- SQL Injection Strategies
- Ettore Galluccio Edoardo Caselli Gabriele Lombari
- 485字
- 2025-02-17 17:40:34
Chapter 1: Structured Query Language for SQL Injection
Today's world relies on the concept of cyberspace every day: the internet allows people all around the globe to connect to computers in any part of the world. This enables instant fruition of many services that rely on a plethora of technologies, protocols, and mechanisms that constitute the basis for whatever is available on the World Wide Web. Unfortunately, the theme of security is relevant for this intricate web of connections and services in the same way it is for the real world.
Malicious agents perform attacks against computers worldwide every day, mostly just for personal gain or advantage. By exploiting online applications and services, in fact, it may be possible to gain control of computers or entire networks, thereby taking advantage of specific of the intrinsic vulnerabilities of some technologies, protocols, frameworks, or just applications. One of the most common – and notorious – ways to do so is through SQL injection, which is a specific type of attack that tries to exploit the syntax of a language used in databases – SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language – in order to access otherwise unobtainable information present on a database, including the ones responsible for account authentication, which contain usernames and passwords used to access services. Despite being a well-known attack, vulnerable applications are still present today, hinting to the fact that, sometimes, security in the context of application development is not considered enough.
This book aims to give insight on the matter of SQL injection by explaining what it is all about both in terms of theory and practice.
This chapter serves as a theoretical introduction to the matter, describing at a high-level what SQL is, what it is used for, and its possible weaknesses that lead to SQL injection. This theoretical overview is crucial in order to understand the concepts behind SQL injection that will be further explored in the next chapter.
After introducing the concepts of databases, database management systems and models, queries, and SQL specifically, aspects of syntax and logic will be covered, quickly showing the main constructs and items that can lead to security weaknesses in the use of SQL, ultimately leading to the core matter: SQL injection.
In this chapter, the following topics will be covered:
- An overview of SQL – a relational query language: A preliminary overview of SQL, our main language of reference that SQL injection is traditionally based on, and the relational model versus other DBMS models.
- Syntax and logic of SQL: An explanation of the main concepts and constructs behind SQL, some of which could be exploited by malicious attackers.
- Security implications of SQL: A brief introduction to the concept of security in SQL and its use in applications.
- Weakness in the use of SQL: An explanation of the main pitfalls an application relying on SQL can have, highlighting some general advice in secure development.