.,rabbits,honey bees and other animals as well as products and goods manufactured or derived from these animals.Inspections are conducted upon arrival and departure in order to prevent the incursion into other countries of rabies and leptospirosis in the case of dogs and rabies in the case of cats,raccoons,foxes and skunks.动物检疫是为防止动物疾病和疾病的侵入在全世界实行的检疫制度。许多国家对牛、猪、山羊、绵羊、其他偶蹄类动物、马、鸡、雉鸡、鸵鸟、珍珠鸡、 火鸡、鹌鹑、雁形目鸭、鹅等,兔、蜜蜂和其他动物,以及制造或源于这类动物的产品和货物进行出口与进口的检查。在这些动物入境、离境时进行检查以防狂犬病、 钩端螺旋体病入侵。
announcement of transfer移交通知
Notification by the Requesting State to the Requested State of the details of the transfer of a person to be readmitted.由请求国向被请求国通知移交人员详细信息以便此人得到允许入境。
The act of making void.使无效的行为。
Any other order shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.根据议会两院的决议,任何其他命令都是无效的。(英国2006年移民、庇护国籍法第20(3)条)
During his stay in Greece,an alien shall declare to the aliens' and immigration service:a.any change of residence;b.any change in his personal status,in particular change of citizenship,celebration,dissolution or annulment of marriage or birth of children.在希腊境内停留时,外国人在以下情况下需要告知外国人移民服务机构:a.居住地发生变化;b.个人身份发生变化,尤其是公民身份变化、举行宗教仪式、解除婚姻关系或生育子女等。(希腊2001年外国人入境、停留以及通过归化获得希腊国籍法及其他法律规定2003年修订第41(1)条)
annulment and revocation of the validity of a visa有效签证的取消和撤回
The invalidation and cancellation of a valid visa.对有效签证的废除与注销。
anticipatory movement可预见(人员)的流动
This category encompasses those who move because they anticipate future threats to their lives,physical safety,health or subsistence,for example because of slow-onset processes that are beyond their control.This category includes(but is not limited to)those who live in areas that are predicted to experience intensified and recurrent climatic hazards,increased drought and desertification,rising sea levels,and other results of climate change.In some cases the movements may involve entire communities,while at other times individuals and households migrate.这类人员流动包括那些认为如因其无法控制的缓慢过程会给其生活、人身安全、健康或生存带来威胁的人员。这类人员包括(但不限于)生活在那些能够预测经历加剧及反复的气候灾害、不断的干旱、荒漠化、海平面上升及其他气候变化结果的地区。某些情形下,这类流动还包括整个社会,而有时是个体与家庭的迁徙。相关词语(planned)relocation(计划)迁徙,adaptation(适应)
Anti-Fraud Information System(AFIS)反诈骗信息系统(AFIS)
Terminals in Member States through which information in the customs information system(CIS)is accessed.(欧盟)成员国计算机系统的终端,通过该终端访问海关信息系统(CIS)的信息。相关词语 customs(海关)
anti-scan pattern防扫描图案
An image usually constructed of fine lines at varying angular displacement and embedded in the security background design.When viewed normally,the image cannot be distinguished from the remainder of the background security print,but when the original is scanned or photocopied the embedded image becomes visible.一种通常由变化的角位移细线构成的,嵌入在安全底纹中的图像。在正常观察时,该图像不能与安全底纹的其余部分区分开来。但是当原件被扫描或复制时,这种嵌入的图像就变得可见了。(国际民航组织第9303号文件第一部信息附录1第6条)
Anti-terrorism,Crime and Security Act 2001《反恐怖、犯罪及安全法》(英)
It is an act to amend the Terrorism Act 2000.It has made amendment in the following aspects:to make further provision about terrorism and security;to provide for the freezing of assets;to make provision about immigration and asylum;to amend or extend the criminal law and powers for preventing crime and enforcing that law;to make provision about the control of pathogens and toxins.该法是对2000年恐怖法的修订。主要作了以下几方面的修订:对恐怖主义及安全作出了进一步的规定,对冻结资产作出了规定,对移民与庇护作出了规定,修订或扩大了刑法及预防犯罪以及执行此法的权力,对病原体及毒素作出了规定。
APEC Business Travel Card亚太经合组织商务旅行证
Card used by business travellers from APEC member countries to enable visa-free travel between APEC countries and expedited processing at immigration checkpoints.来自APEC成员国的商务旅行人员使用的证件,该证可使持有人到APEC成员国免签进行旅行,并在移民检查点快速通过审核。
APEC business travel card means a document—
(a)issued by—
(i)the Director of Immigration;or(ii)the person—
(A)of a place outside Hong Kong which is—
(I)a member of the organization known as the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation established in 1989;and(II)recognized in writing by the Director of Immigration for the purposes of this definition;and
(B)who is,in relation to that place—
(I)equivalent to the Director of Immigration;or(II)accepted in writing by the Director of Immigration as the person who may issue the document;and
(b)which enables the holder of the document—
(i)if the document is issued by the Director of Immigration,to go to the place referred to in paragraph(a)(ii)(A)without a visa;(ii)if the document is issued by the person referred to in paragraph(a)(ii),to enter Hong Kong as a visitor without a visa.
APEC Business Travel Card scheme亚太经济合作组织商务旅行卡计划
The APEC Business Travel Card(ABTC)scheme is designed to facilitate the travel of business persons between the Asin-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)economies.The ABTC is a multiple-journey visa where card holders enjoy visa-free entry and expedition clearance through designated lanes in ABTC-participating economies.亚太经合组织商务旅行卡计划旨在促进商务人员在亚太经合组织经济体间的旅行。亚太经合组织旅行卡是多行程签证,可使持有人享受免签入境,并经过专为亚太经合组织商务旅行卡参与国设定的通道快速通关。
A procedure undertaken to review a decision by bringing it to a higher authority;often the submission of a lower court's or agency's decision to a higher court for review and possible reversal.An appeal may be an administrative appeal,for example to the Administrative Appeals Office of immigration authority or to the Board of Immigration Appeals.将裁决提交到较高级别当局进行复核的程序;通常是指较低级法院或机构的裁决提交至较高级法院进行复核,并可能作出改变。上诉可为行政上诉,如向移民当局行政上诉机构或移民上诉法庭提出的行政上诉。
If an applicant for a review under section 71 is dissatisfied with any decision of the Minister under subsection 71(4),the applicant may appeal to the Supreme Court against that decision.根据第71条,若复议申请人不满意部长依据第71(4)条作出的裁决,该申请人可对该裁决向最高法院提出上诉。(瓦努阿图移民法第71A(1)条)
The expulsion of such a refugee shall be only in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with due process of law.Except where compelling reasons of national security otherwise require,the refugee shall be allowed to submit evidence to clear himself,and to appeal to and be represented for the purpose before competent authority or a person or persons specially designated by the competent authority.驱逐难民出境只能以按照合法程序作出的判决为根据。除因国家安全的重大理由要求另作考虑外,应准许难民提出有利于自己的证据、向主管当局或向由主管当局特别指定的人员上诉或者为此目的委托代表向上述当局或人员上诉。(难民地位公约第32(2)条)
Appeal on humanitarian grounds means an appeal to the Tribunal against liability for deportation on the grounds set out in section 207.以人道主义理由提出的上诉是指根据第207条对驱逐可能性向法院提出的上诉。(新西兰2009年移民法第4条)
appeal body上诉机构
The authority that deals with the appeal by refugees or immigrants against the decision made by officials.指处理由难民或移民提出的对官员的决定上诉的机构。
Appeals body means one or more of the following bodies established or continued under the former Act,as the case may be:
(a)the Residence Review Board;
(b)the Removal Review Authority;
(c)the Refugee Status Appeals Authority;
(d)the Deportation Review Tribunal.
appeal court上诉法庭
A court with jurisdiction to review decisions of lower courts or administrative agencies.Also termed as court of review,appellate court.具有对低等法院或行政机构的决定进行复议的管辖权的法院。也称为复议法院(court of review),上诉法院(appellate court)。
To be present in a court of a law for a trial.出庭。
Every person seeking to enter Canada must appear for an examination to determine whether that person has a right to enter Canada or is or may become authorized to enter and remain in Canada.任何寻求入境加拿大的人员必须考试以确定该人员是否有权入境加拿大,或者会被或可能有权入境并在加拿大居留。(加拿大2001年移民与难民法第18.1条)
They are not competent or compellable to appear as a witness in any civil proceedings.在民事诉讼中,他们没有能力或不可强迫出庭作为证人。(加拿大2001年移民与难民法第156 b条)
Appeal Board上诉委员会
A board of officials that are not judicial but are appointed to hear appeals.指非为司法但有权听取上诉的委员会。
In this Part—appeal means an appeal made under section 37ZR;Appeal Board means the Torture Claims Appeal Board established by section 37ZQ.在本章中,上诉指依据第37ZR条进行的上诉;上诉委员会指依据第37ZQ条建立的刑讯索赔上诉委员会。(香港特别行政区移民法2009年修订第37u(1)条)
The person who makes an appeal.提出上诉的人员。
An appeal under section 83A must be brought on the grounds that removal of the appellant from the United Kingdom would breach the United Kingdom's obligations under the Refugee Convention.依照第83A提出的上诉理由必须是将上诉人驱逐出英国违背了《难民公约》中英国应履行的义务。(英国2006年移民、庇护与国籍法第3条)
Despite section 192,if an appellant who has been granted a stay under the former Act breaches a condition of the stay,the appellant shall be subject to the provisions of section 64 and subsection 68(4)of this Act.尽管第192条做了规定,根据前法得到居留的上诉人,如果违反了居留条件,则应受到本法第64、68(4)条款的约束。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第197条)
Every appeal under this section shall be brought within 21 days after the date on which notice of the revocation was served on the appellant.根据本条规定,任何上诉应当在撤销通知送达上诉人之日起21天后提出。(新西兰1987年移民法第22(2)条)
About appeals;an appellate court has the power to review the judgment of a lower court(trial court)or tribunal.有关上诉的;上诉法院有权对低级法院/法庭的裁决进行复核。
The award shall be final and without appeal,unless the parties to the dispute have agreed in advance to an appellate procedure.除争端各方事前议定某种上诉程序外,裁决应有确定性,不得上诉。(联合国海洋法公约第11条)
If the higher administrative court grants the request,the application procedure shall be continued in the form of appellate proceedings;there shall be no need to file an appeal.如果高等行政法院批准请求,则申请程序以受理上诉的程序形式继续进行,不必再提出上述。(德国庇护法2008年修订版第78(5)条)
Appellate authority means an adjudicator,the Tribunal or the Special Immigration Appeals Commission.上诉机构指裁定人、法院或特殊移民上诉委员会。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第77(6)条)
The Attorney General shall establish an appellate authority to provide for a single level of administrative appellate review of such a determination.司法部长应确定提供行政上诉复议裁决的唯一上诉机构。(美国外国人与国籍法2010第1160(d)(2)(A)条)
The party who opposes an appellant's appeal,and who seeks to persuade the appeals court to affirm the district court's decision.反对上诉人的上诉,并试图说服上诉法院确认区级法院的裁决的当事人。
applicable pass mark申请签证时的合格分数
For some countries,those who want to migrate or learn in the host country should first take part in a test so that the host country can be sure that the person has a very good/poor English proficiency.When one takes part in the test,he or she should get a certain score so that he or she could meet the primary requirement to migrate to /learn in that country.就某些国家而言,想要移徙或在接受国学习的人员必须要参加考试,以便接受国清楚了解该人员的英语水平。参加考试时,应达到一定的分数线,这样其才有最初的资格移徙至该国/在该国学习。
Applicable pass mark,in relation to a visa of a particular class,means the number of points specified as the pass mark for that class in a notice,under section 96,in force at the time concerned.与特殊种类的签证相关,指根据第96条规定在申请该种类签证时间内依然有效的所规定的分数。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)同时见pass mark(合格分数)
applicable pool mark申请签证时的入围分数
When one's score reaches the specified score,then he or she has met the primary requirement to apply for a visa of the host country.当一人的分数达到规定线时,其就满足了申请接受国签证的基本条件。
Applicable pool mark,in relation to a visa of a particular class,means the number of points specified as the pool mark for that class in a notice under section 96 in force at the time concerned.与特殊种类的签证相关,指根据第96条规定在申请该种类签证时间内依然有效的所规定的入围分数。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)同时见 pool mark(入围分数)
In migration context,a person who formally requests some government or legal action,such as the granting of refugee status,a visa or working permit.移徙背景下,指正式向某政府或法律机构提出要求的人员,例如授予难民身份、发放签证或工作许可证。相关词语refugee(难民),visa(签证),working permit(工作许可证),bona fide applicant(真正申请人),withdrawal of an application(撤销申请)
If the applicant fails to supply any such information,passport,or certificate of identity within such reasonable period as the Minister may require,the Minister may decline the application.如果申请人未能按照部长规定的合理期限内提供任何此类信息、护照,或身份证,部长可拒绝申请。(新西兰1987年移民法第43(3)条)
The applicant must certify,under the terms established in the regulations,which provides adequate shelter and sufficient financial means to meet their needs and those of his family,once reunited.申请人必须能够证明:一旦全家团聚,能够按照规定中的各项条款,为其自身和家人提供妥善的住处和充足的经济收入,以满足生活需要。(西班牙2009年移民法第18(2)条)
The permit may be renewed or extended for a period not exceeding three years from the date on which the applicant received a permit for the first time.自申请人第一次收到许可证之日起,可以更新或延长许可证,但期限不超过三年。(1998年外国国民入境挪威并居留法第8(a)条)
applicant countries申请国
Countries may apply to join the international organizations or regional organizations under certain law principles.指根据某些法律原则,申请加入国际性或区域性组织的国家。相关词语enlargement(扩大)
applicant for asylum庇护申请人
A person who files an application of asylum to another country due to certain reason.由于某种原因向他国提出庇护申请的人员。
Applicant for asylum means any alien who has submitted an application for asylum within the meaning of this Convention,on which no final decision has been taken.庇护申请人指在该协议定义内提出庇护申请的外国人,但对该申请尚未作出最终决定。(2000年申根协议第1条)
An applicant for asylum is not entitled to employment authorization,but such authoriza-tion may be provided under regulation by the Attorney General.An applicant who is not otherwise eligible for employment authorization shall not be granted such authorization prior to 180 days after the date of filing of the application for asylum.庇护申请人没有资格获得就业授权,但司法部长可以按照相关规定对此就业行为提供批准。没有获得就业授权资格的申请人自申请庇护之日起的一百八十天内不能得到相关批准。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年第1158(d)(2)条)
applicant for protection visa保护签证申请人
It refers to those who apply for protection visa of another country.指申请他国保护签证的人员。相关词语protection visa(保护签证)
Subject to section 48B,a non-citizen who,while in the migration zone,has made:(a)an application for a protection visa,where the grant of the visa has been refused(whether or not the application has been finally determined)may not make a further application for a protection visa while in the migration zone.根据第48B的规定,在移民区的非公民提出(a)保护签证申请,当拒绝颁发该签证时(无论申请是否最终进行裁决),在移民区都不可以再次提出保护签证的申请。(澳大利1958年亚移民法第48A(1)a条)
In the migration context,a request(usually written)submitted to the government by an individual or organization seeking governmental or legal action.移徙背景下,由个人或请求政府或法律行动的组织提交给政府的申请(常为书面)。相关词语 claim(要求)
Application means a request in the prescribed form which complies with the requirements and provides the information and documentation which may be prescribed.申请指以与规定相符的方式并提供规定信息与证明的要求。(南非2002年移民法第2(1)条)
The term “application for admission” has reference to the application for admission into the United States and not to the application for the issuance of an immigrant or nonimmigrant visa.入境申请指申请入境美国且不包含移民或非移民签证的申请。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.4条)
application 2适用
Use of laws,rules,treaties and convention and etc.指法律、规定、条约、公约等的运用。
A foreigner may be prohibited from leaving the Federal territory in appropriate application of Section 10(1)and(2)of the Passport Act.在《护照法》第10(1)以及(2)条的适用范围内,禁止外国人离开联邦国境。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第46(2)条)
In application of the Convention of 28 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees(Federal Law Gazette 1953 II,p.559),a foreigner may not be deported to a state in which his or her life or liberty is under threat on account of his or her race,religion,nationality,membership of a certain social group or political convictions.考虑到1951年7月28日有关《难民地位公约》的适用,基于外国人的种族、宗教、国籍、某种社会团体或政治信念的原因,不会将其驱逐到生命或自由受到威胁的国家。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第60(1)条)
application-acquisition of nationality through application通过申请获得国籍
Any mode of acquisition that requires an application by the target person or his or her legal agent that initiates a procedure during which the public authorities have to assess criteria for granting nationality.This does not cover acquisition by declaration or option.在公共机构对授予国籍进行评估启动的程序期间,由目的人或其合法代理人提出申请的任何获得国籍的方式。但并不包括通过声明或选择获得国籍的方式。
application fee申请费
When one applies for a visa,he or she must pay for some fee.当申请签证时,必须要缴纳一定的费用。
application for an extension of stay延长停留期限申请
It refers to the application which is extended for a certain period of time when the original one gets expired. Under the immigration Control Act of a country, foreign nationals wishing to continue their activities authorized under his/her status of residence, before their resident status expires, must fill in necessary application forms, make ready attached documents and submit a service counter at regional immigration office. 希望在原批准停留期限期满后延长一定期间的申请。根据一国的移民控制法,希望以居留身份继续授权活动的外国国民,在其居留身份过期前,必须填写表格,准备好附加的证件,将其递交给移民官员。
application for asylum庇护申请
The application made by a person who arrives at the frontiers of the State seeking asylum in the State or seeking the protection of the State against persecution,may apply to the concerned authority.在到达寻求庇护或寻求不受迫害保护的国家边境时由个人向有关当局提出的申请。
Application for asylum means any application submitted in writing,orally or otherwise by an alien at an external border or within the territory of a Contracting Party with a view to obtaining recognition as a refugee in accordance with the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees,as amended by the New York Protocol of 31 January 1967 and as such obtaining the right of residence.根据1967年1月31日《纽约议定书》修订的1951年7月28日有关确认难民地位的《日内瓦公约》中关于获得居留权的规定,庇护申请指由外国人在外部边境或缔约国境内以书面、口头或其他方式提出的申请。(2000年申根协议第1条)
In the absence of a legal entitlement,a foreigner who has filed an application for asylum may only be granted a residence title prior to legally valid completion of the asylum procedure with the approval of the supreme Land authority,and only when vital interests of the Federal Republic of Germany so require.没有合法身份情况下,在未得到州最高机构批准的庇护程序具有完全法律效力之前,只有联邦德国重要利益如此要求之时,提出庇护申请的外国人才可被授予居留身份。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第10(1)条)
application form申请表
In migration context,it means a form to be filled in while applying for a permission or a visa of entry into another country.移徙背景下,指在申请入境他国许可或签证时填写的表格。
Application form means the uniform application form for visas in Annex 16 to the Common Consular Instructions.申请表指公共领事指南附16中的统一签证申请表。(2008年欧洲议会及理事会第767号法规第4.4条)
Application form,in relation to a non-citizen,means a form on which a non-citizen applies for a visa,being a form that regulations made for the purposes of section 46 allow to be used for making the application.与非公民有关的申请表指非公民申请签证的表格,是根据第46条内容制定的法律规定允许提出申请的一种表格。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第97条)
application registration card(ARC)申请注册卡(ARC)(英)
ARC is a credit card sized document issued to asylum applicants after screening to show that they have applied for asylum.It is also used as evidence of identity,immigration status and entitlements in the UK.It holds identifying information including fingerprints and reporting arrangements in a microchip within the card.申请注册卡(ARC)是在经过筛选后证明庇护申请人已经递交了庇护申请,签发给庇护申请者的一种信用卡大小的证件。同时它还可用作身份、移民身份及有权在英国停留的证明。该卡还含有确认信息,包括注册卡的芯片中的指纹以及报告安排。
Application Support Center(ASC)申请支持中心(美)
The Center is an institution of the American Citizenship and Immigration which provides some services for immigrants. Application Support Centers do not provide information services and there are no direct filings of applications at an ASC. The service is provided by the ASC is that some immigration applications, such as the application for naturalization or the application to register permanent residence or adjust status, require USCIS to carry out fingerprint background check on the applicant.美国公民身份与移民局所属的为移民提供一定服务的机构。申请支持中心并不提供信息服务,也不接受直接的申请。申请中心提供的服务就是一些移民申请,如申请入籍或注册成为永久居留身份或调整身份申请,需要美国公民身份与移民服务局对申请人进行指纹背景调查。
To put to use with a particular subject matter;to make a formal request or motion.用于某特别事项;提出正式要求或申请。
Paragraphs(1)(b)and(c)do not apply in the case of a permanent resident or a foreign national who satisfies the Minister that their presence in Canada would not be detrimental to the national interest.第(1)(b)及(c)款不适用部长认为在加拿大居留对国家利益有害的永久居民或外国人。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第38(2)条)
The person named in it may not apply for protection under subsection 112(1).根据本条款第112(1)规定,(命令中)提及的人员不可以申请保护。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第81(C)条)
The foregoing provisions do not apply to so-called “historic” bays,or in any case where the system of straight baselines provided for in article 7 is applied.上述规定不适用于所谓的“历史性海湾”,也不适用于采用第7条所规定的直线基线法的任何情形。(联合国海洋法公约第10(6)条)
appointed day指定日期
Appointed day can be the day an act coming into force or the day on which an act completed.指定日期是指某部法律生效的日期或者某行为完成的日期。
In this Part:“appointed day” means the day last declared under section 17F(1)(a)for section 17I to come into operation.在本章里,“指定日期”指为了使第17I条得以生效,根据第17F(1)(a)条公布的最后一天。(香港移民法2009年修订第17G(1)条)
appointment package预约信件
The letter and documents that tell an applicant of the date of the immigrant visa interview.It includes forms that the applicant must complete before the interview and instructions for how to get everything ready for the interview.通知申请人移民签证面试日期的信件,包括申请人必须在面试前填写的表格以及如何准备面试的说明。
apprehend /apprehension逮捕;拘押
1.To take or seize(a person)by legal process.2.To arrest.1.通过合法程序带走或抓住(某人)。2.逮捕。
The custody of unaccompanied alien children not described in paragraph(2)(A)who are apprehended at the border of the United States or at a United States port of entry shall be treated in accordance with subsection(b).对于非为第(2)(A)规定的,在美国边境或美国入境口岸遭到逮捕的无人陪伴的外国人子女的羁押应按照(b)条予以对待。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年第1232a(3)条)
Harbour means to give food or shelter,and includes the act of assisting a person in any way to evade apprehension.避难指为其提供食物和住处,以及用任何方式帮助其躲避逮捕。(新加坡1959年移民法2008年修订本序言)
Each department or agency of the Federal Government shall notify the Department of Health and Human services within 48 hours upon —(A)the apprehension or discovery of an unaccompanied alien child.如果逮捕或发现无人陪同的外国人子女,则联邦政府的任一部门或机构应在四十八小时内通知卫生与人类服务部。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年第1232b(2)(A)条)
appropriate decision-maker适当的决策人
In migration context,appropriate decision maker means those who have the authority to make decisions on the removal or order.移徙背景下,适当决策人指有权对驱逐或命令作出决定的人。
If the Immigration Appeal Division allows the appeal,it shall set aside the original decision and substitute a determination that,in its opinion,should have been made,including the making of a removal order,or refer the matter to the appropriate decision-maker for reconsideration.如果移民上诉局准许上诉,应当撤销原判决,并替代已经作出的决定,包括下达的遣送离境令,或将此事提交给适当的复议决策人。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第67(2)条)
appropriate regional authority适当的地方管理机构(澳)
A Department or authority of a State/Territory that is specified by Gazette Notice in relation to the grant of a Business Skills Visa.指与授予商务技能签证有关的在政府公报中指定的(澳)州/区管理机构。
Formal permission or sanction.官方许可或批准。
The Minister,with the approval of the Governor in Council,may enter into an agreement with the government of a foreign state or with an international organization for the purposes of this Act.本法规定,经枢密院院长批准,部长可以与外国政府或国际组织签订协议。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第7条)
States Parties that make extradition conditional on the existence of a treaty shall:(a)At the time of deposit of their instrument of ratification,acceptance,approval of or accession to this Convention,inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations whether they will take this Convention as the legal basis for cooperation on extradition with other States Parties to this Convention.以订有条约为引渡条件的缔约国应:(a)在交存本公约批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书时通知联合国秘书长,说明其是否将把本公约作为与本公约其他缔约国进行引渡合作的法律依据。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第16(5)(a)条)
approval authority核准权;批准权;批准机关
Approval authority refers to the institution which has the right to grant visa to those migrants or to ratify,accept,approve national regulations and laws or international agree-ments and conventions.批准机关指有权授予移民签证的机构,或有权批准、接受、核准国际法律或国际协议与公约的机构。
approval notice批准通知书;批准书(美)
An approval notice notifies that an applicant's request for temporary or permanent visa has been examined and approved by the USCIS. The approval notice is more commonly known as Form 1-797.批准通知书是告知申请人申请临时或永久签证已经得到美国公民与移民局的批准。批准通知书常被称为1-797表格。
approval of transfer批准移交
Approval of the details of the transfer of the person to be readmitted,announced to the Requesting State by the Requested State.由被请求国向请求国发布的有关被移交人员详细信息以便得到许可入境的批准。
1.Give sanction to.2.Ratify.1.批准。2.认可。
Every appeal under this section shall be made in a form approved by the Minister,and the appellant shall set out the full circumstances on which the appeal is based.根据本条的规定,提出的任何上诉须得到部长的批准,且上诉人应在上诉中详述所有情形。(新西兰1987年移民法第63(2)条)
When an amendment enters into force,it shall be binding on those States Parties which have expressed their consent to be bound by it.Other States Parties shall still be bound by the provisions of this Convention and any earlier amendments that they have ratified,accepted or approved.修正案一经生效,即对已表示同意受其约束的缔约国具有约束力。其他缔约国则仍受本公约原条款和其以前批准、接受或核准的任何修正案的约束。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第39(5)条)
approved course规定的课程
Approved course refers to those courses provided for people who have migrated to another country by the competent authority of the country. The purpose of the course is to help immigrants integrate better into the host society. 规定的课程指由一国相关机构为移民到该国的人员开设的课程,课程的目的是为了让移民更好地融入接受国社会。
Approved course means an English course or a citizenship course provided under section 4.指根据《1971年移民(教育)法》第4条规定的英语课程或公民身份课程。(澳大利亚1971年移民(教育)法第3条)
approved document认可证件;规定的证件
In migration context,approved documents refer to the appropriate documents or permits that are recognized by law or regulation of the host country.移徙背景下,认可的证件指受到移民接收国法律法规认可的证件或许可证。
On entry or within seven days after entry into the realm a decision may be made to reject any foreign national who is included under the EEA Agreement,(a)who does not show a valid passport or any other approved travel document or visa when this is necessary.对于刚刚入境或入境不满七天的外国公民,在以下情况下可以根据《欧洲经济区协定》拒绝其入境:(a)无法在必要时出示有效护照或规定的其他旅行证件或签证。(挪威2000年移民法第57(a)条)
In this Part:“approved document”means a document approved by the Governor under subsection(2)(c)(v).在本部分里:“认可证件”指依据第(2)(c)(v)条获得行政长官认可的证件。(香港特别行政区移民法2009年修订第17G(1)条)
approved English course规定的英语课程
In migration context,one may take English course and citizenship courses provided for those holding a permanent visa,or temporary visa of a class specified by the Minister of Migration,or those under 18.The following person should also take English courses,such as applicant for permanent visa;one who is at least 18 at the time the stay visa comes into force,and the one who has not functional English at the time of making the application.移徙背景下,应参加为持有永久签证的人员、或移民部长规定类别的临时签证的持有人或18岁以下的人员提供的英语及公民身份课程。下列人员也应参加为其提供的课程:永久签证的申请人、居留签证生效期间至少18岁的人员以及在提出申请时不具备英语能力的人员。
Approved English course means an English course provided in accordance with section 4 or 4B.指根据《1971年移民教育法》第4条或4B条规定的英语课程。(澳大利亚1971年移民(教育)法第3条)
approved form规定的形式;规定的方式
It means that the form which is approved by the competent authority or Minister of immigration for the purpose of immigration law.指由主管当局或移民部长批准的符合移民法规规定的方式。
Approved form means a form approved by the Principal Immigration Officer.规定的形式指由主要移民官员批准的方式。(瓦努阿图2010年移民法第1条)
Approved form,when used in a provision of this Act,means a form approved by the Minister in writing for the purposes of that provision.规定的形式指由部长规定的书面形式。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
A request must be made in the approved form and must accompany the application for review.申请必须按规定的形式提出,必须附有复议申请。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第347(4)条)
approved immigration anchorage入境船只认可停泊处
It refers to landing places designated and/or approved by the competent authority of a country where a foreign ship can only anchor for the purpose of immigration law. 指主管机构指定的、以及/或批准的、符合移民法规定的入境船舶停泊的码头。
Approved immigration anchorage means a place designated as an approved immigration anchorage by order under section 60.入境船只认可停泊处指依据本法第60条被指定用作入境船只停泊的某个地方。(香港特别行政区移民法2009年修订第2(1)条)
approved landing place认可登陆地点
It refers to places designated and/or approved by the competent authority of a country where foreigner visitors, ships or flights for another country can only land for the purpose of immigration law. 指主管机构指定的、及/或批准的、符合移民法规定的外国游客、船只或航班登陆的地点。
Approved landing place means a place designated as an approved landing place by order under section 60.认可登陆地点指依据本法第60条被指定用作认可登陆地点的某个地方。(香港特别行政区2009年修订移民法第2(1)条)
The captain of an aircraft arriving in Hong Kong shall not land the aircraft except at an approved landing place.机长不能将抵达香港的飞机降落到认可登陆地点以外的其他地方。(香港特别行政区移民法2009年修订第3(5)条)
approved port批准的口岸;准许口岸;规定口岸
It means ports designated and/or approved by the competent authority of a country where aliens, foreign vessels or aircrafts can only land for the purpose of immigration law. 指主管机构指定的、及/或批准的、符合移民法规定的外国人、外籍船只或航行器登陆的口岸。
A non-national(other than a seaman)coming by sea or air from outside the State shall not,without the consent of the Minister,land elsewhere than at an approved port.非国民(而非海员)通过海上或空中抵达境内,未经部长同意,不得在批准口岸以外的地点登陆。(英国2004年移民法第6条)
approved primary reporting system规定的早期报告系统(澳)
Approved primary reporting system means a system approved under section 245J.规定的早期报告系统指245J中规定的系统。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第245I条)
The Secretary must,for each kind of aircraft or ship to which this Division applies,by legislative instrument,approve a system for the purposes of reporting under this Division.The system may be an electronic system or a system requiring reports to be provided in documentary form.对于适用本章的任何种类的航行器或船只,司法部长必须通过法律文书形式依据本章内容规定报告系统。该系统可为电子系统,或以文件形式提供的报告。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第245J(1)条)
approved primary reporting system for crew规定有关船员的早期报告系统(澳)
Approved primary reporting system for crew,for an aircraft or ship of a kind to which this Division applies,means the system approved under section 245J for reporting on crew on an aircraft or ship of that kind.对于使用本章内容的任何航行器、或任何类别船只的成员报告系统,指根据第245J条中规定的航行器或该种类船只成员而规定的系统。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第245I条)
approved primary reporting system for passengers规定有关乘客的早期报告系统(澳)
Approved primary reporting system for passengers,for an aircraft or ship of a kind to which this Division applies,means the system approved under section 245J for reporting on passengers on an aircraft or ship of that kind.对于适用本章内容的航行器或任何种类船只上的旅客的报告系统,指根据第245J条中规定的航行器或该种类船只上乘客而规定的报告系统。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第245I条)
approved sponsor核准的担保人;获批的担保人
Temporary skilled migration needs a sponsor to pay some fee for the employee,for which the foundation should be established on the relation of employer and employee.临时技术移民需要担保人来为雇员支付一定的费用,该类别应建立在雇主与雇员关系的基础上。
A person is an approved sponsor of another person for a visa at a particular time if:
(a)the first person has consented in writing to sponsor the second person for the visa and that consent has not been withdrawn by notice in writing to the Minister;and
(b)the first person has been approved by the Minister before that time as a sponsor of the second person for the visa,whether the second person is named in the approval or otherwise described;and
(c)the approval has not been cancelled by the Minister before that time;and
(d)a bar of a kind mentioned in paragraph 140L(c)or(d)that would affect the sponsorship of the second person is not in force at that time;and
(e)the terms on which the sponsorship was approved are satisfied at that time.
approved testing organizations规定的测试机构
To fulfill language requirements for skilled worker immigration,language tests are required from approved testing organizations.For English language testing:the International English Language Testing System(IELTS),administered by the University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate,Education Australia,and the British Council;or the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program(CELPIP),administered by the Applied Research and Evaluation Services(ARES),University of British Columbia.技术工人移民应符合语言要求的规定,应参加批准测试机构组织的语言测试。以下为官方测试机构:国际英语语言测试组织系统(IELTS雅思),该测试由剑桥大学海外考试委员会、澳大利亚教育机构、英国文化委员会组织实施;或思培考试系统,由英国哥伦比亚大学应用研究评估中心实施的英语水平标准化测试。
A core principle of European Community law,meaning the shaping of national rules in a comparable way throughout the European Union in order to meet common objectives.欧洲共同体法律的核心原则,指在整个欧洲联盟用可比较的方式形成国家法律以达到共同的目标。
In an unreasonable manner,related to the concepts of injustice,unpredictability,unrea-sonableness and capriciousness.以非理性方式,与不公正、不可预测性、非理性和反复无常等概念有关。
A foreigner may be expelled in accordance with sub-section 1 in particular if he or she incites hate against sections of the population or calls for violence or arbitrary measures against the same in a manner conducive to disturbing public safety and order or attacks the human dignity of others by insulting,maliciously disparaging or slandering sections of the population.如果外国人煽动人们的仇视或暴力或对同一事物采取随意行动而扰乱社会治安及秩序,以及侮辱他人尊严、恶意诋毁或污蔑其他人的,根据第1条款的规定,都会受到驱逐。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第55(2)8b条)
Rights and obligations of the persons who exit and enter the Republic of Moldova(1)Persons who exit and enter the Republic of Moldova for residence or temporary stay have the rights and obligations established by the legislation in force.(2)Any arbitrary limitation of civil rights,rights to labour and housing is prohibited.出入境摩尔多瓦人员的权利和义务如下:(1)出入境摩尔多瓦进行居留或临时停留的人员履行现行法律确定的各项权利和义务。(2)禁止任意限制公民权、劳动权及居住权。(摩尔多瓦出入境法第11(2)条)
arbitrary arrest and detention无理逮捕与拘禁;任意逮捕与拘留
Arbitrary arrest and detention are the arrest or detention of an individual in a case in which there is no likelihood or evidence that they committed a crime against legal statute,or in which there has been no proper due process of law.任意逮捕与拘留是在个人不可能犯罪或无证据表明该人员违反了法律,或无适当法律程序的情况下对个人的逮捕或拘留。
A form of alternative dispute resolution,is a technique for the resolution of disputes outside the courts.The parties to a dispute refer it to arbitrition by one or more persons,and agree to be bound by the arbitrition decision.A third party reviews the evidence in the case and imposes a decision that is legally binding on both sides and enforceable in the courts.Other forms of ADR include mediation and non-binding resolution by experts.Arbitration can be voluntary or mandatory and can be either binding or non-binding.替代性争端解决的一种方式,是法庭外解决纠纷的一种方法。纠纷的当事人将纠纷提交给一名或多名人员进行仲裁,并同意接受仲裁决定的约束。第三方对案件的证据进行复审,并做出使双方受到法律约束且法庭可执行的决定。其他形式的替代性争端解决包括调解、由专家做出的非约束性决定。仲裁可以是自愿或强制性的,可以具有或不具约束力等形式。相关词语 judicial-civil(司法—民事的)
Any dispute between two or more States Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention that cannot be settled through negotiation within a reasonable time shall,at the request of one of those States Parties,be submitted to arbitration.两个或两个以上缔约国对于本公约的解释或适用发生任何争端,在合理时间内不能通过谈判解决的,应按其中一方请求交付仲裁。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第35(2)条)
Disputes concerning the interpretation or application of a contract referred to in article 187,subparagraph(c)(i),shall be submitted,at the request of any party to the dispute,to binding commercial arbitration,unless the parties otherwise agree.有关第187条(c)项(i)款内所指合同的解释或适用发生的任何争端,应按任何一方请求交付有约束力的商业仲裁,除非争端各方另有协议。(联合国海洋法公约第188(2)(a)条)
An EU action programme for administrative cooperation in the fields of external borders,visas,asylum and immigration for when the Odysseus programme came to an end.The programme's objectives are:1.to promote cooperation between national administrations responsible for implementing Community rules and to ensure that proper account is taken of the Community dimension in their actions;2.to promote the uniform application of Community law;3.to encourage transparency of actions taken by the national authorities and to improve the over all efficiency of national administra-tions in their tasks.在奥德修斯计划终止后,欧盟在外部边界、签证、避难和移民领域实施的行政合作计划。该计划的目标为:1.促进负责执行共同体规定的国家行政部门间的合作,确保其采取适当的行动;2.促进共同体法规的统一适用;3.监督国家机构采取行动的透明性以及全面提升国家管理的高效性。
armed conflict武装冲突
All cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more States,even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them(see Art.2,Geneva Conven-tions I-IV,1949-international armed conflict).An armed conflict exists whenever there is a resort to armed force between States or protracted armed violence between governm-ental authorities and organized armed groups or between such groups within a state(Tadic case No.IT-94-1-AR 72,p.35,Appeals Chamber,ICTY—non-international armed conflict).两国或多国之间可能发生的宣战或其他任何武装冲突的行为,即使它们中的一方并不承认战争状态(参见1949年日内瓦公约I-IV,第2条-国际武装冲突)。当国家间诉诸武力,或政府当局和有组织武装团体之间、一国内部的类似团体之间陷于长期武装暴力,武装冲突就发生了(IT-94-1AR 72案例,第35页,前南国际刑事法庭,上诉分庭——非国际武装冲突)。
In particular,an asylum application shall be manifestly unfounded if it is obvious from the circumstances of the individual case that the foreigner remains in the Federal territory only for economic reasons or in order to evade a general emergency situation or an armed conflict.尤其是,如果从个人所处的情况能明显看出该外国人留在联邦德国境内只是出于经济原因或为了躲避某种紧急情况或武装冲突,则庇护申请明显不能成立。(德国庇护法2008年修订第30(2)条)
States Parties undertake to respect and to ensure respect for rules of international humanitarian law applicable to them in armed conflicts which are relevant to the child.缔约国承诺尊重并确保尊重在国际冲突中对其适用的国际人道主义法律中有关儿童的规则。(儿童权利公约第30(1)条)
armed robbery持枪抢劫
Robbery at gunpoint.使用枪支实施的抢劫。
arms trafficking武器交易;军火走私
Arms trafficking also known as gunrunning,is the illegal trafficking or smuggling of contraband weapons or ammunition.What constitutes legal trade in firearms varies widely,depending on national law.武器交易也称为军火走私,是对违禁武器或弹药的非法贩卖或走私。军火的合法交易没有一定的规定,这取决于国家的法律。
The purpose of this Protocol is to promote, facilitate and strengthen cooperation among States Parties in order to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition. 本议定书的宗旨是促进、便利和加强缔约国之间为了预防、打击和消除非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药而进行的合作。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药的补充议定书第2条)
A proceeding in which a criminal defendant is brought into court,told of the charges in an indictment or information,and asked to plead guilty or not guilty.犯罪被告人被带到法庭的程序,被告知在起诉书或控告中受到指控,并就指控进行有罪或无罪辩护。
The facility incarcerates or processes individuals prior to their arraignment on criminal charges.在对刑事指控传讯之前要求对人员关押或进行审核。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年第1226(e)条)
arranged employment雇佣;安排就业(加拿大)
A skilled worker applicant may be awarded up to 10 points towards their application if they have an arranged employment.To be awarded points under this category,the applicant must have either:a permanent job offer from a Canadian employer,approved by the Canadian Government Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada(HRSDC);or a permanent job offer from a Canadian employer,without the necessity of HRSDC approval,if,at the time of applying for the Canada Immigration Visa,the applicant is employed in Canada by the same employer,on one of the Temporary Work Permits that allow for arranged employment.技术工人申请人如果能够安排就业,其应得到10分。要达到这一分数,申请者必须拥有以下情形之一:由加拿大政府人力资源技术发展中心批准的加拿大雇主雇佣的永久职位;或加拿大雇主的永久职位,不必由加拿大政府人力资源技术发展中心批准,而在申请加移民签证时,申请者已经在加被同一雇主雇佣,临时工作许可证允许有效雇佣。
arranged marriage包办婚姻
Marriages in which spouses may not have met before being married are still valid for Family Sponsorship purposes,as long as the marriage meets the other requirements of a valid marriage.指结婚前配偶尚未见面,但该婚姻仍为家庭担保的有效婚姻,只要该婚姻符合有效婚姻的标准。相关词语 family class immigration(家庭类别移民)
The taking or apprehending of a person(especially apprehending a criminal)by authority of law.运用法律授权抓捕或逮捕某人(尤指逮捕罪犯)。相关词语 apprehend/apprehension(逮捕)
For the purposes of paragraph 149(b)of the Act,the person to whom it relates means a person who is subject to an inadmissibility report,arrest or a removal order.根据第149(b)款的规定,与之相关的人指涉及不予入境报告中的、受到逮捕或遣送离境令的对象。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第270条)
The coastal State may,in the exercise of its sovereign rights to explore,exploit,conserve and manage the living resources in the exclusive economic zone,take such measures,including boarding,inspection,arrest and judicial proceedings,as may be necessary to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations adopted by it in conformity with this Convention.沿海国行使其勘探、开发、养护和管理在专属经济区内的生物资源的主权权利时,可采取为确保其依照本公约制定的法律和规章得到遵守所必需的措施,包括登临、检查、逮捕和进行司法程序。(联合国海洋法公约第73(1)条)
1.The act of arriving at a certain place.2.The person or thing arriving or which has arrived.1.到达某地的行为。2.即将或已经到达的人或物。
Arrival means:
(a)in relation to an aircraft—the aircraft coming to a stop after landing;or
(b)in relation to a ship—the securing of the ship for the loading or unloading of passengers,cargo or ship's stores.抵达指:(a)就飞行器而言,指登陆后停留的飞行器;或(b)就船只而言, 指确保乘客登船或下船、货物或船只补给品的装载或卸载。(澳大利亚1958年移民法245I(1)条)
The arrival of a foreigner is illegal if he enters the Kingdom at any place other than as designated by the Government.如果某外国人在非不丹政府指定的地点入境,则为非法入境。(不丹2007年移民法第58条)
Arrival hall means a place licensed under section 12 of the Customs and Excise Act 1996 for the processing of persons arriving in New Zealand.入境大厅指根据《1996年关税与消费税法案》第12条规定批准的,对抵达新西兰人员进行审核的地点。(新西兰2009年移民法第4条)
arrival card入境卡
See arrival/departure card.见抵达/离境卡。
arrival record入境记录
See arrival/departure card.见抵达/离境卡。
arrival/departure card抵达/离境卡
A card which is filled out by an individual prior to or upon arrival in the country of destination and presented(along with passport and,if requested,a visa)to officials at the border checkpoint.In some States,border officials collect the card upon entry,while in other States,the card or portion of it is returned to the traveller and must be presented upon departure from the State.International stand-ards for such cards are defined by the Interna-tional Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO)in Annex 9,Convention on International Civil Aviation,1944.在未抵达或抵达目的地国时,某人填写并出示(与护照及[需要时]签证一起)给边境检查站官员的卡片。在某些国家,边境官员在旅客入境时收取该卡,而在其他国家,该卡或部分卡片归还给游客,且必须在其离开该国时出示。国际民航组织在1944年国际民航公约附录9规定了此卡的国际标准。相关词语 checkpoint(检查站),identity documents(身份证件),passport(护照),visa(签证)
Subject to subsection(2),an alien who is over the age of 15 years shall within 7 days notify the Director of any change in:(a)any of the particulars furnished in an arrival card.根据第(2)条,年满15岁的外国人在进行如下变动时需要在7日内通知移民局主管:(a)抵达卡内的细目发生变化。(香港2012年修订移民法第16(1)条)
arriving passenger进港旅客
Person who arrives at the entry port of another country.抵达入境口岸的他国人员。
Article 3 ECHR欧盟保护人权及固有自由公约第3条(欧盟)
Article 3 of the European Convention for the Protection on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950(ECHR)states that “no one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” States who are signatories to the ECHR cannot depart from this principle for any reason or in any circumstances.Where an asylum seeker can make out a case that he or she would be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment if returned to their country,they cannot be removed,even if their Refugee Convention claim fails.《欧盟1950年保护人权及固有自由公约》第3条规定“任何人都不得受到虐待或非人道或有辱人格的待遇或惩罚”。ECHR的签署国不得以任何理由或在任何情形下违背该原则。在庇护寻求者意识到如果其返回母国,会受到虐待或非人道的或有辱人格的待遇或惩罚时,则不可将其驱逐,即使其不符合难民公约要求。
Article 31第31条款
Article 31 of the 1951 Refugee Convention prohibits States from penalizing a refugee for illegal entry when the purpose of their entry is to claim asylum.《1951年难民公约》第31条规定,如果入境的目的为申请庇护,禁止国家对非法入境的难民进行惩罚。
Article 36 Committee第36条委员会(欧盟)
This is a Committee provided for by Article 36 of the Treaty of European Union(Title VI of the EU Treaty),also referred to as CATS,as a Council Working Group.The Committee is made up of senior officials and its role is to coordinate the competent working groups in the field of police and judicial cooperation(third pillar).Its mission is also to prepare the relevant work of the Permanent Representatives Committee(COREPER).The counterpart for issues on asylum and immigration is the SCIFA(Strategic Committee for Immigration,Frontiers and Asylum)which,unlike the CATS,is a first-pillar working group.依据欧盟条约(欧盟条约第IV部分)第36条组建的委员会,也称为CATS,欧盟理事会工作组。该委员会由高级官员组成,其角色为协调警务及司法合作领域(第三支柱)的主管工作组。任务是筹划永久代表委员会(COREPER)的相关工作。庇护及移民事务相对应的机构为SCIFA(移民、边境及庇护战略委员会),该机构不同于CATS,为第一支柱工作组。相关词语:SCIFA(移民、边境及庇护战略委员会),High-Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration(庇护与移徙高级工作组)
See INS/USCIS Application Support Center.见移民归化局/美国公民身份移民局申请援助中心。
The act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event.In migration context,assess/assessment means before granting a visa,there should be an evaluation for applying for visa of another country by the competent agency of the host country,particularly in economic capability,in case the applicant will be the burden of the target(immigration)country.对某人、某种情况或某个事件进行判断或估计的行为。移徙背景下,在授予签证前,由目的地国的主管机构对签证申请人进行评估,特别是在经济方面评估,以免给目的地国带来(移民)经济负担。
The Federal Office of Criminal Police shall provide official assistance in assessing the documents obtained pursuant to Section 49.联邦刑事警察局在评估根据第49条获得的证件时应提供官方援助。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第89(1)条)
When States have reasonable grounds for believing that planned activities under their jurisdiction or control may cause substantial pollution of or significant and harmful changes to the marine environment,they shall,as far as practicable,assess the potential effects of such activities on the marine environment and shall communicate reports of the results of such assessments in the manner provided in article 205.各国如有合理根据认为在其管辖或控制下的计划中的活动可能对海洋环境造成重大污染或重大和有害的变化,应在实际可行范围内就这种活动对海洋环境的可能影响作出评估,并应依照第205条规定的方式提送这些评估结果的报告。(联合国海洋法公约第206条)
They shall endeavour to participate actively in regional and global programmes to acquire knowledge for the assessment of the nature and extent of pollution,exposure to it,and its pathways,risks and remedies.各国应尽力积极参加区域性和全球性方案,以获得有关鉴定污染的性质和范围、面临污染的情况以及其通过的途径、危险和补救办法的知识。(联合国海洋法公约第200条)
Assessment in this context shall be carried out by the authority deciding on the deportation order,whereby this authority shall not be bound to findings reached in this connection in other proceedings.在此背景下的审批应该由决定下达驱逐令的机构实施,而该机构不应局限于与其他诉讼相关的最终结果。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第58a(3)条)
assessed score评估分数
Those who want to learn in another country or migrate to other countries must take part in a test,for which they must get a certain score which is considered to be one of the require-ment to study or reside in the country.想到他国学习或移徙他国的人员必须要参加某种考试,考试必须达到一定分数才能符合在该国学习或居留的条件之一。相关词语IELTS(雅思),pool mark(入围分数),pass mark(合格分数)
Assessed score in relation to an applicant for a visa,means the total number of points given to the applicant in an assessment under section 93.与签证申请人相关的评估分数,指根据第93条申请人在评估中应当得到的全部分数。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
An applicant whose assessed score is more than or equal to the applicable pass mark at the time when the score is assessed is taken to have received the qualifying score.评估分数时,如果申请人的评估分数超出了或与申请规定的分数相同,则视为该申请人获得了合格分数。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第94(1)条)
Property of all kinds,including real and personal,tangible and intangible.指包括不动产、私人财产、有形及无形所有种类财产。
A Contracting State shall,in conformity with its laws and regulations,permit refugees to transfer assets which they have brought into its territory,to another country where they have been admitted for the purposes of resettlement.各缔约国应遵照其法律、法规,允许难民转移其带到该国用以重新定居的资产。(难民地位公约第30(1)条)
No migrant worker or member of his or her family shall be arbitrarily deprived of property,whether owned individually or in association with others.Where,under the legislation in force in the State of employment,the assets of a migrant worker or a member of his or her family are expropriated in whole or in part,the person concerned shall have the right to fair and adequate compensation.依据有关就业的现行法规,任何移民打工人员或其家人均不能被任意剥夺其财产,无论财产为个人所有还是与他人共同拥有。如果其本人或家人的资产全部或部分被没收,则相关人员有权利得到公正、适当的赔偿。(保护所有移民工人及家庭成员国际公约第15条)
assets forfeiture没收财产
The governmental taking of property due to its,or its owner's,involvement in criminal activity,such as the impounding of a vehicle used for smuggling or trafficking aliens into a State.由于财产或财产所有者参与了犯罪活动而导致财产被政府没收,例如扣押向某国偷运或贩运外国人的交通工具。相关词语 smuggling(偷运),trafficking(贩运)
1.To appoint to a post.2.To point out.1.任命。2.提出。
The Minister shall not be required to assign any reason for the issue of any order referred to in sub-article(2)and the decision of the Minister on any such order shall not be subject to appeal to or review in any court.部长不需要对于第(2)条中所提及的任何法案的颁布说明原因。对于部长就任何法案所作的决定不应受到法院的起诉或复议。(马耳他1970年移民法2007年修订版第4(3)条)
The Land governments may assign the said authorisation to other bodies of the Land.国家政府可以将上述授权让与其他机构。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第15a(4)条)
Adaptation of one ethnic or social group—usually a minority—to another.Assimilation means the subsuming of language,traditions,values and behaviour or even fundamental vital interests and an alteration in the feeling of belonging.某一种族或社会群体——通常是少数群体——适应另外一种族或社会群体。同化意味着语言、传统、价值观和行为,或者甚至基本核心利益的融合和归属感的改变。相关词语 acculturation(文化适应),integration(融合)
The Contracting States shall as far as possible facilitate the assimilation and naturalization of refugees.They shall in particular make every effort to expedite naturalization proceedings and to reduce as far as possible the charges and costs of such proceedings.各缔约国应尽可能便利难民的入籍和同化,尤其尽量加速办理入籍程序,并尽可能减低此项程序的费用。(难民地位公约第34条)
Aid provided to address the physical,material and legal needs of persons of concern.This may include food items,medical supplies,clothing,shelter,seeds and tools,as well as the provision of infrastructure,such as schools and roads.“Humanitarian assistance” refers to assistance provided by humanitarian organizations for humanitarian purposes(i.e.,non-political,non-commercial,and non-military purposes).In UNHCR practice,assistance supports and complements the achievement of protection objectives.为相关的人员提供物质的及法律需要的援助。包括食物、医药用品、衣物、避难所、种子、工具以及提供基础设施,如学校、道路施工等。“人道主义援助”指由人道主义组织提供的人道主义目的(即非政治的、非商业的及非军事目的)的援助。在联合国难民事务高级专员办事处实践中,人道主义支持并实现对人员的保护。
Information requested shall be communicated to the requesting Party in accordance with national legislation and with the Conventions in force concerning mutual judicial assistance in criminal matters.要求的信息应按照国家立法以及有关刑事司法援助的生效协议传给提出要求的缔约国。(2000年申根协议第98.2条)
Each State Party shall ensure that its domestic legal or administrative system contains measures that provide to victims of trafficking in persons,in appropriate cases:(b)Assistance to enable their views and concerns to be presented and considered at appropriate stages of criminal proceedings against offenders,in a manner not prejudicial to the rights of the defence.各缔约国均应确保本国法律或行政制度中包括各种必要措施,以便在适当情况下向人口贩运活动被害人提供:(b)帮助被害人,从而使其意见和关切在对犯罪的人提起的刑事诉讼的适当阶段以不损害被告方权利的方式得到表达和考虑。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书总则第6(2)(b)条)
assisted migration受助移徙
The movement of migrants accomplished with the assistance of a government,governments or an international organization,as opposed to spontaneous,unaided migration.在一国政府、多国政府或一个国际组织的协助下实现的移民流动,有别于主动的、无人帮助的移徙。相关词语assisted voluntary return(受助自愿返回),spontaneous migration(主动移徙)
assisted return受助返回
Assisted return occurs where financial and organizational assistance may be offered for the return,and sometimes for reintegration measures,to the individual by the State or by a third party;for example an international organization.在由该国或第三方给个体在返回问题上提供经济与组织援助,有时采取重新融合措施的情况下,才会出现受助返回。相关词语assisted voluntary return(受助自愿返回)
assisted voluntary return受助自愿返回
Administrative,logistical,financial and reintegration support to rejected asylum-seekers,victims of trafficking in human beings,stranded migrants,qualified nationals and other migrants unable or unwilling to remain in the host country who volunteer to return to their countries of origin.对被拒绝的庇护寻求者、人口贩运的受害者、陷于困境的移民、合格的国民以及其他不能或不愿在接受国居留而主动返回其国籍国的人员提供的行政上的、后勤、财政以及再融合方面的援助。相关词语 repatriation(遣返),return(返回),spontaneous migration(主动移徙),spontaneous return(主动返回),voluntary repatriation(自愿遣返),voluntary return(自愿返回)
