How to do it...

In this recipe you manage WSUS updates:

  1. Open a PowerShell session, and view the overall status of all Windows updates on WSUS1:
      $WSUSServer = Get-WsusServer
  1. View the computer targets:
  1. View the installed updates on DC1 using Get-Hotfix and Get-SilWindowsUpdate:
      Get-HotFix -ComputerName DC1
      $CimSession = New-CimSession -ComputerName DC1
      Get-SilWindowsUpdate -CimSession $CimSession
      $CimSession | Remove-CimSession
  1. Search the WSUS server for updates with titles containing Windows Server 2016 that are classified as security updates, newest to oldest, and store them in a variable. Examine the variable using Get-Member, reviewing the properties and methods of the Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.Update object:
       $SecurityUpdates = $WSUSServer.SearchUpdates( `
"Windows Server 2016") |
Where-Object -Property UpdateClassificationTitle `
-eq 'Security Updates' |
Sort-Object -Property CreationDate -Descending $SecurityUpdates | Get-Member
  1. View the matching updates:
      $SecurityUpdates | 
Select-Object -Property CreationDate, Title
  1. Select one of the updates to approve based on the KB article ID:
      $SelectedUpdate = $SecurityUpdates |
Where-Object -Property KnowledgebaseArticles -eq 4019472
  1. Define the computer target group where you will approve this update:
      $DCTargetGroup = $WSUSServer.GetComputerTargetGroups() |
         Where-Object -Property Name -eq 'Domain Controllers'
  1. Approve the update for installation in the target group:
  1. Select one of the updates to decline based on the KB article ID:
      $DeclinedUpdate = $SecurityUpdates | 
Where-Object -Property KnowledgebaseArticles -eq 4020821
  1. Decline the update: