Sonnet 27

FAIRE proud! now tell me, why should faire be proud,

Sith sith:……以来,以后,自从……的时候起。 all worlds glorie is but drosse uncleane:

And in the shade of death it selfe shall shroud shroud:衣服。,

How euer now thereof ye litle weene.

That goodly idoll now so gay beseene,

Shall doffe her fleshes borowd fayre attyre attyre:她的美好形象,皮囊犹如租借来的衣裳,将来必然要脱下来。:

And be forgot as it it:也许指没有性别的Idoll。 had neuer beene,

That many now much worship worship:尊敬;尊重;给与荣誉,给与……的光荣;以……为荣; and admire.

Ne any then shall after it inquire,

Ne any mention shall thereof remaine:

But but:除……之外。 what this verse, that neuer shall expyre,

Shall to you purchas with her thankles paine paine:辛辛苦苦为伊人赢得,但却得不到伊人感激的。.

Faire, be no lenger proud of that shall perish,

But that that:……的。 which shal you make immortall, cherish.