Making a stealthy initial archive

 As a refresher, you can create an archive of a website by doing the following:

httrack "" -O "/tmp/" "+**"

The –O points to the output location (some locally accessible drive where you plan to access the mirror from).  While help may prove useful ( hattrack --help or man help), you'll get more out of the manual volunteered by Fred Cohen on the HTTrack website ( As Mr. Cohen reveals, there are a ton of switches in the CLI, and understanding the defaults for many of those is useful in crafting your own go-to mirror operation. More sophisticated sites will take measures to prevent mirroring from utilities such as HTTrack, including recursive links and directory structures, domain splitting, and obfuscating links using scripts to impair your ability to mirror them. Drastic measures such as IP blacklisting or throttling may also be employed, so it is best to only employ these tools with care, tuning, and respect for the website's owners.