- React Native Blueprints
- Emilio Rodriguez Martinez
- 311字
- 2025-02-24 19:33:06
About the Reviewers
Mike Grabowski is a CTO and co-founder of Callstack (callstack.com), a consultancy that helps developers and businesses launch their apps for everyone, on many platforms, at the same time. Right now, it is done with the help of React Native. He is also on a React Native core team where he helps to orchestrate monthly releases of the framework. At Callstack, he does a whole bunch of open source activities for the community, including React Native EU--the first conference to focus on React Native in the world. When not working, he enjoys driving his BMW on a race track.
Christoph Michel is a software engineer who's been involved with React Native since its early release in 2015. He has published several React Native apps on the App Store. He also develops open source components and writes technical articles on cmichel.io.
Alessandro Molina, partner at AXANT.it, a software engineer at Crunch.IO, and a father of two, has been passionate about web and mobile development for the past 15 years. He is particularly involved in the Python community and is the author of the DukPy project, which runs React and JavaScript in pure Python environments. He is also a core developer of the TurboGears2 Python Web Framework and co-maintainer of widely used web development libraries and technologies in Python and MongoDB environments such as the Beaker Session and Caching framework and the Ming MongoDB ODM.
He was also the original author of the AXMEAS hybrid multiplatform mobile development framework, which is used to create mobile apps that run on iOS, Android, Windows, and on other browsers. In his spare time, Alessandro enjoys exploring big data and machine learning solutions applied to nearly real-time use cases and traveling with his family to learn new things, not only about software but about the world and culture too.