Sonnet 6

BE nought nought:(什么也)没有,没有什么东西[什么事],什么东西[什么事]也不……。 dismayd that her unmouéd mind,

Doth still persist in her rebellious pride:

Such loue, not lyke to lusts of baser kynd,

The harder wonne, the firmer will abide.

The durefull durefull:也许是“耐久的,持久的”之义,但却“困难的,难对付”(橡木木质紧,燃烧起来很慢)。 Oake whose sap is not yet dride

Is long ere it conceive the kindling fyre:

But when it once doth burne, it doth diuide divide:发出。

Great heat, and makes his flames to heauen aspire.

So hard it is to kindle new desire,

In gentle brest, that shall endure for euer:

Deepe is the wound that dints the parts entire entire:留下令人震撼的印象。

With chast affects affect:想要,渴望,希望(做某事)。, that naught but death can seuer.

Then thinke not long in taking litle paine

To knit the knot, that euer shall remaine remaine:婚姻。.