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reinte-gration(AVRR)受助自愿返回与再安置
Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration(AVRR)is an indispensable part of a comprehensive approach to migration management aiming at orderly and humane return and reintegration of migrants who are unable or unwilling to remain in host countries and wish to return voluntarily to their countries of origin.The successful implementation of AVRR programmes requires the cooperation and participation of a broad range of actors,including the migrants,civil society and the governments in both host and countries of origin.The partnerships created by IOM and a diverse range of national and international stakeholders are essential to the effective implementation of AVRRs—from the pre-return to the reintegration stages.For migrants who need to return home but lack the means to do so,IOM's AVRR programmes are often the only solution to their immediate plight.Beneficiaries of IOM's assistance include:individuals whose application for asylum was rejected or withdrawn;stranded migrants;victims of trafficking and other vulnerable groups,including unaccompanied migrant children,or those with health-related needs.受助自愿返回与再安置(AVRR)是移徙管理综合方法不可缺少的一部分,目的是对那些不能或不愿在接受国停留且主动回到原籍国的移民进行有序、人道的返回并再安置。受助自愿返回与再安置的成功实施需要广泛的合作与参与者的加入,包括移民、公民社会、接受国与原籍国政府。由国际移民组织创建的这种伙伴关系以及各种国内与国际相关人士对于受助自愿返回与再安置的有效实施非常必要——从预先返回到再安置阶段。对那些需要回家但缺少财力的移民,国际移民组织的受助自愿返回与再安置计划是解决其当前困境的唯一方法。国际移民组织的援助受益者包括庇护申请被拒绝或撤销的个人、被困移民、人口贩卖的受害者以及其他弱势群体,包括无人陪伴的移徙儿童,或健康问题相关的人员。
association agreement结盟协议
Association agreement is a bilateral agreement between one country and another,or an organization and a country.结盟协议指两国间或,组织与国家间的双边协定。
A foreigner who possesses a right of residence in accordance with the EEC/Turkey Association Agreement is obliged to furnish evidence of the existence of said right of residence through the possession of a residence permit.根据欧洲经济共同体/土耳其共同体结盟协定,拥有居留权的外国人应通过居留证为其居留权提供证据。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第4(4)条)
assurance of support经济担保
An Assurance of Support is an undertaking to provide financial support to an applicant and any dependants so that they will not have to rely on government benefits to live.经济担保意指给(移民)申请人及其受抚养人提供经济援助,以使其在(移民后)不会靠政府的救济而生活。
In migration context,an applicant must have an assurer if he/she wants to migrate to another country.The assurer must be a citizen,permanent resident or eligible citizen of the target country,who signs a legal undertaking(an Assurance of Support-AoS)so that the applicant and dependants will not have to rely on certain social security payments that can be recovered by the target country under the AoS scheme.移徙背景下,移徙申请人必须拥有担保人。担保人应为申请国的公民、永久居民或签署法律承诺书(an Assurance of Support-AoS)的合格公民,以使申请人及受抚养人不依靠该国的社会保障金生活。
See asylum seeker.见庇护寻求者。
An alien described in this paragraph is an alien who,immediately prior to the death of his or her qualifying relative,was—(D)the beneficiary of a pending or approved refugee/asylee relative petition under section 1157 or 1158 of this title.本条款中描述的外国人指早在其有资格亲属去世之前,就:(D)依据本章第1157条或1158条,成为或已经批准成为难民/庇护人亲属申请的受益人。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年第1154(I)(2)条)
A form of protection given by a State on its territory based on the principle of non-refoulement and internationally or nationally recognised refugee rights.It is granted to a person who is unable to seek protection in his/her country of citizenship and/or residence in particular for fear of being persecuted for reasons of race,religion,nationality,membership of a particular social group or political opinion.基于不推回原则以及国际或国家承认的难民权利,由某国家给予的在其领土上一种保护形式。该保护给予那些不能在其公民权国及/或居留国得到保护的人员,尤其是害怕由于种族、宗教、国籍、社会某一特定团体的成员或政治原因而受到迫害。相关词语 refugee(难民),State of refuge(庇护国)
An application for asylum must be accomp-anied by a passport or other travel documents possessed by the applicant.进行庇护申请时需一并附带护照或申请人拥有的其他旅行证件。(冰岛2002年外国人法第46条)
asylum(application for)庇护(申请)
The application made by a third country national or a stateless person which can be understood as a request for international protection from a Member State,under the Geneva Convention.Any application for international protection is presumed to be an application for asylum unless a third country national or a stateless person explicitly requests another kind of protection that can be applied for separately.根据《日内瓦公约》,由第三国家国民或无国籍人员提出的申请,可认定为是向成员国提出的一种寻求国际保护的申请。提出的任何国际保护可认定为庇护申请,除非第三国国民或无国籍人员清楚表明要求分别申请其他形式的保护。同义词asylum application(庇护申请)
An application for asylum must be accompanied by a passport or other travel documents possessed by the applicant.进行庇护申请时需一并附带护照或申请人拥有的其他旅行证件。(冰岛2002年外国人法第46条)
The refuge which States may grant beyond the boundaries of their territory in places which are granted immunity from jurisdiction,to an individual seeking protection from the authority who persecutes or claims him or her.Diplomatic asylum may be granted at diplom-atic missions and the private residences of the heads of mission,warships or aircrafts,but not in the premises of international organizations,nor consulates.任何国家可在其疆域内赋予那些寻求保护、免受当局迫害或陷害的个人司法豁免。外交庇护的地点可为外交使团及使团、战舰和航空器的负责人的私人宅邸处,但不可在国际组织和领事馆提供。相关词语 asylum(territorial)(庇护(领土)),non-refoulement(不推回), right of asylum(庇护权)
If the asylum application has been rejected in accordance with Section 30(3)of the Asylum Procedure Act,no residence title may be issued prior to the foreigner leaving the Federal territory.根据《庇护程序法》第30(3)的规定,如果庇护申请遭到拒绝,在该外国人离开联邦境内前,不得授予居留资格。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第10(3)条)
The conditions for granting temporary residence permits under this Article shall include the following:a.that a statement regarding the asylum application has been taken from the applicant.依据本条款,批准临时居留许可条件应包括如下情况:a.申请人已提出庇护申请。(冰岛2002年外国人法第12(g)条)
asylum(right of)庇护(权利)
The right of the State,in virtue of its territorial sovereignty and in the exercise of its discretion,to allow a non-national to enter and reside,and to resist the exercise of jurisdiction by any State over that individual.就国家领土主权及酌情权行使而言,庇护(权利)指国家允许非国民入境、居留,并抵制任何国家对该个体行使管辖权。
Throughout the duration of the asylum procedure,the alien who is seeking a form of protection has the following rights:n.the right of asylum-seekers with special needs to receive adequate medical aid.在庇护程序启动期间,寻求某种形式保护的外国人拥有如下权利:n.某些有特别需要的庇护寻求者有接受充分医疗救助的权利。(罗马尼亚庇护法第17(1)(n)条)
Turkmenistan shall grant the right to asylum to aliens persecuted in their countries for political,national and religious beliefs.对于由于政治、民族及宗教信仰原因在国内遭受迫害的外国人员,土库曼斯坦应给予其得到庇护的权利。(土库曼斯坦1993年外国人合法地位法1995年修订第6条)
Protection granted by a State to an alien on its own territory against the exercise of jurisdiction by the state of origin,based on the principle of non-refoulement,leading to the enjoyment of certain internationally recognized rights.由某国在其领土上对某外国人给予的保护,避免原籍国对其采取司法程序。保护是基于不推回原则,表明该外国人可享受一些国际承认的权利。相关词语 asylum(diplomatic)(庇护(外交)),non-refoulement(不推回),right of asylum(庇护权)
Asylum means permanent right of entry and residence accorded by Austria to aliens under the provisions of the present federal law.庇护指根据现行联邦法律的规定,奥地利政府赋予外国人入境与永久居留的权利。(奥地利1997年庇护法2002年修订第1.2条)
Asylum and Immigration Act 2004(Section 2)《2004庇护与移民法(第2条)》(英)
Section 2 introduced a new offence of failing to produce at interview a valid immigration document.第2条主要规定了不能在面谈中出示有效移民证件的新罪行。
Asylum and Immigration Tribunal庇护及移民法庭(英)
The Asylum and Immigration Tribunal hears and decides appeals against decisions made by the UK Border Agency(UKBA)in matters of asylum,immigration and nationality.对于就英国边境署在关于庇护、移民及国籍事务作出的决定而提出的上诉,庇护及移民法庭应进行听证并作出裁决。
The Asylum and Immigration Tribunal or the Special Immigration Appeals Commission must begin substantive deliberations on the asylum appeal by considering the statements in the Secretary of State's certificate.庇护及移民法庭或特别移民上诉委员会必须首先考虑国务大臣证书中的陈述,就上诉进行实质性的审议。(英国2006年移民、庇护及国籍法第55(3)条)
asylum appeal庇护上诉
The appeal made against the asylum decision before the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal by asylum seekers.由庇护寻求者对庇护决定向庇护与移民法庭提出的上诉。
Asylum appeal means an appeal which is brought under section 82,83 or 101 of the Nationality,Immigration and Asylum Act 2002(c.41)or section 2 of the Special Immigration Appeals Commission Act 1997(c.68).庇护上诉为依据国籍、移民以及庇护法第82条,83条或101条,或依据1997年特别移民上诉委员会法第2条规定提出的上诉。(详见英国2006年国籍、移民与庇护法第55.2.a条)
If the Tribunal or Commission agrees with those statements it must dismiss such part of the asylum appeal as amounts to an asylum claim.如果(庇护与移民)法庭或委员会认同那些陈述,则必须驳回庇护上诉。(英国2006年移民、庇护及国籍法第55(4)条)
asylum applicant庇护申请人
Asylum applicant means a third country national or a stateless person who has made an application for asylum in respect of which a final decision has not yet been taken.指就提出的有关庇护申请尚未作出最终裁决的第三国国民或无国籍人员。同义词 asylum seeker(庇护寻求者)
An asylum applicant refers to any alien seeking asylum regardless of whether the alien has sought asylum at a border crossing or after having entered the territory of BiH.庇护申请人指无论外国人在边境过境点或入境波黑后是否得到过庇护而正在寻求庇护的外国人。(波黑2000年外国人流动、居留与庇护法第4条)
asylum applicant(secondary movement of)庇护申请人(二次流动的)
In global context,this is referred to as the Irregular Movement of Refugee which is defined,as the phenomenon of refugees or asylum seekers who move from countries in which they have already found,or might have found,protection,in order to seek asylum or permanent resettlement in another country,but without the prior consent of the national authorities of the latter,without an entry visa,or with no documents or insufficient travel documentation.国际背景下,指不规则难民流动,由于难民现象或已经离开其得到或也许会得到保护的国家的庇护寻求者,为了能够在另一国家寻求庇护或永久居留,但在未得到后者国家当局的同意之前,无入境签证、或无证件或不适当的旅行证件。
asylum application庇护申请
The application made by a person who arrives at the frontiers of a State seeking asylum in the State or seeking the protection of the State against persecution,may apply to the authority concerned.指由抵达一国边境的、在该国寻求庇护或寻求该国保护免于迫害的人员提出的申请,此申请可向相关机构提出。
asylum application(withdrawal of an)庇护申请(撤销)
