About the Author

James Denton lives with his beautiful wife, Amanda, and son, Wyatt, in San Antonio, Texas. He is an experienced IT professional with extensive experience in application networking technologies and OpenStack Networking. James is a principal architect at Rackspace and currently supports OpenStack Networking for customers of the Rackspace Private Cloud product. He can be found on Twitter as @jimmdenton and on Freenode IRC as busterswt.

I'd like to thank my wife, Amanda, for providing encouragement and patience throughout the writing of this book and its predecessor. I would also like to thank my team and managers at Rackspace for reviewing many rough drafts and providing excellent feedback.

Without NASA, Rackspace, and the ever-growing OpenStack community, the opportunity to write this book would not have been possible. I would like to extend thanks to everyone involved, in the past and present, in making OpenStack what it is today.