How to do it...

  1. Define the user who is to be given access to this printer and get the group's security principal details:
      $GroupName = 'Sales Group'
      $Group = New-Object -Typename 
Security.Principal.NTAccount `
-Argumentlist $GroupName
  1. Next, get the group's SID:
       $GroupSid = $Group.Translate([Security.Principal.
  1. Now define the SDDL that gives this user access to the printer:
  1. Display the details:
      'Group Name : {0}' -f $GroupName
      'Group SID : {0}'  -f $GroupSid
      'SDDL : {0}'       -f $SDDL
  1. Get the Sales Group printer object:
      $SGPrinter = Get-Printer -Name SGCP1
  1. Set the Permissions:
      $SGPrinter | Set-Printer -Permission $SDDL