It means the actions by which the applicant for asylum terminates the procedures initiated by the submission of his application for asylum,in accordance with national law,either explicitly or tacitly.庇护申请(撤销)指庇护申请人依据国家法律规定,明确地或默示地终止了提交庇护申请程序的行为。
asylum claimant庇护申请人
Person who files asylum application.提出庇护申请的人。
Asylum claimant means a person who intends to make a claim that it would be contrary to the United Kingdom's obligations under the Refugee Convention or the Human Rights Convention for him to be removed from,or required to leave,the United Kingdom.庇护申请人指根据难民公约或人权公约,英国未履行义务,被驱逐出英国而提出庇护申请的人员。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第29.3条)
Asylum claimant means a person who makes an asylum claim.庇护申请人指提出庇护申请之人。(瓦努阿图2010年移民法第1条)
asylum country庇护国家
It refers to the country which provides asylum to the asylum seekers.指为庇护寻求者提供庇护的国家。
asylum interview庇护面谈
An asylum interview is a substantive interview about a person's reasons for claiming asylum in the country.庇护面谈是采访了解一个人要求在该国避难的原因而进行的实质性的面谈。
Asylum Interview Record(AIR)庇护面试记录(AIR)
All the applicants of asylum seekers must undergo in interview. They have to give the information about themselves, including name, country of origin and reasons of seeking asylum. At the end of the interview, asylum seekers are asked to sign a copy of the interview record. Asylum seekers can have their asylum interview tape recorded but should tell the authorities 24 hours before the interview that they want it tape-recorded. 庇护寻求者必须经过面试。申请人必须提供其自身的一些信息,包括姓名、国籍以及寻求庇护的原因。面试结束时,会要求庇护寻求者在面试记录上签字。庇护寻求者可以拥有庇护面试录音,但应在面试24小时前告知主管机构。
asylum policy庇护政策
Asylum policy is the principle that a country adopts to decide the reception of asylum seekers and the application scope of the principle. 庇护政策是一国采取的决定接受庇护寻求者的原则及原则的适用范围。
Asylum Screening Unit(ASU)庇护甄别单位(ASU)(英)
One office of the UK Border Agency which receives personal applications from asylum applicants who have entered the UK and carries out fingerprinting,photographing and “screening” interviews which record identity and family details of the applicant,the route taken to the UK and the documentation used.英国边境署下设的一部门。庇护寻求者向该部门提出庇护初始申请,而移民官员组织筛选面试。英国边境署的该部门在接到入境英国的庇护申请人申请时,记录其身份和申请人入境英国的线路、使用的证件及家庭的详细情况,留取指纹,拍照,进行“筛选”面试。
asylum seekers庇护寻求者
Persons seeking to be admitted into a country as refugees and awaiting decision on their application for refugee status under relevant international and national instruments.In case of a negative decision,they must leave the country and may be expelled,as may any alien in an irregular situation,unless permission to stay is provided on humanitarian or other related grounds.根据相关国际和国家法律文件,指作为难民寻求者得到许可入境某国的并等待着对其难民地位申请作出决定的人员。如果决定是否定的话,他们必须离开这个国家并可能被驱逐。除非基于人道或其他相关原因被允许停留,否则将会变成处于非正规状态的外国人。相关词语 alien(外国人),application(申请),refugee(难民),right of asylum(庇护权)
Asylum seeker means an alien from the time of submission of an asylum application or of an asylum extension application until the final conclusion or discontinuation of the procedure.庇护寻求者指提交庇护申请时或庇护延长申请直至最终裁决或程序终止时的外国人。(奥地利1997年庇护法2002年修订第1.3条)
Applicant or asylum-seeker—the alien or stateless person who has expressed the wish to obtain a form of protection in Romania,as long as an irrevocable decision on the asylum application was not taken.庇护申请者或寻求者——指表达要获得在罗马尼亚保护愿望的外国人或无国籍人员,只要没有撤销提出的庇护申请决定。(罗马尼亚2006年庇护法第2(b)条)
asylum “shopping”庇护“购物”
The practise by an individual given asylum by one state as a refugee,to then use that status to attempt to migrate to another country.由一国赋予个人难民身份的一种做法,该人员利用该身份试图移徙到另一国。
asylum support庇护援助;庇护支持(英)
Asylum seekers who are destitute may be able to receive accommodation and/or subsistence support from the UK Border Agency(UKBA).This form of support is also referred to as “UKBA support”.If they have additional care needs,due to chronic illness or disability they may also be eligible to support from their local authority.贫困的庇护寻求者可以得到英国边境署(UKBA)提供的住宿和/或生活保障。这种支持的形式也被称为“英国边境署的援助”。如果他们有更多的需求,如由于慢性疾病或残疾,他们也将有机会得到地方当局的支持。
asylum support adjudicators庇护援助裁定者(英)
Asylum support adjudicators mean persons on institutions that hear appeals against decisions made by Immigration and Nationality Directorate(IND)that a person is not entitled to asylum support,or that his or her support should be withdrawn.对移民与国籍局(IND)作出某人不能享有庇护援助,或撤销对其援助决定而进行听证裁定的人员或机构。
A person appointed as an adjudicator under this Part is to be known as an Asylum Support Adjudicator(but is referred to in this Part as “an adjudicator”).根据本部分规定而任命为裁定者的人员称为庇护援助裁定者(在本部分指裁定者)。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第102(2)条)
Asylum Support Partnership(ASP)庇护援助合作伙伴(英)
The Asylum Support Partnership comprises of five refugee agencies(Migrant Helpline,Refugee Action,Refugee Council,Scottish Refugee Council and Welsh Refugee Council)which are contracted by UKBA to provide advice and support to asylum seekers and refugees.The Asylum Support Partnership used to be called the Inter Agency Partnership.一般包括5个难民机构(移民热线服务、难民行动、难民议会、苏格兰难民议会及威尔士难民议会),为庇护寻求者及难民提供建议及支持,也称为泛机构合作伙伴。
asylum-only hearing只庇护的听证
An asylum-only hearing applies to an individual who is denied a removal hearing under the law.These individuals include crewmen,stowaways,Visa Waiver Pilot Program beneficiaries.只庇护的听证适用于那些根据法律,被拒绝驱逐听证的人员,包括船员、偷渡人员、签证宽宥计划的受益人。
attendance notice出席通知(澳)
Attendance notice means a notice given under section 268BD.指根据第268BD下达的通知。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第268AA条)
An attendance notice under this section may be given even if any relevant student visa is no longer in effect or the holder of any such visa is no longer enrolled in a course provided by the education provider.根据本条的规定,即使任何相关学生签证不再有效或四类签证持有人不再参加提供者提供的课程学习,也应该下达出席通知。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第268BD(4)条)
A sworn statement.In the US,a sworn state-ment made by employers to the Department of Labor before being able to bring foreign workers to the U.S.for work.The attestation may include statements that the employer is making an effort to hire more U.S.citizens,or it will pay foreign workers the same wages as paid to U.S.workers.发誓。在美国,雇主向劳工部作的宣誓,之后才能将外国工人带入美国工作。宣誓包括雇主尽力多招聘美国公民、或支付给外国劳工与美国工人同等的薪酬的声明。
Aliens must,within a prescribed deadline,present to competent authorities relevant documents,information and attestations required for conducting the procedure related to residence permits,as defined by the present Law.外国人员必须根据现行法律,在规定的期限内向主管当局上交启动与居留许可有关的程序时需要的相关文件、信息及宣誓。(波黑外国人流动、居留及庇护法第8(1)条)
A professional person authorized to practice law,conduct lawsuits or give legal advice.获授权践行法律﹑进行诉讼或提供法律建议的专业人员。
The presiding officer may from time to time adjourn the inquiry—(a)at the request of the person concerned or his,relative or friend;Attorney at law.主席可随时——(a)应相关人员或其亲属、朋友及律师的请求,进行延期调查。(特立尼达和多巴哥1969年移民法2005年修订第25(11)条)
The other members must be attorneys or serve with the central administration of the Ministry of Refugee,Immigration and Integration Affairs,but not in the Secretariat of the Refugee Board,cf.subsection(11).其他成员必须为律师或在难民、移民与融合事务部但不是第(11)条规定难民委员会秘书处服务的人员。(丹麦外国人法第53(2)条)
Attorney General司法部长
In most common law jurisdictions, the Attorney General is the main legal advisor to the government, and in some jurisdictions they may also have executive responsibility for law enforcement, prosecutions or even responsibility for legal affairs generally. In practice, the extent to which the attorney general personally provides legal advice to the government varies between jurisdictions, and even between individual office-holders within the same jurisdiction.多数普通法国家中,司法部长是政府的主要法律顾问,而在某些国家中,司法部长还有执法、起诉的责任,甚至负责一般法律事务。实践中,司法部长向政府提供法律建议的范围在司法管辖领域中有差异,甚至在相同的司法管辖领域也有所不同。
au pair做家务换取膳宿;以服务换取膳宿
A young foreigner who lives with a family in return for doing light housework.居住在某家庭内的年轻外国人员用做少量家务回报该家庭的行为。
Conducting work in a family to offset the maintenance room and in the same,while improving the language skills or professional shall be regulated in accordance with international agreements on au pairs.在家里做家务以抵消生活费,同时提高语言技能或职业技能的行为将按照有关以做家务换取膳宿的国际协定进行管理。(西班牙2009年移民法第33(5)条)
Foreign nationals may be granted temporary residence permits in connection with work as au pairs in the homes of families in Iceland.外国公民以在冰岛的一些家庭里靠做家务换取膳宿作为工作时,准许颁发临时居留许可。(冰岛2002年外国人法第12(d)条)
Ausreisezentrum(“Departure Center”)离境中心(德)
A term used in Germany to designate official facilities used in some Landers where rejected asylum seekers who lost or forged their identity cards are detained with the aim of persuading them to voluntarily leave the country.在德国某些州,用于指定的官方设施,在此羁押着丧失或持有伪造身份证的遭到拒绝的难民寻求者,该中心建立的目的在于劝说其自愿离境。
Australian Capital Territory澳大利亚首都地区
Australian Capital Territory is a territory in the south east of Australia,enclaved with New South Wales.It is the smaller of the two self-governing internal territories in Australia.澳大利亚首都地区是澳大利亚东南部的一个地区,包括新南威尔士州,是澳大利亚两个国内最小的自治地区。
Australian law enforcement or intelligence body澳大利亚执法或情报机构
Australian law enforcement or intelligence body means a body,agency or organisation that is responsible for,or deals with,law enforcement,criminal intelligence,criminal investigation,fraud or security intelligence in,or in a part of,Australia.澳大利亚执法或情报机构指负责或处理澳大利亚全部或部分的执法、犯罪情报、刑事调查、欺诈或其安全情报的机构、机关或组织。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第503A(9)条)
Australian mission澳大利亚使节团
An Australian Embassy,High Commission or Consulate or Consulate-Mission General or Australian Trade Commission.指澳大利亚大使馆、特派使节团或领事馆或总领事馆或澳大利亚贸易委员会。
Australian permanent resident澳大利亚永久居民
A non-citizen who,being usually resident in Australia,is the holder of a permanent visa.不属于澳大利亚公民,但是经常居住澳大利亚,并持有永久签证的人。
Australian permanent resident means an Australian permanent resident within the meaning of the regulations.指法律规定范围内的澳大利亚永久居民。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第337条)
Australian sea installation澳大利亚海洋设施
Australian sea installation means a sea installation that is deemed to be part of Australia because of the operation of section 9.执行第9条时,澳大利亚海洋设施指视为澳大利亚一部分的海洋设施。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979《澳大利亚1979年安全情报组织法案》
