Sonnet 31

AH! why hath Nature to so hard a hart,

Given so goodly giftes of beauties grace?

Whose pryde depraves depraves:掠夺。 each other better part,

And all those pretious ornaments deface deface:即defaces。这种语法现象在斯宾塞时代是可以接受的。.

Sith to all other beastes of bloody race,

A dreadfull countenaunce she given hath:

That with theyr terrour al the rest may chace,

And warne to shun the daunger of theyr wrath.

But my proud one doth worke the greater scath scath:伤害。,

Through sweet allurement of her lovely hew hew:形状。:

That she the better may in bloody bath,

Of such poore thralls her cruell hands embrew embrew:弄脏,染污;沾污,玷污(名誉)等。.

But did she know how ill these two accord,

Such cruelty she would have soone abhord.