Sonnet 23

PENELOPE Penelope:【希腊神话】彭妮洛佩;贞妇。彭妮洛佩是伊萨卡岛国国王奥德修斯的妻子。她在奥德修斯离开故乡前去参加特洛伊战争前不久生下一子,从此一直苦苦等了丈夫二十年,所以被视作忠诚和贞节的象征。, for her Ulisses Ulisses:【罗马神话】尤利西斯〔即希腊神话中的奥德修斯(Odyssus);曾参加围攻特洛伊(Troy)城,智勇双全,亦为荷马史诗《奥德修记》(Odyssey)的主人翁。 sake,

Deuized a web her wooers to deceaue:

In which the worke that she all day did make

The same at night she did againe unreaue unreaue:荷马史诗《奥德修记》中的主人公奥德修斯在丈夫出征在外期间,推脱所有求婚的借口是等她织好网以后就会从他们中间挑一个结婚,可她每天晚上都会把自己白天织的网拆掉。.

Such subtile craft my damzell doth conceaue conceaue:图谋;策划。,

Th'importune importune:坚持的,缠扰不休的 suit of my desire to shonne shonne:闪避,躲避。:

For all that I in many dayes doo weaue,

In one short houre I find by her undonne.

So when I thinke to end that that:……的。 I begonne,

I must begin and neuer bring to end:

For with one looke she spils spils:毁坏。 that long I sponne sponne:我花了很长时间编织的。,

And with one word my whole years work doth rend.

Such labour like the spyders web I fynd,

Whose fruitlesse worke is broken with least wynd.