Sonnet 25

HOW long shall this lyke dying lyfe lyfe:更像是奄奄一息地活着。 endure,

And know no end of her owne mysery:

But wast and weare away in termes termes:条款。 unsure,

Twixt feare and hope depending depending:悬而未决的。 doubtfully.

Yet better were attonce to let me die,

And shew the last ensample of your pride:

Then to torment me thus with cruelty,

To prove your powre, which I too wel have tride tride:体验过的。.

But yet if in your hardned brest ye hide,

A close close:隐秘的。 intent at last to shew me grace:

Then all the woes and wrecks which I abide abide:经受(检阅、考验等);经验,经历(变迁等);遭受(苦难等)。,

As meanes of blisse I gladly wil embrace.

And wish that more and greater they might be,

That greater meede meede:报酬,酬劳,奖赏,酬金。 at last may turne to mee.