The Australian Security Intelligence Organization Act 1979(the ASIO Act)is an Act of the Parliament of Australia establishing the Australian Security Intelligence Organiz-ation(ASIO)as the counter-intelligence and security agency of Australia. Established in 1949 under the Constitution, the ASIO Act converted the Organization into a statutory body under the control of the Director-General of Security and responsible to the Attorney-General. 1979年澳大利亚安全情报组织法(ASIO法)是澳大利亚议会通过的一部法律。根据该法成立了澳大利亚安全情报组织(ASIO),作为澳大利亚的反情报和安全机构。根据宪法规定于1949年成立,该法将该组织变成了在安全部长管理下,由司法部长负责的一个法定机构。
Australian waters澳大利亚水域
Australian waters means:
(a)in relation to a resources installation—waters above the Australian seabed;and
(b)in relation to a sea installation—waters comprising all of the adjacent areas and the coastal area.指(a)与资源设施有关——高于澳大利亚海床的水域;及(b)与海洋设施有关——构成毗邻海域以及沿海地区的水域。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
Actions taken to ensure that a travel document is genuine.Authentication can include biometric technology applied to a Machine-readable Travel Document(MRTD).确保旅行证件是真实而采取的措施。认证包括应用在可机读旅行证件的生物识别技术。
authentication of(a treaty)text约文之认证
Authentication is the procedure whereby the text of a treaty is established as authentic and definitive.Once a treaty has been authentic-ated,its provisions cannot be modified except by formal amendment.If procedures for authe-ntication have not been specifically agreed,the treaty will usually be authenticated by signature,or initialing,by the representatives of those States.It is this authenticated text that the depositary uses to establish the original text.认证指据以确定条约约文是否作准定本的一种程序。一旦条约通过认证,其条款不得再更改,除非是正式修订。如果认证程序没有具体议定,条约一般要通过缔约国代表签字或草签来认证。保存人正是利用这种认证文本来确定原始文本。
The authentication of(a treaty)text is established as authentic and definitive:(a)by such procedure as may be provided for in the text or agreed upon by States participating in its drawing up;or(b)failing such procedure,by the signature,signature ad referendum or initialing by the representatives of those States of the text of the treaty or of the Final Act of a conference incorporating the text.条约约文认证指依下列方法确定为作准定本:(a)依约文所载或经参加草拟约文国家协议之议程;或(b)若无此项程序,由此等国家代表在条约约文上,或在载有约文之会议最后文件上签署,作待核准之签署或草签。(1969年维也纳条约法公约第10条)
authentic language有效语言
A treaty typically specifies its authentic languages—the languages in which the meaning of its provisions is to be determined.条约一般具体规定使用的有效语言,即确定各项条款含义的语言。
The power or right to give orders or make decisions.发布命令或作出决定的权限或权力。
Authorisation for temporary stay:a visa issued by a Netherlands diplomatic or consular mission in the country of origin or in the country of ordinary residence or by the Office of the Governor of the Netherlands Antilles or by the Office of the Governor of Aruba in those countries,with the prior authorisation of Our Minister for Foreign Affairs,for a stay of longer than three months.临时居留授权是指在原籍国或惯常居留国由荷兰外交或领事馆代表团或由外交部长授权的荷兰安的列斯群岛总督或阿鲁巴总督颁发的签证,居留期限不得超过3个月。(荷兰2000年外国人法第1(h)条)
If a Contracting Party has issued an asylum seeker with a visa,of whatever type,or a residence permit,it shall be responsible for processing the application.If the visa was issued on the authorisation of another Contracting Party,the Contracting Party which gave the authorisation shall be responsible.如果一缔约国已经给庇护寻求者签发了无论何种类型的签证,或居留许可,都应负责处理该申请。如果该签证得到其他缔约国授权而签发,则给予授权的缔约国应负责。(2000年申根协议第30.1(a)条)
Any person who —(a)refuses or neglects to appear before an immigration officer as required by subsection(1)or who leaves the place of examination without the authorisation of that officer;shall each be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $4,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.任何人—(a)根据第(1)款规定,拒绝或故意不向移民官员报到的或未经该官员授权离开检查地点的行为应视为犯罪行为,并应被判处不超过4000美元的罚金或不超过12个月的监禁或两者并罚。(新加坡1959年移民法2008年修订版第25A(4)(a)条)
authorisation for detention羁留授权书;拘留授权书
The authorisation certificate to detain someone.拘留某人的授权令。
authorised officer /official获授权官员
In migration context,authorised officers refer to those who have right to check/examine those crossing the country's border under that country's provisions or exercise the power under immigration law.移徙背景下,获授权官员指根据国家法律规定有权检查那些跨越边境的人员或根据移民法行使权力的官员。
Authorised migration officer means a Commonwealth officer whose duties consist of,or include,the performance of functions,or the exercise of powers,under this Act.获授权的移徙官员指职责为或包括履行职责,或依据本法行使权力的联邦官员。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第503A(9)条)
Authorised officer,when used in a provision of this Act,means an officer authorised in writing by the Minister or the Secretary for the purposes of that provision.在本法条款中,获授权官员指由移民局长或部长以书面形式授权本法规定的官员。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
An alien wishing to enter or leave BiH shall be subject to control by an officer authorised to control the crossing of the state border,and is obliged to subject both his/her luggage and his/her vehicle to that control.希望进入或离开波黑的外国人受到获授权官员的指挥,来管理穿越波黑边境,外国人员有义务将其行李及交通工具交由该官员管制。(波黑外国人流动、居留及庇护法第10(2)条)
authorised person获授权的人员
It means the person who has got the authority from Minister of Immigration or the Home Office.指从移民部长或内政部长获授权的人员。
Authorised person means a person who is authorised by the designated professional body concerned to practise as a member of the profession whose members are regulated by that body.得到授权的人员指由被指定的相关专业机构授权履责作为该机构管理的专业人员。(英国1999 移民与庇护法第90(5)条)
The chairman of the Refugee Board or a person authorised by the chairman shall refer a case to be considered under section 53(6)or(8)to(10).难民委员会主席或由主席授权的人员可以根据第53(6)条或第(8)(9)(10)条提出予以考虑的情况。(丹麦外国人法第56(1)条)
authorised port of entry/authorised airport指定的入境口岸/指定机场
See approved port.见规定的口岸。
Authorised port of entry,authorised airport means a sea port or an airport notified by the Prime Minister in the Gazette to be an authorized port of entry for the purposes of this Act,and until otherwise notified includes Fua'amotu Airport,Nuku'alofa Harbour,Lifuka Harbour Ha'apai,Neiafu Harbour Vava'u,and Niuatoputapu Harbour.指定的入境口岸,指定的机场是指由总理在政府公告中告知的海港或机场,此外包括富阿阿莫图机场、努库阿洛法、利富卡岛港哈派、内亚富港以及纽阿托普塔普港。(汤加1969年移民法1988年修订第2条)
Authorised airport means any airport notified by the Minister by notice in the Gazette to be an authorised airport for the purposes of this Act,and until otherwise notified includes the airports at Nadi and Nausori as at present defined.由部长通过政府公告形式通告的机场为本法规定的指定机场,并包括目前指定的楠迪、瑙苏里机场,除非有其他通告。(斐济1971年移民法第2条)
An administrative unit of government.政府行政单位。
His or her residence shall be restricted to the district of the foreigners authority concerned,unless the foreigners authority stipulates otherwise.其居留应限定在相关外国人管理机构规定的区域内,除非外国人管理机构有其他的规定。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第54a(2)条)
The payments or contributions shall be made through the Authority,which shall distribute them to States Parties to this Convention,on the basis of equitable sharing criteria,taking into account the interests and needs of deve-loping States,particularly the least developed and the land-locked among them.费用或实物应通过管理局缴纳。管理局应根据公平分享的标准将其分配给本公约各缔约国,同时考虑到发展中国家的利益和需要,特别是其中最不发达的国家和内陆国的利益和需要。(联合国海洋法公约第82(4)条)
States Parties may agree that the hearing shall be conducted by a judicial authority of the requesting State Party and attended by a judicial authority of the requested State Party.缔约国可商定由请求缔约国司法当局进行询问且询问时应有被请求缔约国司法当局在场。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第(18)条)
1.To give legal authority;to empower.2.To formally approve;to sanction.1.给予法律权(力、限、威);授权。2.正式批准;许可。
Anything that may be done by the Minister under this Act may be done by a person that the Minister authorizes in writing,without proof of the authenticity of the authorization.根据本法凡部长所做的任何事都可由部长通过书面形式授权人员所为,而无须验证授权的真实。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第6(2)条)
The flag State may authorize the requesting State,inter alia:(a)To board the vessel;(b)To search the vessel;and(c)If evidence is found that the vessel is engaged in the smuggling of migrants by sea,to take appropriate measures with respect to the vessel and persons and cargo on board,as authorized by the flag State.除其他事项外,船旗国还可授权请求国:(a)登船;(b)搜查船只;以及(c)如发现该船从事海上偷运移民活动的证据,按船旗国授权对该船只和船上人员及货物采取适当措施。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书附件三第8(2)条)
autogate system自动门系统
Immigration clearance system used in combin-ation with identity Smart Cards to facilitate entry and exit at border checkpoints.与智能身份卡一起使用的以方便在边境检查站入境、出境的移民检查系统。
automatic acquisition of nationality自动获得国籍
Any ex lege mode of acquisition of nationality,i.e.acquisition of nationality by an act of law that does not require some form of expression of intent(application,declaration,making use of an option or similar action)by the target person or his or her legal agent in order to acquire nationality.依据法律获得国籍的任何方式,即由目的人或其合法代理人通过法律不需要的某些意图(申请、声明、选择或类似行动)的表述方式获得国籍。
automatic loss of nationality自动丧失国籍
Any ex lege mode of loss of nationality,i.e.loss of nationality by an act of law that requires neither explicit expression of intent(applic-ation,declaration,making use of an option or similar modalities)by the target person or his or her legal agent to renounce nationality,nor a decision or act by a public authority.依据法律丧失国籍的任何方式,即由目的人或其合法代理人通过法律不需要的某些意图(申请、声明、选择或类似行动)声明放弃国籍,也不需要公共机构进行裁决。
Being disposable,obtainable,accessible,approachable or attainable.可供使用的、可获得的、可达到的、可靠近的或可得到的。
The judge shall,on the basis of the information and evidence available,determine whether the certificate is reasonable and whether the decision on the application for protection,if any,is lawfully made.在现有资料和证据的基础上,法官应确定证书是否合理,申请保护的决定如果存在的话是否合法。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第80(1)条)
For the purposes of this article and article 13 of this Convention,each State Party shall empower its courts or other competent authorities to order that bank,financial or commercial records be made available or be seized.States Parties shall not decline to act under the provisions of this paragraph on the ground of bank secrecy.为本公约本条和第13条的目的,各缔约国均应使其法院或其他主管当局有权下令提供或扣押银行、财务或商务记录。缔约国不得以银行保密为由拒绝按照本款规定采取行动。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第12(6)条)