Sonnet 28

THE laurell leafe which you this day doe weare,

Guies me great hope of your relenting mynd:

For since it is the badg which I doe beare,

Ye, bearing it, doe seeme to me inclind inclind:古时候,桂冠是胜利者佩戴的荣耀之冠。:

The powre thereof, which ofte in me I find,

Let it lykewise your gentle brest inspire

With sweet infusion, and put you in mind

Of that proud mayd, whom now those leaves attyre.

Proud Daphne, scorning Phoebus louely fyre,

On the Thessalian shore from him did flee:

For which the gods, in theyr revengefull yre

Did her transforme into a laurell tree.

Then fly no more, fayre loue, from Phebus chace chace:追求。,

But in your brest his leafe and love embrace embrace:奥维德《变形记》中描述了达芙妮为摆脱福波斯的追求而变成月桂树的故事。达芙妮是河神的女儿,希腊诸神中最美的女神之一。达芙妮是一位妩媚动人的仙女。有一天,当她兴高采烈地在林中游玩时,发现太阳神福波斯用异常惊奇与饮慕的目光盯着自己。光芒四射的太阳使她害怕得飞跑起来。热切的太阳神紧随其后,因为她的美丽与优雅触发了他的激情。他惟恐这将是他们的最后一面。快步如飞的仙女拚命地奔跑,但情绪激昂的福波斯紧追不放。她越过旷野,穿过人迹罕至的树林,气喘吁吁地向她的父亲(河神)求救。于是河神将她变成一棵月桂树。太阳神唉声叹气地拥抱着树干,树干缩细了。为了表示他对仙女未泯的爱情,他将月桂树作为他最喜爱的树种,并决定将它作为一种对荣誉与威望的奖励,把它授予那些能写出流芳百世的诗歌的诗人。因此最杰出的诗人总希望获得桂冠诗人的尊号。.